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Senin için en iyi Lehçe topluluk eğitmenini bul: tecrübeli online Lehçe öğretmenlerimizden seç ve en iyi öğrenme tecrübesini yaşa.

Julita öğretmen ile Lehçe öğren.

654 Ders


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I want to focus on conversations on a variety of topics. We also can talk about pronunciation, correct grammatical structure and Polish culture. If you just started learning we'll start with the basics or I you're a more advanced student we can have more complex conversations to improve your accent and vocabulary. Quiero centrarme en conversaciones sobre una variedad de temas. También podemos hablar sobre la pronunciación, la estructura gramatical correcta y la cultura polaca. Si acabas de empezar a aprender, empezaremos con lo básico o si eres un estudiante más avanzado, podemos tener conversaciones más complejas para mejorar tu acento y vocabulario.

USD 9.00/deneme
Yvonne öğretmen ile Lehçe öğren.

303 Ders


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Prowadząc lekcje kieruję się prostą zasadą: jestem takim nauczycielem, jakiego sama chciałabym mieć. When conducting lessons, I follow a simple rule: I am the teacher I would like to have.

USD 6.00/deneme
Czesław öğretmen ile Lehçe öğren.

118 Ders


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Język polski nie gryzie! Jestem native speakerem, co oznacza, że mój polski jest na poziomie C2. Nigdy nie studiowałem języka polskiego, więc moja wiedza na temat gramatyki nie jest w pełni profesjonalna. Wolę rozmawiać niż tłumaczyć skomplikowane zawiłości językowe ;-) I'm a native speaker which means my Polish is on the level C2. I have newer studied Polish at the univesity, so I have vague knowledge about the grammar. I'd rather talk than explain some complicated intricacies.

USD 5.00/deneme
06:00Yarın Uygun
Weronika öğretmen ile Lehçe öğren.

1,337 Ders


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👩🏻‍🏫 I teach since August 2020. 🇵🇱 Uczę od sierpnia 2020. 👩🏻‍🏫 I'm patient. 🇵🇱 Jestem cierpliwa. 👩🏻‍🏫 I like grammar, but if you don't, that's fine :) 🇵🇱 Lubię gramatykę, ale jeśli ty nie, to nie szkodzi :) 👩🏻‍🏫 I taught people aged: 8-64 years old 🇵🇱 Uczyłam ludzi w wieku: 8-64 lata

USD 6.00/deneme
Dominik öğretmen ile Lehçe öğren.

124 Ders


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Ana dil

5 lat prowadzenia zajęć konwersacyjnych z języka polskiego dla obcokrajowców w ramach Miejskiej Aktywności Lokalnej na warszawskim Mokotowie - zajęcia grupowe i indywidualne. W tym czasie miałem okazję poznać niemal wszystkich mieszkańców Europy oraz wielu z Ameryki i Azji. Moim językiem ojczystym posługuję się już ponad 35 lat. 5 Jahre lang habe ich die Sprachunterrichte für Ausländer im Warschauer Mokotow-Kulturhaus erteilt - Gruppenunterricht und Einzelunterricht. In dieser Zeit hatte ich Gelegenheit, fast alle Einwohner Europas, viele aus dem Amerika und dem Asien kennen zu lernen. Meine Muttersprache verwende ich schon über 35 Jahre lang.

USD 13.00/deneme
05:00Yarın Uygun
Eliza öğretmen ile Lehçe öğren.

244 Ders


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Ana dil
Ana dil
Ana dil

Language teacher with over 20 years' experience I've been teaching languages since September 2000, so I've got plenty of experience in my job. I have taught students of all levels, mainly adults though: business people, diplomats, a few politicians, university students and TV presenters too back in Poland.

USD 21.00/Saat
Gregory Maciejowski öğretmen ile Lehçe öğren.

91 Ders

Gregory Maciejowski

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Let's have some fun together while learning languages. Teaching scuba diving and new languages share many similarities. I want to use that experience during my lessons.

USD 6.00/deneme
Martyna Urbańczyk öğretmen ile Lehçe öğren.

1,736 Ders

Martyna Urbańczyk

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Professional Community Tutor I’m a teacher for you, if: - you’re looking for personalized lessons ; - you’re looking for personalized learning materials ; - you’re looking for a teacher who puts thought into her lessons ; - you’re looking for a teacher who cares about your progress ; - you would like to learn grammar well ; - you would like to practice speaking on different topics. My favourite topics are: language learning, travelling, hiking, physics, books and reading, journaling, cosy Arctic living ; - you would like to practice Polish through writing ; - you would like to keep a journal in Polish. Let's study together! Będzie fajnie! 📚🖊️📒

USD 8.00/deneme
Amelia Jankowska öğretmen ile Lehçe öğren.

15 Ders

Amelia Jankowska

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I most look forward to helping everyone find joy in learning a new language - the same joy that I continuously find learning French. I approach everybody individually, taking into account their learning style and preferences so that they can improve the quickest. I want to find common interests with everyone so that learning becomes exciting and enjoyable. Najbardziej zależy mi, żeby pomóc każdemu znaleźć przyjemność w nauce nowego języka - tą samą przyjemność, którą ja odnajduje ucząc się francuskiego. Chciałabym podchodzić do każdego indywidualnie, biorąc pod uwagę jego styl nauki i preferencję. Próbuję znaleźć wspólne zainteresowania z każdym, żeby nauka była jak najmilsza.

USD 17.00/Saat
PL z Martyną öğretmen ile Lehçe öğren.

