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내게 가장 잘 맞는 스페인어 강사님을 찾아보세요.

내게 가장 잘 맞는 온라인 스페인어 강사님 찾기: 경험이 풍부한 italki의 온라인 스페인어 강사님을 찾아서 학습 효율을 최고로 높여보세요.

선생님 Kevin Español Fácil과 함께 스페인어 배우세요.

1,824회 수업

Kevin Español Fácil

id verified
커뮤니티 튜터
SPEAKS :스페인어

Profesor de Español con más de 1 año de experiencia Como profesor soy muy apasionado, me encanta enseñar y contribuir de manera positiva al proceso de aprendizaje de mis estudiantes. Por otro lado, soy muy paciente, me gusta escuchar y saber cuales son las dificultades que tienen mis alumnos para así diseñar clases que se adapten a sus necesidades, sus objetivos y que les permita tener un avance significativo en su aprendizaje del idioma español.

USD 5.00/시범 수업
내일 예약 가능(시간: 11:00)
선생님 Tania과 함께 스페인어 배우세요.

69회 수업


id verified
커뮤니티 튜터
SPEAKS :스페인어

En el transcurso de mi vida he dado clases particulares a alumnos de nivel secundario y universitario. No fue algo que he pedido hacer, empezó como una ayuda a personas cercanas y posteriormente los alumnos se comunicaban para tomar clases en diferentes materias. Según lo que expresaban fue que mis clases les llegaba y les resultaban productivas.

USD 5.00/시범 수업
내일 예약 가능(시간: 12:00)
선생님 Leonardo Guerrero과 함께 스페인어 배우세요.

2,209회 수업

Leonardo Guerrero

id verified
커뮤니티 튜터
SPEAKS :스페인어

Tutor de español e inglés con 4+ años de experiencia. I moved from Venezuela to Ecuador 2 years ago, and I've been working as an English teacher since then. I've been acquiring a lot of experience and technical teaching knowledge which I apply when teaching. I have worked in three different language institutes in Ecuador teaching English and Spanish in which I had to learn different types of teaching methods and also work with a wide rank of ages. I've taught students from 5 to 65 years old.

USD 5.00/시범 수업
선생님 Susana Resendiz과 함께 스페인어 배우세요.

1,392회 수업

Susana Resendiz

id verified
전문 강사
SPEAKS :스페인어

Profesor de español como segunda lengua/Spanish as a Second Language Conversation Instructor I have over two years of experience in online Spanish teaching. As a Spanish Teacher, I've helped over 100 students from diverse backgrounds and nationalities in enhancing their Spanish language skills through specifically personalized tailored classes, while also providing an immersive experience with lessons on Mexican society, art, history, and culture.

USD 10.00/시범 수업
내일 예약 가능(시간: 12:00)
선생님 Jossbell Ochoa과 함께 스페인어 배우세요.

46회 수업

Jossbell Ochoa

id verified
커뮤니티 튜터
SPEAKS :스페인어

Master en Enseñanza de Español a Extranjeros Considero que soy una profesora muy entregada a su profesión, trato siempre que mis estudiantes verdaderamente aprendan y que todas las dudas puedan ser saldadas. Soy paciente, corrijo con amabilidad, intento siempre que cada clase sea divertida, tengo facilidad de palabra para mantener conversaciones de diversos temas, bastante detallista y descriptiva. Siempre trato de adaptarme al modo de aprendizaje de cada estudiante y que nuestro encuentro sea una buena experiencia, cargada de sonrisas, de un ambiente basado en la confianza y que el estudiante logre aprender a su ritmo.

USD 5.00/시범 수업
선생님 Teacher Evan과 함께 스페인어 배우세요.

495회 수업

Teacher Evan

id verified
커뮤니티 튜터
SPEAKS :스페인어

I feel that if my students are enjoying the class they will learn more effeciently. Each person is unique, so I like to adapt to everyone following their interests. I like to make them feel comfortable. Encouraging them to feel confident speaking by not correcting them too much when they speak, so they are not interrupted and they can complete their ideas while creating sentences. I like using humor because I think is a part of my philosophy of life, and always helps with breaking the ice and increasing comfort.

USD 10.00/시범 수업
내일 예약 가능(시간: 14:00)
선생님 Lilymar과 함께 스페인어 배우세요.

206회 수업


id verified
시험 준비
전문 강사
SPEAKS :스페인어

Classes adapted to achieve your language goals😃 ¡te espero en clases! ✨Let's practice Are you looking for someone to help you learn and improve your language skills? You have come to the right place!✔️ I have been working as a language teacher for over 10 years, including my experience giving online lessons. I am professional Spanish teacher, I studied at University to earn Bachelor's degree in Education Studies. 🌴​ The lessons are individual lessons. ✨I will be happy to listen to your ideas and opinions. 🟢My main goal is that you achieve fluent communication in Spanish. 📚My biggest motivation is that you are happy and feel proud of yourself during the process.

