
在 italki 上尋找 義大利語 教師

尋找最適合您的線上 義大利語 輔導老師:從我們經驗豐富的線上 義大利語 教師中進行選擇,獲得最佳學習體驗。

和 Monica 老師學習 義大利語 。

207 堂課


id verified
SPEAKS :義大利語

As soon as I graduated I started helping other students or friends in language learning and I kept teaching in between jobs or in my spare time. I do one to one, face to face or online lessons. I feel genuinely satisfied when I see results in my students and I think that conversation is a really powerful way to learn a new language as it allows us to learn having fun, sharing our ideas and experiences and comparing our cultures and traditions, that is, free from the burden of grammar rules and without even realizing we are learning.

USD 6.00/試聽課程
和 Natalia 老師學習 義大利語 。

1,153 堂課


id verified
SPEAKS :義大利語

Results oriented teacher with 10 years of experience As your language teacher, I will teach you not only the language but I'll tell you lots about the culture, history and people. The first 2 languages (Italian and English) I learnt at the university and I'm studying Brazilian Portuguese by myself, sometimes taking private classes. That's why when teaching I'm trying to unite the best of my experience for getting the result sooner.

USD 17.00/小時
和 Italiano con Marco 老師學習 義大利語 。

729 堂課

Italiano con Marco

id verified
SPEAKS :義大利語

Tutor della community con oltre 5 anni di esperienza di lavoro nelle scuole. - 🇺🇲 I worked in schools for years and I have been teaching for some time. I am an Italian native speaker and I also know the English language very well. I have different types of material to teach the written, spoken and read Italian language. - 🇮🇹 Ho lavorato nelle scuole per anni ed insegno già da tempo. Sono italiano madrelingua e conosco molto bene anche la lingua inglese. Ho diversi tipi di materiale per insegnare la lingua italiana scritta, parlata e letta

USD 7.49/試聽課程
和 Sofia Inguaggiato 老師學習 義大利語 。

Sofia Inguaggiato

id verified
SPEAKS :義大利語

Friendly italian tutor As a teacher, I'm very patient and aim to be seen more as a friendly, approachable person you can talk to freely without fear of judgment— like a friend. I always listen to your needs and will adapt each lesson to what you require, so, in the trial lesson, feel free to tell me your preferred approach, whether you want to be corrected or not, the topics you enjoy discussing, and if you'd like to use additional resources.

USD 5.00/試聽課程
和 Samar 老師學習 義大利語 。

889 堂課


id verified
SPEAKS :義大利語
阿拉伯語 (埃及)

I have been teaching italian since 2014 as i said in the video , i also teach italian to the senior students who study italian in high school here in Alexandria , i think i have a good experience in this field i can teach you Egyptian arabic from conversations , i can help you to learn the alphabet so you will be able to read and write and this course is for those who are interested in our culture i can give also greek lessons for the beginners A1 and A2 as i can help them also to prepare for international exams i wish i could help as much as i can

USD 5.00/試聽課程
和 Marcella 老師學習 義大利語 。

509 堂課


id verified
SPEAKS :義大利語

Patient, Clear Speaking, Italian/Spanish Teacher with over 5 years of experience 🇮🇹 🇪🇸 🇬🇧 My role as your tutor is to equip you with the language you need and to practise your target language together until you feel comfortable enough to use it in real-life communication. Moreover, I believe that is significant to know the different ways of conveying the same "idea" to boost the vocabulary, the way of speaking and, above all, to sound like a native! Our discussions will include regular feedback on your progress and advice on what to do next. I love Italy, the Spanish language, discovering new cultures and traveling. I'm looking forward to hear from you and help you achieve your goals.

USD 17.00/試聽課程
和 Olga 老師學習 義大利語 。

1,845 堂課


id verified
SPEAKS :義大利語
那不勒斯語 (Napoletano)
希臘語 (古代)

Learn languages and their history with me! I am a native Italian speaker, graduated in History and Historical sciences. I'm doing a PhD at Vatican Apostolic Library about archives; i've learnt English for 5 years (getting a C2 certification), Latin and Greek at school for 5 years (and then improved them at university) and I've been teaching Italian/ English for 8 years both to foreign students and local ones. I try to make the student feel at ease.

