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Найди на italki преподавателя по языку: итальянский

Найди своего онлайн-репетитора по языку итальянский, выбери одного из наших опытных репетиторов (итальянский) и получи максимально полезный опыт обучения.

Учись итальянский с учителем Valentina.

Уроков: 354


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Репетитор сообщества
SPEAKS :итальянский

Easy Italian with me! Ho deciso di diventare Tutor per due ragioni: amo la lingua Italiana che è meravigliosa e perché capisco le difficoltà che si incontrano quando si inizia a studiare una lingua straniera. Sto studiando su Italki la lingua Francese e i miei progressi sono incredibili, parlare con qualcuno e’ davvero l’unico modo per imparare o perfezionare una lingua straniera.

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USD 7.00/пробный
Учись итальянский с учителем Veronica G..

Veronica G.

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SPEAKS :итальянский

Certified ITALIAN tutor with 10 years' experience / Tutor ITALIANA con 10 anni di esperienza Insegno l'ITALIANO a persone di tutto il mondo da 10 anni, con pazienza e sempre con il sorriso. Sono madrelingua italiana. Contattami 😊 I'm an ITALIAN native speaker, and I've the passion for teaching my language to foreigners. I'm patient and I accept every situation with a smile! My English level is B2.

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USD 25.00/пробный
Учись итальянский с учителем Olga.

Уроков: 1,846


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SPEAKS :итальянский
неаполитанский (наполетано)

Learn languages and their history with me! I am a native Italian speaker, graduated in History and Historical sciences. I'm doing a PhD at Vatican Apostolic Library about archives; i've learnt English for 5 years (getting a C2 certification), Latin and Greek at school for 5 years (and then improved them at university) and I've been teaching Italian/ English for 8 years both to foreign students and local ones. I try to make the student feel at ease.

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USD 8.00/пробный
Доступно 08:15 Сегодня
Учись итальянский с учителем Claudia.

Уроков: 891


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Профессиональный преподаватель
SPEAKS :итальянский

My main aim as a teacher is that the lessons are entertaining because I firmly believe that a relaxed and happy student is a student who maintains the motivation to learn. I love to teach and understand how to learn a language and all the difficulties that can arise. I am very patient and I think that making mistakes is a fundamental part of the process since it means that you are pushing the limits and trying new things. I will subtly correct you and try to make you as independent as possible so that you can correct yourself.

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USD 20.00/пробный
Учись итальянский с учителем Giulia Testa.

Уроков: 1,908

Giulia Testa

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Профессиональный преподаватель
SPEAKS :итальянский

Qualified language teacher in Italian public schools and on Italki since 2020 I am a cheerful, patient and very competent teacher. My students love my lessons because I put passion and effort into it and I can transmit the love for my language. I have excellent explanatory skills, I can explain grammar and vocabulary in Italian, English and French. If you want to speak Italian for work, study or for a holiday in Italy, together we can create a program suitable for you. I can't wait to show you the beauty of the Italian language and our culture.

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USD 8.00/пробный
Учись итальянский с учителем Andrea.

Уроков: 685


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SPEAKS :итальянский

Impara l'italiano chiacchierando con un amico ;) Da diversi anni aiuto giovani studenti come insegnante in materie scolastiche, pertanto ho esperienza nell'insegnamento non solo di materie scientifiche, ma anche nelle lingue straniere. Mi ritengo una persona molto paziente e capace di spiegare, nonché in grado di aiutare gli studenti in una atmosfera tranquilla, amichevole e costruttiva. I've been helping school students in their studies for many years, not only in scientifical subjects, but also in learning foreign languages. I consider myself a patient teacher, capable to explain new things and able to help students in a relaxed, friendly, and productive way.

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USD 5.00/пробный
Доступно 16:00 Сегодня
Учись итальянский с учителем Ambra Tabbì.

Уроков: 427

Ambra Tabbì

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SPEAKS :итальянский

Insegnante di Italiano ad adulti e Inglese per bambini con oltre 6 anni di esperienza Ho iniziato a insegnare italiano nel 2016 all'Asociación Dante Alighieri di Málaga, e da allora non ho mai smesso! Il mio motto è "non smettere mai di imparare", ed è quello che cerco di trasmettere a tutti i miei studenti (oltre all'amore per l'italiano, certo!). Dal 2019 insegno inglese come lingua straniera (ESL) a bambini da 6 a 12 anni. Le mie lezioni sono interattive e divertenti, per apprendere l'inglese giocando!

