Would you mind answering my question: "If someone isn't determined and often changes their ideas or opinion, they will be called a changeable person or a uncertain person." Many thanks for your help.
27 июля 2024 г., 8:34
Ответы · 8
I would say indecisive.
27 июля 2024 г., 13:16
Not to be difficult, but I don't actually see a question here. I think you are asking, . . . will they be called . . . etc. If you say 'they will be called' it's a statement rather than a question. If this is your question, I agree with Leigh that Indecisive is probably the best word. There are other terms as well: wishy-washy, etc. You could look in an online thesaurus to find more synonymns.
28 июля 2024 г., 6:00
A person who isn't determined and often changes their ideas or opinions is typically called a fickle or indecisive person. Both "changeable" and "uncertain" could work, but they are less commonly used in this context.
28 июля 2024 г., 3:52
That person is definitely an indecisive person.
27 июля 2024 г., 16:15
It's very kind of you to help me. This is one of the questions in my English exercise. Too many of them make me confused to choose the correct answer. According to you, I think it isn't good and real English.
27 июля 2024 г., 15:11
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