USD 8.00/試聽課程
08:15 明天 有時間
和 Ettore 老師學習 義大利語 。

93 堂課


id verified
SPEAKS :義大利語

I love my country and its culture, I can’t wait to share it with you!!! Mi ritengo un insegnante versatile. Le mie lezioni sono adatte a tutti, per principianti o studenti più avanzati. Posso insegnare di tutto, dalle basi della grammatica italiana ai vocaboli, fino ad arrivare a un ottimo livello di conversazione. Come potete vedere dal mio profilo, offro tre tipi di lezioni diverse, ma se avrai richieste particolari, posso organizzare una lezione dedicata a ciò che preferisci! Se vuoi informazioni riguardo alle lezioni che offro, puoi compilare il modulo di contatto sul mio profilo, o scrivermi in chat! A presto!

USD 5.00/試聽課程
20:45 今天 有時間
和 Alice 老師學習 義大利語 。

3,381 堂課


id verified
SPEAKS :義大利語

👋🤝Ciao, piacere! Experienced, dedicate and fun teacher, DITALS certified, CELI examiner 👩‍🏫😊 I want you to see me not as a traditional teacher who simply explains concepts but as a coach who accompanies you on your personal linguistic journey. I have been teaching Italian as a foreign language for 8 years, to different learners (for age, interests, needs, levels, mother tongue). I do this job with professionality and passion. I have DITALS certification of the University of Siena that attests my competence in teaching Italian as a Foreign Language, with focus in the Adult Learners Profile and I am also a CELI examiner. I like to joke and laugh during the lessons, clarify all your doubts or questions, give all the examples necessary to make you understand the topic 100%.

USD 5.00/試聽課程
和 Anna 老師學習 義大利語 。

4,819 堂課


id verified
SPEAKS :義大利語

Certified italian teacher with a great experience with lots of students from all over the world. Sono molto motivata, penso che il segreto per l'apprendimento di una lingua è la costanza, non mi limito alla conversazione, ma anche a letture, traduzioni, esercizi di ascolto. Posso fornire siti utili e consigliare libri. Il linguaggio ha aspetti molteplici e non ci si può soffermare solo su uno di essi. Essendo una studentessa di lingue e avendo avuto esperienze nell'ambito dell'insegnamento di una seconda lingua, conosco quali possano essere le difficoltà e so cosa uno studente cerca dal suo insegnante, primo aspetto fra tutti è la professionalità e un metodo efficace. Non sono un'insegnate esigente, per me è importante valorizzare gli errori per capire e migliorare.

USD 8.00/試聽課程
和 Elisabetta Ricci 老師學習 義大利語 。

Elisabetta Ricci

id verified
SPEAKS :義大利語

Sono un'insegnante di italiano molto socievole, attenta e scrupolosa. Sono molto paziente infatti per me la sfida è soprattutto insegnare l'italiano a chi comincia da zero. Mi pace moltissimo anche aiutare chi deve migliorare il proprio italiano e parte da un livello più avanzato. Io amo conoscere i miei studenti e instaurare con loro un rapporto di fiducia reciproca.

USD 5.00/試聽課程
和 Angela Guardascione 老師學習 義大利語 。

534 堂課

Angela Guardascione

id verified
SPEAKS :義大利語
那不勒斯語 (Napoletano)

I like to create an informal environment, I want my students to feel comfortable and free to talk and also to make mistakes, because I think that's the best way to learn a language. I love my first language and I will try to share this love with my students also by teaching them idioms, that are very helpful when it's time to talk to native speakers.

USD 5.00/試聽課程
10:45 今天 有時間
和 Rosa Malizia 老師學習 義大利語 。

2,153 堂課

Rosa Malizia

id verified
SPEAKS :義大利語

I like to put at the service of my students my language skills to help them in learning Italian and in achieving their goals. I am patient and I have listening skills, a characteristic that allows me to meet the needs of all and to study learning programs adapted to the objectives of each person. Mi piace mettere al servizio dei miei studenti le mie competenze linguistiche per aiutarli nell'apprendimento dell'italiano e nel raggiungimento dei loro obiettivi. Sono paziente e ho capacità di ascolto, caratteristica che mi permette di venire incontro alle esigenze di tutti e di studiare programmi di apprendimento adatti agli obiettivi di ognuno.