USD 9.99/시범 수업
내일 예약 가능(시간: 10:00)
선생님 David과 함께 스페인어 배우세요.

2회 수업


id verified
커뮤니티 튜터
SPEAKS :스페인어

Clases Conversacionales de Español: Aprende, Aplica y Mejora con Confianza Mi enfoque para enseñar español se centra en casos prácticos y conversaciones cotidianas, proporcionando un ambiente de aprendizaje natural y relajado, como si estuviéramos teniendo una videollamada entre amigos. Me gusta hacer anotaciones puntuales sobre gramática y presentación, utilizando frases comunes que permiten a los estudiantes relacionarse con mayor facilidad con la gente. Además, mi método se enfoca en enseñar a pensar directamente en español, en lugar de traducir desde el idioma de origen. Esto ayuda a los estudiantes a desarrollar una comprensión más auténtica del idioma y les permite comunicarse de manera más efectiva y fluida en situaciones reales.

USD 5.00/시범 수업
내일 예약 가능(시간: 19:00)
선생님 Benjamin Carpie과 함께 스페인어 배우세요.

2,909회 수업

Benjamin Carpie

id verified
커뮤니티 튜터
SPEAKS :스페인어

I have more than 5 year of experience as a private teacher, I taught French, Spanish, and English, my students were beginners or had an intermediate level. I like teaching beginners because I can see better their improvements, helping a student to speak fluently makes me enormously proud as a teacher. I am very patient and I always carefully listen to my students.

USD 8.00/시범 수업
내일 예약 가능(시간: 13:00)
선생님 Adriana Mejia과 함께 스페인어 배우세요.

110회 수업

Adriana Mejia

id verified
커뮤니티 튜터
SPEAKS :스페인어

Tutor de la comunidad Soy bilingüe y mis estudios en psicobiológica y especialista en la enseñanza de español como lengua extranjera a niños y adolescentes, me permite ser comprensiva, amable y comprometida con tu proceso de aprendizaje. Mi objetivo es brindarte la confianza necesaria para adquirir habilidades comunicativas sólidas. Como tutor, me encanta motivar a mis estudiantes y proporcionarles un entorno seguro donde puedan desenvolverse con confianza. Creo en la importancia de involucrar activamente a los alumnos en el proceso de aprendizaje para que puedan adquirir el idioma de manera efectiva. Estoy aquí para apoyarte en cada paso del camino y ayudarte a alcanzar tus metas lingüísticas.

USD 12.00/시간
내일 예약 가능(시간: 09:30)
선생님 Teacher Michelle과 함께 스페인어 배우세요.

10.4k회 수업

Teacher Michelle

id verified
전문 강사
SPEAKS :스페인어

I am a professional English teacher with a Master Degree in TESOL. I have over 15 years experience working with international students. My passion is teaching and I enjoy seeing students achieve their goals.

USD 10.00/시범 수업
선생님 Dioma과 함께 스페인어 배우세요.

20회 수업


id verified
커뮤니티 튜터
SPEAKS :스페인어

Me enfocaré en que hables español con fluidez, ¡Con el uso de clases personalizadas y atractivas Me gusta prepararme para cada clase y para esto nuestro primer encuentro me ayuda a conocerte y así puedo adaptarme a tus necesidades. Soy muy paciente, me gusta brindar confianza, si lo deseas puedo enviarte el material de la clase para que puedas practicar. En nuestras clases de conversación me gusta que puedas practicar tu pronunciación hablando de diferentes temas, puedo hacerte preguntas u brindarte un tema de conversación con una pequeña lectura, audio o video! Si es tu preferencia podemos inventar historias viendo algunas imágenes... Me gusta basar mis clases en tus gustos e intereses para que te sientas en confianza!

USD 6.00/시범 수업
내일 예약 가능(시간: 14:00)
선생님 Carolina R.과 함께 스페인어 배우세요.

1,218회 수업

Carolina R.

id verified
전문 강사
SPEAKS :스페인어

Profesora argentina de Español con más de cuatro años de experiencia en clases virtuales Patient and in permanent training. I focus the class on the student's understanding, so I manage times according to their taste and comfort. I have material whose objective is the 100% communicative use of the language.

USD 5.00/시범 수업
내일 예약 가능(시간: 16:30)
선생님 Gissela과 함께 스페인어 배우세요.

117회 수업


id verified
커뮤니티 튜터
SPEAKS :스페인어

"Profesora de Español y Ingles con mas de 12 años de experiencia" Tengo mucha paciencia y dedicación con mis estudiantes. Trato de animarlos brindándoles un ambiente muy positivo y confortable para un buen aprendizaje. Yo quiero que mis estudiantes se sientan en confianza y sin miedos para hablar el español o el ingles. I have a lot of patience and dedication with my students. I try to encouraging them giving a positive and comfortable environment. I want my students to feel confident and fearless to speak spanish o english.