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USD 8.00/пробный
Учись итальянский с учителем Maroli.

Уроков: 278


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SPEAKS :итальянский

Patient and Friendly Spanish Tutor. Let's go to improve your Spanish fast💪 I have more than a year of experience teaching online and it is something that I like a lot and I feel very happy when I see the progress of my students. If you don't know any Spanish or you are very beginner don't worry about that, I will help you and use some tools and grammar base so that you can start speaking little by little and help you in this process.

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USD 7.00/пробный
Доступно 16:00 Сегодня
Учись итальянский с учителем Mary.

Уроков: 831


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SPEAKS :итальянский
китайский (путунхуа)

After volunteering for an association working with migrats, I realized I wanted to become an Italian teacher. I worked full time as Italian teacher in Milan for several years. I also worked in a language school in China; over time, and thanks to my skills in Mandarin, I specialized in teaching Italian to Chinese people. In addition, I have experience in teaching conversation for all levels, CILS exam preparation, pronunciation, and writing. I consider myself a passionate, empathyc and considerate teacher; I like to make my students at ease during the lesson.

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USD 22.00/Ч.
Учись итальянский с учителем Roberto Andreocci.

Уроков: 447

Roberto Andreocci

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SPEAKS :итальянский

I always do my best to adapt to my student's necessities while learning, may it be a new method, different examples or new resources. I've been a student for many years, so I can understand the hardships of trying to learn something totally new. I've often helped friends struggling with a subject at uni or school, and held some private lessons for kids or youngsters in general. I will adapt to my student's level and always try to be as clear as I can!

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USD 5.00/пробный
Учись итальянский с учителем Alessandro G.

Уроков: 1,089

Alessandro G

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Профессиональный преподаватель
SPEAKS :итальянский

I am a qualified teacher of Italian for speakers of other languages, with a degree from Siena University. I began teaching in 2009, and I can't stop it. Home and abroad, I like to meet students from all over the world with an interest in my native language, to encourage their development and success.

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USD 6.00/пробный
Учись итальянский с учителем Prof. Danilo Pinali.

Уроков: 682

Prof. Danilo Pinali

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Профессиональный преподаватель
SPEAKS :итальянский

Ratio of returning students equal to 21.8, one of the highest on Italki, despite only 655 lessons. I’ve taught hundreds of students over the past years and the most important thing I’ve discovered is that we tend to avoid real "learning" by doing exercising which give us an illusion of competence and make us lose a lot of time and as a consequence thereof we tend to get frustrated and soon after we are likely to give up. I think, this is one of the main reasons of our failure in language acquisition. I believe, one of the best remedy to this problem is that the teacher and the student learn together and since real “learning” is tiring, we don’t have much time at our disposal due to the activities of daily living, I developed a method that is effective and efficient at the same time.

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USD 30.00/пробный
Учись итальянский с учителем Giorgia.

Уроков: 484


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SPEAKS :итальянский

I’m friendly, easygoing and openminded. I like to make people feel at ease. I am a student too, I know all the hurdles of studying a new language, thus I’m willing to support you during your language journey. I hope to help you learn Italian or just improve your language skills.

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USD 5.00/пробный
Учись итальянский с учителем Simona.

Уроков: 3,586


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SPEAKS :итальянский

Insegnante di italiano per stranieri CERTIFICATA con 3000+ ore di esperienza Sono un insegnante di lingua italiana certificata (DITALS I livello) con +3000 ore di esperienza e sono specializzata nella didattica dell'italiano online. Dal punto di vista teorico ho competenze nei campi della linguistica, della letteratura italiana e dell'insegnamento dell'italiano come prima e seconda lingua.

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USD 15.00/пробный
Учись итальянский с учителем Eleonora Rossi.

Уроков: 790

Eleonora Rossi

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SPEAKS :итальянский

Mi ritengo un'insegnante molto empatica e attenta alle esigenze degli studenti. Capisco bene quali possano essere le difficoltà di studiare una nuova lingua e costruire fin da subito basi solide sentendosi a proprio agio. Sono molto curiosa di conoscervi e di condividere con voi interessi. Possiamo parlare di musica, letteratura, cinema, attualità, viaggi e molte altre cose! I consider myself a very empathetic teacher who cares about all students’ needs. So, I understand very well the difficulties a student can face when he/she/they approaches a new language. speaking. I am looking forward to e-meeting you and share interests. We can talk about music, literature, cinema, news, travels&more!