256 Ders

PL z Martyną

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✨Native z pasją do nauki języków✨ I am a student and I know what it means to be afraid of making language mistakes. There will be no grading or stress in my classes. I'm open to meeting new people and cultures, so I'd love to hear your stories and traditions. I try to keep classes in a relaxed atmosphere :) Jestem studentką i wiem co oznacza strach przed popełnianymi błędami językowymi. Na moich zajęciach nie będzie oceniania i stresu. Jestem otwarta na poznawanie nowych ludzi i kultur, więc chętnie poznam twoje opowieści i tradycje. Staram się, aby zajęcia odbywały się w luźnej atmosferze :)

USD 5.00/deneme
Mr. Kuba öğretmen ile Lehçe öğren.

2,978 Ders

Mr. Kuba

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Profesyonel Öğretmen
Ana dil

I graduated from University of Gdansk with MA degree in Russian Language and Literature. I also completed postgraduate course from Ateneum - University of Gdansk being rewarded with the Graduate Diploma in Language Teaching. In addition, I have completed specialized Russian Language courses in Sankt Petersburg and Moscow. During my work experience I have conducted classes for learners of different ages (teenage students and adults) in small groups of 3-4 persons, large groups of 15 people and for individuals as well. I've been working in Foreign Language Centers in Poland since 2013.

USD 7.00/deneme
Valeria Husakova öğretmen ile Lehçe öğren.

12 Ders

Valeria Husakova

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A creative tutor with a great passion for teaching others / Креативный репетитор, любящий обучать I am a patient and easy-going teacher who easily explains complex concepts and can repeatedly clarify and elaborate without any irritation. I focus on ensuring my students' understanding and active use of both vocabulary and grammar in their speech. Я терпеливый и легкий в общении учитель, который простым языком объясняет сложные грамматические структуры и другие концепции, и может повторно разъяснять и детализировать без раздражения. Я фокусируюсь на том, чтобы обеспечить понимание языка моих студентов и активное использование как словарного запаса, так и грамматики в их речи.

USD 5.00/deneme
08:00Yarın Uygun
Monika Karlińska öğretmen ile Lehçe öğren.

1,325 Ders

Monika Karlińska

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Tay Dili

I would like to invite you to our lesson :) I can give my students the real conversation, talking about many different subjects, passing from informal to formal situations. Basic grammar and more advances, vocabulary, rules - everything what you need to start talking without any problems :)

USD 7.00/deneme
06:00Yarın Uygun
Patrycja Karnik öğretmen ile Lehçe öğren.

1,462 Ders

Patrycja Karnik

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Z moimi lekcjami nabierzesz pewności siebie i pokonasz barierę językową I'm devoted and always prepared. I come to every class with the topics and presentations planned in advance, however you are the student here and you know best what you need to work on, so I'm always open to your suggestions. I'm patient and supportive, I don't believe in "not being smart enough", "not being able to learn"; anyone can learn if they devote some time and use the right techniques. I know that it's normal to forget things you've already learnt, so I am always taking notes to make sure you get enough revision. I'm also an inclusive teacher, always creating a safe space for my students. I want you to learn but also have a good time along the way.

USD 11.00/deneme
Maja Kuźniarska öğretmen ile Lehçe öğren.

370 Ders

Maja Kuźniarska

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Ana dil

Language enthusiast with a passion for teaching and learning 🧠 I am an experienced language learner myself, so I truly know what obstacles learners face. I strive to be the teacher I always wanted to have. I am patient, understanding, supportive, organized, and I’m a good listener. I am very flexible and adjust my lessons individually to each student, as I know that every person has their own goals and ways of learning and understanding new concepts. 🧠

USD 5.00/deneme
Agnieszka öğretmen ile Lehçe öğren.

593 Ders


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Ana dil

Teacher of Polish& English, experience with all levels, everyday & professional language Learning languages is my passion. I speak several languages and continue learning new ones. I know that practicing spoken language is most important, and not everyone has a chance to use the language on a daily basis or with native speakers. I have experience with private classes and during my studies I was involved in ESN organization, where we organized language meetups for Erasmus students, to exchange languages and teach each other in a casual way. I teach Polish (mother tongue) and English.  I will do my best to do it in a stress-free, funny and engaging way. Hope to see you soon in our class!

USD 12.00/deneme
09:30Yarın Uygun
Waldemar Łoszek öğretmen ile Lehçe öğren.

152 Ders

Waldemar Łoszek

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Moim celem jest pomóc Ci poprawić komunikację w języku polskim, niezależnie od tego, czy potrzebujesz go na co dzień, w pracy czy w biznesie.

USD 9.00/Saat
Joanna öğretmen ile Lehçe öğren.

282 Ders


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Ana dil

I'm a teacher who - as a friend, who doesn’t judge - understands your lack of self-confidence. I find interesting subjects as a prompt for talking and writing, give you the hints and advices concerning the process of learning Polish language. I can help you find the exact words to describe your feelings, your thoughts and opinions, to encourage you to express yourself through Polish language. @eveningswithpolish https://eveningswithpolish.com

USD 15.00/deneme
Michał öğretmen ile Lehçe öğren.

67 Ders


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Please let me know, if you want to have a lesson on a day when I'm "off". I'm a friendly, native Polish teacher who has some experience of teaching Polish at all levels and all ages.

USD 9.00/deneme
03:30Yarın Uygun
Dorota öğretmen ile Lehçe öğren.

804 Ders


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Ana dil

Ja również uczyłam się języków obcych - języka włoskiego, angielskiego i obecnie portugalskiego. Doskonale wiem jak ważne jest to aby nieustannie praktykować język. To dzięki rozmowie uczymy się najwięcej, szybciej zapamiętujemy oraz pozbywamy się stresu. Dlatego będę szczęśliwa mogąc pomóc Tobie zdobywać wyższe poziomy w języku polskim podczas naszych konwersacji.

USD 6.00/deneme
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