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Vind de beste online leraar Japans

Leer Japans vanuit huis en volg online lessen met onze gekwalificeerde Japanse leraren.

Learn Japans with the teacher Aya.

564 lessen


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SPEAKS :Japans

When I was a university student, I studied Education, so I have Japanese licenses of a kindergarten teacher and an elementary school teacher. I used to volunteer at the elementary school and also I used to teach at a private tutoring school when I was a student. I'm very supportive, patient and good listener to my students. Don’t be afraid of making mistakes. It’s important to make a lot of mistakes if you want to learn a language! 私は大学で教育学を学びました。 そのため、日本の幼稚園教諭、小学校教諭の免許をもっています。 学生時代には小学校で約2年間ボランティアをして経験や、学習指導塾でこどもたちに勉強を教えた経験があります。

USD 5.00/proefles
Learn Japans with the teacher MIKI MURAKAMI.

374 lessen


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SPEAKS :Japans

JAPANESE Conversation--- for Beginner to intermediate I am a very open-minded person, and I love to meet new people from all over the world. I am ready to share my Japanese skill to people who are greatly interested in our language. I also want to share our culture with you. So, share your culture with me too. たくさんの方に日本文化を知ってもらい、もっと日本を好きになってもらえるクラスにしたいと思います。

USD 8.00/proefles
Learn Japans with the teacher ひろこ.

626 lessen


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Professionele leerkracht
SPEAKS :Japans

早稲田大学を卒業した後、公務員をしていました。2019年に日本語教育能力検定試験に合格し、日本語教師として日本語を教えています。日本語の他には、上級レベルの韓国語と、基本的な英語を話すことができます。また、ベトナム語も少しできます。みなさんが無理なく日本語学習を続けていけるように、全力でサポートいたします! I graduated from the Faculty of Education of Waseda University. Before I became a Japanese language teacher, I had been a government employee. I passed Japanese Language Teaching Competency Test administered by Japan Educational Exchanges and Services in 2019, and teach Japanese as a Japanese language teacher. I can speak not only Japanese, but also Korean(advanced level) ,English(intermediate level), and also can speak a bit of Vietnamese. I will try my best to support you!

USD 13.00/Uur
Learn Japans with the teacher Nanna.

155 lessen


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Professionele leerkracht
SPEAKS :Japans

I love organic food and handicrafts. I enjoy living sustainably. I studied Japanese language education at a university in Tokyo. I'm teaching Japanese in the class of my town now. I would like to tell you about the wonderful points that Japanese culture has. Now I work for an NGO that protects the rainforest.

USD 12.00/proefles
Beschikbaar 11:00 Morgen
Learn Japans with the teacher Meg.

4,135 lessen


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Professionele leerkracht
SPEAKS :Japans

Offer Customized Lessons from Complete Beginner to Advanced 📝 Lessons Conducted in JPN & ENG ☆ I have completed the Japanese Teacher Training, in which I learned how to teach Japanese using English. ☆I have passed the Japanese Language Teaching Competency Test, or 日本語教育能力検定試験. ☆ I know which part of Japanese grammar is most different from English and difficult to understand for Japanese learners. ☆ I've worked with many different students from all over the world. ☆ I am a language learner myself, having leaned English and Italian, so I'm passionate about helping others learn Japanese. ☆ I introduce cultural and historical backgrounds as well as language if you like.

USD 20.00/proefles
Learn Japans with the teacher Rikka(立夏).

2,864 lessen


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Professionele leerkracht
SPEAKS :Japans

話し言葉検定1級を取得済み。アナウンサーレベルの日本語スピーキング力です。小さな出版社で編集者をしています。主にアートと物理学、脳科学の書籍を担当しています。 私は2014年から英語学習を始めました。それまでは全くの英語初心者だったので、外国語を学ぶ方の気持ちがよくわかります。 言語学習に興味を持ち、英語学校の広報として働き、いろいろな方の学習方法を見てきました。さまざまタイプの学校や訓練所などの視察をしたりもしました。 私がみてきたたたくさんの学習方法の中から、みなさんに最も効果的な方法をご提供します。 私の性格は明るく、細かいことは気にしません。だれでも新しいことを知らないのは当たり前です。今学んだばかりのことをすぐにやってみてと言われてもできないのが当たり前です。ひとそれぞれペースも違います。 自分らしく、安心してレッスンを受けてください。 全く厳しくありません。進むスピードはあなたに合わせます。 中級から上級レベルの方の場合は、文法の使い方、単語の使い方を少し細かくチェックします。 覚え違いをしていたり、誤った使い方をしている言葉は、レッスンの中で都度修正していきます。  日本語は同じ意味の言葉がたくさんあります。同じ意味でも少しずつ使い方が違うことがあります。 また、ビジネスの場では敬語の他にも使っていい表現と使ってはいけない表現の区別が必要です。普段使わない表現もたくさん出てきます。 話す相手とスムーズに会話ができるようになるために、ぜひレッスンで学んでください。