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USD 6.00/пробный
Учись итальянский с учителем Giada De Rubertis.

Уроков: 831

Giada De Rubertis

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SPEAKS :итальянский

*ITA* Insegnante per lavoro e per passione *ENG* Trainer for work and for passion Offro corsi individuali a bambini e ad adulti per ogni livello. Durante il corso do molta importanza a reali contesti comunicativi. Analizzeremo la lingua quindi, attraverso immagini, articoli di giornali, musica italiana, video e film. Sento una forte passione per quello che faccio e vorrei trasferirlo anche ai miei studenti.Nei miei 5 anni di esperienza mi sono imbattuta in molti studenti diversi di cui ognuno di loro ha le proprie caratteristiche e capacità di apprendimento. Penso che ogni studente abbia un grande potenziale e che il miglior insegnante sia l'insegnante che è in grado di prendere questo potenziale e farlo crescere.

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USD 5.00/пробный
Учись итальянский с учителем Giulia.

Уроков: 774


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SPEAKS :итальянский

Insegnante di Italiano L2 con più di 9 anni di esperienza As a teacher I will teach you to be confident avoiding the fear to making mistakes, which is a crucial component for learning faster. We will practice a lot through conversation which will help you to gain confidence in communicating and understanding Italian in typical “everyday scenarios”, and most important we will learn the Italian language using a cultural approach more than an academic one, without, however, neglecting the study of grammar and pronunciation. Our conversation will be setting in a relaxed environment, as if it was a talk with friends.

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USD 7.00/пробный
Учись итальянский с учителем Filippo Italienglish.

Уроков: 799

Filippo Italienglish

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Профессиональный преподаватель
SPEAKS :итальянский

I help native English speakers master the Italian language (as long as they are coachable) Some random fun facts: I am a total languages geek I am not a sociopath, though! I've been teaching offline and online for many years worldwide (in Europe, Asia and both North and South America) I've also worked for a Colombian University And for a language school in Madrid, Spain

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USD 15.00/пробный
Учись итальянский с учителем Angela Polimeni.

Уроков: 442

Angela Polimeni

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Профессиональный преподаватель
SPEAKS :итальянский

Certified teacher - Let's start your journey through italian language! I have been a teacher of Italian to foreigners for about 12 years. It started as a great passion and then turned into a profession. I’m a teacher certified by the University for Foreigners of Siena (DITALS Certificate). I have taught in refugee centers to adults from different countries (English-speaking, French-speaking, Arabic-speaking) and with different levels of language. I have had experiences in schools for teenagers and in language workshops for children.

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USD 8.00/пробный
Учись итальянский с учителем Melody D..

Уроков: 3,683

Melody D.

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Профессиональный преподаватель
SPEAKS :итальянский

I am a native Italian teacher with an MA in Translation + a Postgraduate Diploma in Education. I taught languages at university, in secondary schools, in language schools & online. I also work as an interpreter & translator EN/IT/ES.

USD 13.00/пробный
Ваш окончательный платеж будет совершен в долларах США

Часто задаваемые вопросы

Если ты ищешь преподавателя-носителя языка, чтобы выучить итальянский, лучшим решением будет воспользоваться специализированным веб-сайтом для онлайн-обучения, например italki.com. На italki ты можешь выбрать из более чем 1000 онлайн-преподавателей и репетиторов итальянского языка!
Но как выбрать лучшего репетитора по итальянскому? Есть несколько факторов, которые каждый ученик должен учитывать, чтобы найти лучшего для себя онлайн-репетитора на italki. Начни с изучения опыта учителя. Широко распространено мнение, что опытные преподаватели лучше могут помочь ученикам быстро повысить свой языковой уровень. Ознакомься с рекомендациями и отзывами бывших студентов. На italki можно посмотреть оценки учеников и отзывы на личной странице каждого преподавателя. Затем свяжись с выбранным онлайн-репетитором и убедись в том, что он доступен. Онлайн-уроки легко забронировать, но твой преподаватель не всегда может быть доступен в нужное тебе время. Наконец, прежде чем выбрать пакет уроков, попроси пройти пробный урок. Пробный урок поможет тебе лучше узнать своего онлайн-репетитора и его методы обучения. Ты увидишь, насколько хорошо вы ладите и подходят ли тебе его методы.