USD 5.00/試聽課程
和 Emanuela 老師學習 義大利語 。

1,005 堂課


id verified
SPEAKS :義大利語

Ho deciso di iniziare questa esperienza perché mi piacerebbe aiutarti a migliorare il tuo italiano facendo conversazione su argomenti quotidiani, ma anche a scelta, da decidere insieme. Sono una persona molto paziente che ti metterà a tuo agio durante le lezioni aiutandoti a superare eventuali difficoltà.

USD 7.00/試聽課程
和 Jelena 老師學習 義大利語 。

2,070 堂課


id verified
SPEAKS :義大利語

Master in applied linguistics - professor with 5 years experience and over 3000 lessons I started to do private lessons years ago, and I discovered I love it! Then I started to teach online in 2017. I had students from all over the world, and I have experience in teaching Italian, Spanish, English and Serbian to students of all ages and levels. I always try to make student feel comfortable, so I always listen their requirements and preferences. I have so much material that we can use for learning, so it's always student's choice. With some students I worked for several years and saw their progress from comletely beginner to being able to speak only in the target language.

USD 5.00/試聽課程
和 Lidia Bonata 老師學習 義大利語 。

1,116 堂課

Lidia Bonata

id verified
SPEAKS :義大利語

I am a dreamer, I believe in opportunities, Don't give up. I've been teaching Italian since 2004, Spanish since 2013, and online since 2017. I've taught in private schools and universities, I've taught basic literacy for asylum-seekers, and I've worked 1-on-1 with students from all over the world. I have got to know people from many different cultures, but the most important part of my lessons is the individual who is learning. I have a degree in occupational psychology, and have previously worked in the area of personnel selection and development. I attended university courses for teaching Italian as a foreign language, and I continue to take refresher courses for teaching languages online. I have a DELE C2 level certification in Spanish

USD 17.00/試聽課程
06:00 明天 有時間
和 alberto 老師學習 義大利語 。

424 堂課


id verified
SPEAKS :義大利語

I am a qualified English teacher but I have later specialised in teaching Italian as a second language and after years working in private K-12/language schools in Istanbul I have started a freelance adventure. It has been a satisfying and fulfilling journey so far. My current job involves not only teaching general Italian but also preparing students who want to take one of the Italian official certifications such as CILS, CELI etc as well as preparing for University entry tests.

USD 7.00/試聽課程
和 Giuliana M 老師學習 義大利語 。

7 堂課

Giuliana M

id verified
SPEAKS :義大利語

Insegnante certificata CEDILS con oltre 10 anni di esperienza 2. I teach Italian to foreigners for more than ten years, I started in Angola forming students who wanted to go to Italian universities. I kept teaching here in my city at private schools and centers for political refugees, having so an experience that gave me the chance to test my teaching on different types of people from different cultures and educational backgrounds. Ensino italiano para estrangeiros hà mais de 10 anos, comecei no exterior e tenho continuado a dar aulas aqui na minha cidade em escolas particulares e em centros para refugiados políticos, o que me proporcionou a oportunidade de experimentar o meu ensino com diversas tipologias de pessoas.

USD 5.00/試聽課程
和 Valentina 老師學習 義大利語 。

151 堂課


id verified
SPEAKS :義大利語

Insegnante di italiano e inglese per passione - Passionate Italian and English teacher Prendo sul serio ogni studente e lo seguo dall'inizio alla fine del corso. Sono sempre disponibile per aiutare con compiti extra se necessario e con consigli su come migliorare la lingua. I take every student seriously and follow them from the beginning to the end of the course. I am always available to help with extra homework if needed and with advice on how to improve the language. Я серьезно отношусь к каждому студенту и следую за ним от начала и до конца курса. Я всегда готов помочь с дополнительными заданиями, если это необходимо, и с советами о том, как улучшить язык

USD 5.75/試聽課程
和 Adrian 老師學習 義大利語 。

1,621 堂課


id verified
SPEAKS :義大利語
波斯語 (Farsi)

I'd like lessons to be fun as well as rewarding. In the next section I propose a way to organize our time but I'm open for any requests from students that wish to personalize their lessons.