USD 8.00/proefles
Learn Japans with the teacher Etsuko.

785 lessen


id verified
SPEAKS :Japans

楽(たの)しく日本語(にほんご)を勉強(べんきょう)しましょう! あなたが日本語(にほんご)で伸(の)ばしたいスキルは何(なん)ですか?日本語(にほんご)を通(とお)して実現(じつげん)したいことはありますか?一緒(いっしょ)に学(まな)びながら伸(の)ばしていきましょう。 わたしは小(ちい)さいころ大阪(おおさか)に住(す)んでいたので関西弁(かんさいべん)も教(おし)えることができますよ! What I teach! Whether you are a just beginner or an advanced learner, you won’t be disappointed with my customized lessons. If you are studying for the JLPT exam, I’ve got you covered as well. Tell me your goal and I’ll help you get there! I can teach grammar and vocabulary, writing and listening. If you are looking to boost your speaking ability, we can have a free discussion on a topic of your choice! Also, I used to live in Osaka, so I can teach you Kansai dialect as well. I think it sounds a lot cooler!

USD 6.00/proefles
Learn Japans with the teacher Rumi.

271 lessen


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Professionele leerkracht
SPEAKS :Japans

Sarò in vacanza dal 26 luglio al 12 agosto. Buone vacanze! I understand the difficulties and joys of learning a foreign language. If you don’t feel confident about your Japanese, don’t worry! I have a lot of patience and I'm always ready to help you. I have passed the Japanese Language Teaching Competency Test, I also have experience in supporting JLPT examinations. Amo imparare le lingue straniere, e le sto ancora imparando. Per questo, capisco le difficoltà e le gioie dell'apprendimento di una lingua straniera. Se non ti senti sicuro del tuo giapponese, non preoccuparti! Ho molta pazienza e sono pronta ad aiutarti.

USD 8.50/proefles
Learn Japans with the teacher Naoko.

1,467 lessen


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SPEAKS :Japans

Would you like to be fluent? My lesson is very unique. Find out more. It's fun! I am a very easy going and fun teacher. I am very interested in navigating all of you to be a fluent. Since I am good at speaking in English, I teach English as well. I studied English and Psychology at University of Arkansas at Little Rock while I was working as a full time. When I don't teach, I like to just relax, eating sweets, watching movies, walking at the park, going to the gym, shooting hoops, a listening to the student's violin recital at the Juilliard, some readings, coloring and knitting straight line scurf.

USD 10.00/proefles
Learn Japans with the teacher Kei Japanese Teacher.

1,084 lessen

Kei Japanese Teacher

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Professionele leerkracht
SPEAKS :Japans

Learn Japanese from 0 with professional instructor with experience teaching over 3000 people!! Do you want to improve your Japanese? My Japanese lessons can help you achieve your goals. You can upgrade your speaking, writing, listening, grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, business Japanese, JLPT and more. I have been teaching over 7years. I taught more than 3000students in Vietnam and Myanmar. So any level students are welcome. I can teach from ELEMENTARY students to ADVANCED(N5~N1) ※If you have a text book which you want use is nice but if not, I give you some of PDF.

USD 6.00/proefles
Beschikbaar 04:45 Morgen
Learn Japans with the teacher Yuki.

691 lessen


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SPEAKS :Japans
Chinees (Mandarijn)

IELTS 7.0, 英検1級, HSK grade 5 I personally enjoy learing English and Chinese. So I know learning new language is sometimes challenging. However, it is also one of the most interesting hobby as well. As a language learner, I am eager to help you with practicing Japanese by applying my knowhow to facilitate your learning !! 私自身も英語と中国語を勉強しているため、新しい言語を勉強することがどれほど大変か知っています。しかし、それがどれほど面白いことなのかも知っているため、同じ言語学者として皆さまの日本語学習をお手伝いしたいと熱望しています。私自身が語学を勉強する中で培ったノウハウを皆さまの日本語学習に役立てば幸いです。

USD 5.00/proefles
Beschikbaar 01:00 Morgen
Learn Japans with the teacher Midori.