USD 5.00/시범 수업
내일 예약 가능(시간: 16:30)
선생님 Lydia과 함께 스페인어 배우세요.

383회 수업


id verified
커뮤니티 튜터
SPEAKS :스페인어

Profesora de Lengua castellana y literatura en Secundaria y Bachillerato. Certificado C1 Inglés. Mi forma de enseñar es intuitiva. Observo a las personas y detecto en qué punto puedo ayudar, dónde reforzar y qué corregir. Creo que adaptar los temas de conversación a los gustos de quien recibe la clase es esencial. No aprendemos si de lo que hablamos no nos motiva. Desde ese punto, mis clases son divertidas, interesantes y enriquecedoras, puesto que es el estudiante quien aproxima el tema hacia su interés. Se me da muy bien proporcionar confianza e inspirar a las personas para que busquen la mejor versión de todo aquello que hacen. Soy una persona con curiosidad, con hambre de aprender y compartir, por lo que la variedad de temas de conversación jamás será un problema.

USD 20.00/시범 수업
내일 예약 가능(시간: 14:30)
선생님 Emily과 함께 스페인어 배우세요.

583회 수업


id verified
커뮤니티 튜터
SPEAKS :스페인어

Experienced Tutor and Language Coach, focus on mindfulness + self compassion for students' wellbeing I structure students' lessons not only keeping their learning style in mind, but also focusing on who they are authentically behind their language studies. Therefore, building long term student relationships is very important to me and my work. I love sharing tips that will compliment language learning habits in general. I find different ways to explain a concept and understand how to energize my lessons through new material, and will always leave time for students to tell me about any mental hurdles I can help them through while learning. I am very patient, compassionate, determined and flexible to only offer the best in helping students reach their goals, beginner or advanced.

USD 10.00/시범 수업
내일 예약 가능(시간: 15:00)
선생님 Andrés과 함께 스페인어 배우세요.

224회 수업


id verified
커뮤니티 튜터
SPEAKS :스페인어

I look forward to helping you improve your Spanish skills through practice. The goal of my lessons is to help you improve your spanish through conversation practice and other activities that fit your needs. I have a certification in teaching Spanish as a foreign language, so we can rely on a variety of resources to help you achieve your goals. El objetivo de mis lecciones es ayudarte a mejorar tu español mediante la práctica de conversación y otras actividades que se acoplen a tus necesidades. Además, cuento con una certificación en enseñanza de español como lengua extranjera, por lo que podremos apoyarnos en diversos recursos para lograr tus objetivos.

USD 5.00/시범 수업
내일 예약 가능(시간: 15:00)
선생님 Julian Silva과 함께 스페인어 배우세요.

2,070회 수업

Julian Silva

id verified
커뮤니티 튜터
SPEAKS :스페인어

"Your world grows with your language", Become from spanish language learner to spanish speaker Por lo general el estudiante y el maestro interactúan de manera asertiva para que su aprendizaje sea más eficaz y cabe resaltar que debe haber disposición del estudiante hacia el maestro; yo como profesor por lo general soy de buen humor, paciente, creativo y dinámico, durante el proceso haré prácticas para hacer crecer en el idioma deseado, en este caso el español Usually the student and teacher interact assertively to make learning more effective, and it is worth noting that the teacher must be available to the student. As a teacher, I am usually easygoing, creating good conversations, patient, creative, and dynamic. During the practices, I will grow in the desired language.

USD 5.00/시범 수업
내일 예약 가능(시간: 09:30)
선생님 Alejandro Muñoz Rúa과 함께 스페인어 배우세요.

1,449회 수업

Alejandro Muñoz Rúa

id verified
커뮤니티 튜터
SPEAKS :스페인어

I believe, especially from my own experience, that the best way to learn a new language is through practice and conversations. My classes are conversationally focused in order to ensure that you will learn something new and practical with each lesson taken with me.

USD 5.00/시범 수업
내일 예약 가능(시간: 13:30)
선생님 Panagiotis Christodo과 함께 스페인어 배우세요.

1,055회 수업

Panagiotis Christodo

id verified
커뮤니티 튜터
SPEAKS :스페인어

Greek teacher and youtuber with greek lessons Teaching is my passion. Few things bring me such pleasure as teaching does. And when the material taught is my native language that I so much love then the reward multiplies. I have been teaching greek for over a year now to people from different cultures and places. Through this experience I 've learnt to adjust my classes to the needs of the student in order to get the most of the time we are sharing together.

USD 12.00/시범 수업
내일 예약 가능(시간: 12:00)
최종 결제는 USD로 이루어집니다.