USD 5.00/試聽課程


學習意大利語需要母語老師嗎?尋找線上語言輔導老師的最佳方式是通過像 italki.com 這樣的專業線上教學網站。在 italki 上,您可以從 1000 多名意大利語教師和線上輔導老師中選擇!
但是如何為您選擇最好的意大利語老師?在選擇 italki 上最好的線上語言老師時,每個學生都必須考慮幾個因素。例如,首先,您應該確認他們在教意大利語方面有多少年的經驗。人們普遍認為,經驗豐富的教師能更有效地幫助學生更快地提高語言水平。其次,考慮向他們以前的學生徵求建議或反饋。在 italki 上,您可以在每位教師的個人頁面上輕鬆查看評論和學生的反饋。第三,與選定的線上導師取得聯繫並確認他們的空閒時間。線上課程很容易安排,但這並不意味著您的導師在您計劃上課的時間和日期總是有空。事先確認他們有空。最後,在您購買套裝課程之前要求參加試聽課程。試聽課將幫助您更好地了解您的線上輔導老師以及教學方法。您會看到你們如何相處以及他們的教學方法是否適合您。

您不一定需要一位以意大利語為母語的老師來學好這門語言。 非母語教師通常和母語人士一樣好,因為教學需要大量的準備、軟技能、動力,而不僅僅是了解一門語言。 在 italki 上,您會發現許多經驗豐富且學生評價極佳的意大利教師,他們並非意大利人。 事實上,對於我們一些評價最高的老師來說,意大利語是第二甚至第三語言! 非母語人士成為比母語人士更好的教師的主要原因之一是他們的個人語言學習經驗。 畢竟,所有的非母語教師都曾經和他們的學生現在在同一個地方:學生的課桌。

The Internet is the best place to find an private Italian tutor who gives you Italian tuition online. Most language learning websites sell complete online language courses, but some are offering one-on-one private lessons or free language exchange between students. italki is a great place to find hundreds of private Italian tutors. We have more than 1,000 Italian teachers and online tutors. Our platform allows you to book 1-on-1 lessons at affordable prices and take private Italian lessons at a time and place convenient for you.
While enrolling in an online language course is cheaper, individual lessons with a private tutor will help you to learn faster. Instead of spending 20+ hours repeating after an audio recording and doing redundant exercises, you can achieve the same level in just a few lessons with a private Italian tutor. That's why working with a private tutor is more practical and cost-effective.
To make a more informed choice and find the best Italian tutor, don't hesitate to research their background and ask about their experience. Just keep in mind your language learning goals and your reasons to learn Italian. If you have a clear idea of the language points that you need to improve or you lack experience with, ask your private Italian tutor to help you with those specific points and to prepare a language plan based on your requirements.
Of course, when you're looking for a private Italian tutor, you should consider their teaching experience and fees. Private lessons' pricing varies a lot depending on the tutor's background and on the lesson types. General and conversational Italian lessons are usually cheaper than business and exam preparation lessons. Also, native Italian teachers tend to charge more than non-native teachers. Choosing between a native or a non-native teacher can affect your pronunciation, but improve your grammar and learning. The quality of the study materials the teacher will use is also important as it will directly affect your learning process. And of course, their teaching experience should also be an important criterion when you look for an Italian tutor and you make your decision. Experienced teachers are on average more effective in raising student achievement than less experienced teachers.


在 Italki 上聘請線上意大利語教師的比例會因教師的經驗、課程長短、他們當前的地理位置、他們的母語等不同因素而異。
例如,一個 60 分鐘的專業意大利語老師的課程價格從 $17 到 $19 美金不等! 同樣,意大利輔導老師的 45 分鐘課程將花費您 $12 到 $14 美金。 在 italki 上 60 分鐘的意大利語課程的平均費用僅為 $15 美金!