1 lessen


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Professionele leerkracht
SPEAKS :Japans

資格を持った日本語教師です。目標を達成するために一緒に楽しく学びましょう。 I have taught Japanese classes in Pakistan. On online, I teach beginner to intermediate levels all over the world.

USD 10.00/proefles
Learn Japans with the teacher Yuki.

7,129 lessen


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Professionele leerkracht
SPEAKS :Japans

Friendly and patient professional teacher Hello! I obtained my certification as a Japanese teacher in 2009 and taught at a Japanese language school in Melbourne from 2010 to 2016. After returning to Japan in 2016, I started teaching on italki, where I've conducted over 6,800 lessons for more than 300 students. My lessons cover all levels, from beginner to advanced, and are tailored to meet students' needs, including JLPT preparation, travel phrases, and everyday conversation. I use plenty of illustrations and sometimes English to help beginners feel comfortable. I always strive to create a relaxed and enjoyable learning environment with a friendly approach. I look forward to meeting you in our lessons!

USD 15.00/proefles
Beschikbaar 07:00 Morgen
Learn Japans with the teacher 👘Hiro.

869 lessen


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SPEAKS :Japans

🗻こんにちは! Please check out my blog and you can get to know more about me! 🍣Don’t worry about making mistakes! That’s how we learn languages!

USD 17.00/Uur
Learn Japans with the teacher あかね.

1,285 lessen


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Professionele leerkracht
SPEAKS :Japans

YouTubeチャンネル「あかね的日本語教室」のあかねです。 私は2017年から日本語学校で日本語の先生として働いています。今まで教えた人数は700人以上です。 私は会話を教えるのが好きです。 もしみなさんが日本語を言いまちがえても大丈夫です。緊張したり、心配する必要はありません。あなたが話した日本語を私は自然な言い方に直すことができます。

USD 24.00/proefles
Learn Japans with the teacher Yukari.N.

3,701 lessen


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Professionele leerkracht
SPEAKS :Japans

Qualified and experienced teacher.Skillful at teaching beginners.General,JLPT, honorific, etc. Check out the new price with reduced lesson fee😊 私は全てのレベルを教えます。I teach all level ●実践で使えるビジネス会話&マナー/Realistic business conversation & manner 実際に日本の会社員が話している日本語とマナーです。難しくない敬語をお教えします! Business Conversation Japanese and manners that Japanese employees are actually talking and do, which can not be studied without being listed in textbooks.I will teach you how to use honorifics that is not difficult! ●関西方言レッスン/Kansai(West) dialect lesson ネイティブの関西人の関西弁です。 It is a natural Kansai dialect taught by native Kansai person. ●上品な日本語、美しい女性言葉/Elegant Japanese、Graceful Japanese for women 知性、教養、優雅さを感じられる、美しい日本語が学べます。 You will be able to speak "beautiful Japanese with intellectual and elegant women speak".

USD 14.00/proefles
Learn Japans with the teacher Michiko.

418 lessen


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SPEAKS :Japans

Experienced teaching business Japanese My major is education and I have a teaching license for English and other subjects.I’ve been teaching Japanese for 2 years on the internet and face to face class. The students are from Mexico, El Salvador, Venezuela, Britain and Ireland. I have taught Japanese in a company for a Mexican apprentice as well. I would love to use various materials such as songs that you like, publicities for Japanese food, comercial etc. It could be nice for translating some phrases from Kimi no Nawa together.

USD 8.00/proefles
Learn Japans with the teacher Ai(あい).

1,649 lessen


id verified
SPEAKS :Japans

私は、いままでタンデムパートナーに日本語を教えていた経験があります。italkiでは、3年前から日本語を教えています。 日本の修士課程の学生だったころ、大学生の作文を添削していたこともあります。なので、文章を添削することもできます。 日本語や日本の文化について説明したりディスカッションすることが好きです。 Ich habe bis jetzt mehrere Tandempartner/innen gehabt und habe immer Spaß, über meine Muttersprache und Kultur zu erzählen. Außerdem habe ich schon mal als Tutorin an einer Uni in Japan gearbeitet und Hausarbeiten von Bachelorstudierenden korrigiert.

