Lyn Mbau
In five years time I see myself turning into a multi linguist and having fluent multilingual skills. I started my language learning journey when I was relatively young so five years may seem like a short time to master fluency but for me I believe it is more than enough. With a global economy, businesses need to have professionals who are able to communicate with clients around the world. That’s why I am convinced that having additional language skills can set me apart for the competition. I am going to achieve my goal by making sure that every single to dedicate time to learn something new or to learn new vocabulary that will make things easier for me on the long run. I will also achieve it by using italki to find affordable good teachers that will make my learning journey run smoothly.
14 aug. 2022 00:45
Opmerkingen · 7
Good for you Lyn! You are really determined and you will achieve your goals in five years.
14 augustus 2022
I believe that you will be a great polyglot.
14 augustus 2022
学术Essay代写是表达学术观点和深入分析问题的一种重要方式,然而,在追求深度和创新的同时,我们不能忽视遵守固有规定的重要性。这些规定包括文体结构、引用规范、学术道德等方面,它们构成了学术Essay代写的基石,不仅有助于确保Essay代写 的可读性和权威性,还能够促进学术社区的共同规范。
1 december 2023
Great! I agree, I think 5 years is a lot of time to reach a good level in your target language(s).
25 augustus 2022
16 augustus 2022