Преподаватель языка: английский, Ellen


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🇨🇿🌟Native Czech speaker from Prague with years of experience🌟🇨🇿
Откуда Чешская РеспубликаГде живет: Prague, Чешская Республика (07:25 UTC+02:00)
Обо мне
Преподает на italki с 17 Nov 2020 г.
Интересующая темаПутешествияСпортЕдаКиноЧтение
Hi! I'm Ellen, a professional teacher of Czech (my native language), English (which I speak at home), and Italian (which I studied at an Italian school). Languages are my great passion because I love how they allow me to connect with people from all over the world. I enjoy sharing my knowledge and helping others discover the joy of learning languages :) Ahoj! Jmenuji se Ellen a jsem profesionální učitelka češtiny, anglištiny a italštiny. Jazyky jsou mou velkou vášní a ráda moje znalosti předávám dál. Ciao! Mi chiamo Ellen e sono un'insegnante di ceco, inglese e italiano. Mi piace condividere le mie conoscenze e aiutare gli altri a scoprire la gioia di imparare le lingue :)
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Уроков: английский

Пробный урок
Завершено уроков: 29
USD 15.00+
English lessons / Lezioni di inglese (grammar, conversation) 📖💡
A1 -  C1


Завершено уроков: 19
USD 19.00+
Пакет со скидкой 1%


На основе вашего часового пояса (UTC+00:00)
Мой творческий контент
Тест (3)

Отзывов: 25

Ученик Selene Bombaci
Selene Bombaci
Уроков: 10, язык: чешский
Выбор преподавателя
Ottima insegnante: bravissima, sistematica, chiara, crea nuovi obiettivi e motiva i suoi studenti. Adatta il percorso e i concetti di studio all’esperienza e conoscenza dello studente. Consigliatissima
31 июля 2024 г.
Ученик Jean-Claude
Уроков: 72, язык: чешский
Выбор преподавателя
Ellen is a very enthusiastic teacher who effectively kept the conversation flowing and neatly weaved in corrections and improvements when I butchered the Czech language. Highly recommended.
14 мар. 2023 г.
Ученик Deutsch mit Tomasz
Deutsch mit Tomasz
Уроков: 10, язык: чешский
Выбор преподавателя
Great teacher! It doesn’t matter, if you want to learn Czech or Italian - Ellen is a professional teacher at the highest level with native speaker skills in both languages. Ragazzi! Se volete imparare la lingua ceca, questa è l’insegnante per voi! È in grado di adattare il percorso dell’apprendimento alle vostre necessità è parla l’italiano come una madrelingua!!! Ogni lezione viene gestita nel modo molto professionale ed allo stesso tempo è così divertente che non vedrete l’ora di farne un’altra con Ellen. Ve la consiglio vivamente!
31 янв. 2021 г.
Ученик Daniel Burnett
Daniel Burnett
Уроков: 12, язык: чешский
As someone who was raised by a Czech family that always spoke Czech to each other but not to me or my siblings, it has always been a life goal of mine to one day be able to hold a conversation with my mother in her native tongue. Ellen's approach to teaching has been exceptional in helping me achieve that goal. Not only is she is an extremely kind and patient teacher, but her lesson formats feel specifically tailored to me at my current level, which is a breath of fresh air compared to other teachers I have tried to study with. Furthermore, after each lesson, I feel like I've truly learned something in such a way that I am excited to do her homework assignments. In my experience, a teacher like Ellen is rare and hard to find! Therefore, to anyone who is looking to study Czech, or any other language in Ellen's repertoire, you won't regret having Ellen as your ucitelka!
9 окт. 2024 г.
Ученик Aaron McEvoy
Aaron McEvoy
Уроков: 14, язык: чешский
Amazing to work with as always
12 июня 2024 г.
Ученик Honza Krejza
Honza Krejza
Уроков: 19, язык: итальянский
Quake insegnante scieglierei la prossima volta? :-)
11 июня 2024 г.
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