USD 5.00/proefles
Learn Japans with the teacher Juno Ropke.

1,308 lessen

Juno Ropke

id verified
SPEAKS :Japans

Taking a week off but I will be back to normal from the 29th! Feel free to message me :)) I love meeting new people and helping them in any way I can, and widen their abilities in languages. Our classes would be catered to your needs and interests to keep you always motivated and hungry for more. Apart from just teaching, I would love to get to know you as a person which in the end I think would make our classes more personal.

USD 10.00/proefles
Learn Japans with the teacher Riina.

1,316 lessen


id verified
SPEAKS :Japans

Even if you memorize words and learn grammar every day, when you try to speak, you may not be able to come up with words or speak well. Output is essential for improving your language skills. I have no experience as a Japanese teacher, but I can practice dialogue that you cannot do alone. Let's have fun conversations in various situations and favorite topics! 語学(ごがく)の向上(こうじょう)にはアウトプットが不可欠(ふかけつ)です。 わたしは日本語教師(にほんごきょうし)としての経験(けいけん)はありませんが、 一人(ひとり)では出来(でき)ない対話(たいわ)の練習相手(れんしゅうあいて)になることが出来(でき)ます。 様々(さまざま)なシチュエーションを想定(そうてい)した会話(かいわ)や 好(す)きなトピックで楽(たの)しく会話(かいわ)をしていきましょう!

USD 6.00/proefles
Je laatste betaling wordt gedaan in USD

Veelgestelde vragen over leraren Japans

Een online leraar Japans is iemand die je zal begeleiden bij het leren van de taal op de best mogelijke manier, door een studiemethode te structureren die bij jou en je behoeften past. Hij of zij begint met het bepalen van je taalniveau en stelt vervolgens het beste leertraject voor dat je naar het gewenste niveau van lezen, luisteren, schrijven en spreken van de Japanse taal zal brengen.

Om de meest geschikte privéleraar Japans voor jou te vinden, kun je verschillende methoden gebruiken: van mond-tot-mondreclame tot het zoeken op gespecialiseerde websites, waar je de ervaringen van verschillende docenten kunt vergelijken. Het laatste wordt het meest aanbevolen, omdat je de meningen van verschillende studenten kunt vergelijken en echte – en nuttige – feedback kunt verzamelen om de beste leraar voor jou te kiezen. Onder al deze methoden is italki de beste manier om de meest geschikte leraar Japans voor jou te vinden. italki biedt een grote database van online professionals die je in staat stelt om:

– De taal die je liefhebt te leren met maximale flexibiliteit;

– De kosten van je lessen te kiezen;

– Vele leraren te testen voordat je de online leraar vindt die bij jou past;

– De tijden en ritmes van je leertraject te bepalen en te studeren waar en hoe je wilt.

Een online Japanse les kan verschillende lengtes hebben. Een les duurt gemiddeld een uur: de standaardtijd die nodig is om met je online leraar Japans nieuwe of al verworven concepten te leren en te herhalen. In situaties die een intensievere voorbereiding vereisen, zoals de voorbereiding op taalcertificeringen of een belangrijk examen, kunnen meer lessen nodig zijn – zonder echter ooit de uurgrens te overschrijden. Niet langer, want je geheugen en aandacht zouden eronder kunnen lijden en je zou niets kunnen onthouden.

De beste online cursus Japans is op italki: een interactieve en boeiende leermethode die rekening houdt met je tijd- en kosteneisen, en je de online Japanse leraar biedt die begrijpt welke studiemethode het beste bij jou past.

We kunnen zeggen dat de keuze van de leraar aan wie je je online Japanse lessen toevertrouwt, het resultaat is van een reeks variabelen: kosten, tijd, gemak en competentie van de Japanse leraar die je kiest.

Een online Japanse cursus kan gemiddeld van 1 euro tot 60 per uur euro kosten, afhankelijk van wat je zoekt en de online Japanse leraar aan wie je je toevertrouwt. De kosten kunnen variëren op basis van verschillende factoren: de ervaring van je leraar, de tijd die je aan studie kunt besteden, het niveau dat je wilt bereiken en je beginniveau.

Klaar om Japans te leren? Boek vandaag nog een proefles met een van onze deskundige Japanse tutors en zet de eerste stap naar vloeiendheid.