Тебе не обязательно нужен носитель итальянского языка, чтобы выучить язык. Учителя, не являющиеся носителями языка, могут преподавать также хорошо, как и носители языка. Помимо необходимых языковых знаний, преподавание требует большой подготовки, навыков работы с людьми и мотивации. На italki ты найдешь много опытных преподавателей итальянского с отличным рейтингом, и они не обязательно итальянцы. Для некоторых из наших учителей с самым высоким рейтингом итальянский язык является даже вторым или третьим языком! Одна из основных причин, по которой среди не-носителей языка есть отличные преподаватели, это их личный опыт изучения языка. Ведь однажды они оказались в той же ситуации, что и их ученики: лицом к лицу с преподавателем.
Однако также верно и то, что обучение с носителем итальянского языка, безусловно, позволит тебе улучшить свое произношение, получить более глубокие знания языка и познакомиться с итальянской культурой.

The Internet is the best place to find an private Italian tutor who gives you Italian tuition online. Most language learning websites sell complete online language courses, but some are offering one-on-one private lessons or free language exchange between students. italki is a great place to find hundreds of private Italian tutors. We have more than 1,000 Italian teachers and online tutors. Our platform allows you to book 1-on-1 lessons at affordable prices and take private Italian lessons at a time and place convenient for you.
While enrolling in an online language course is cheaper, individual lessons with a private tutor will help you to learn faster. Instead of spending 20+ hours repeating after an audio recording and doing redundant exercises, you can achieve the same level in just a few lessons with a private Italian tutor. That's why working with a private tutor is more practical and cost-effective.
To make a more informed choice and find the best Italian tutor, don't hesitate to research their background and ask about their experience. Just keep in mind your language learning goals and your reasons to learn Italian. If you have a clear idea of the language points that you need to improve or you lack experience with, ask your private Italian tutor to help you with those specific points and to prepare a language plan based on your requirements.
Of course, when you're looking for a private Italian tutor, you should consider their teaching experience and fees. Private lessons' pricing varies a lot depending on the tutor's background and on the lesson types. General and conversational Italian lessons are usually cheaper than business and exam preparation lessons. Also, native Italian teachers tend to charge more than non-native teachers. Choosing between a native or a non-native teacher can affect your pronunciation, but improve your grammar and learning. The quality of the study materials the teacher will use is also important as it will directly affect your learning process. And of course, their teaching experience should also be an important criterion when you look for an Italian tutor and you make your decision. Experienced teachers are on average more effective in raising student achievement than less experienced teachers.

Один из самых быстрых способов выучить итальянский - с репетитором или преподавателем. В идеале твой учитель будет говорить с тобой только по-итальянски, а не по-английски и не твоем родном языке. Сначала тебе будет сложно разобраться с тем, что говорит тебе твой преподаватель, и это может вызывать напряжение. Но уже после нескольких уроков ты выучишь новые слова и значительно улучшишь свое произношение.
Обучение с профессиональным преподавателем позволит тебе достичь своих целей быстрее, по сравнению с традиционными уроками итальянского языка. Твой преподаватель итальянского выберет такой подход и темп, которые соответствуют твоему уровню и режиму обучения. Это повысит твою мотивацию и поможет обрести уверенность в себе. Твой учитель прямо ответит на все вопросы и развеет твои сомнения по поводу грамматики, произношения или правописания. С профессиональным преподавателем ты начнешь говорить быстрее, потому что у тебя появится языковой партнер, с которым можно общаться. Кроме этого, с репетитором или преподавателем итальянского языка ты будешь учиться в своем темпе, в отличие от обучения на традиционных курсах, где твой прогресс зависит от уровня языка других учеников, с которыми ты учишься.
На italki.com ты найдешь преподавателей с различной квалификацией и профилем, и сможешь выбрать того, кто лучше всего соответствует твоим ожиданиям. И помни, хороший учитель итальянского - не всегда носитель языка.

Ставка онлайн-преподавателя итальянского языка на italki варьируется в зависимости от нескольких факторов, таких как опыт преподавателя, его текущее место жительства, его родной язык продолжительность урока и многое другое.
Например, цена 60-минутного урока у профессионального преподавателя итальянского составляет от $17 до $19! При этом 45-минутный урок у репетитора итальянского обойдется в сумму от $12 до $14. Средняя стоимость 60-минутного урока итальянского языка на italki составляет всего $15!