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강의 시간
사용 언어:

내게 가장 잘 맞는 프랑스어 강사님을 찾아보세요.

내게 가장 잘 맞는 온라인 프랑스어 강사님 찾기: 경험이 풍부한 italki의 온라인 프랑스어 강사님을 찾아서 학습 효율을 최고로 높여보세요.

선생님 Olivier  Py과 함께 프랑스어 배우세요.

2,611회 수업

Olivier Py

id verified
커뮤니티 튜터
SPEAKS :프랑스어

My speciality is the pronunciation and the improvement in vocabulary in order to reach a good fluency. Through the years I managed to adquire a rich vocabulary in spanish and english, and also an excellent pronunciation (nearly native). I enjoy interpersonal contacts with other people. Mon fort est la prononciation et l'enrichissement dans le vocabulaire pour atteindre une plus grande fluidité. Au fil des ans j'ai acquis un vocabulaire riche en espagnol et en anglais, ainsi qu'une prononciation presque native. J'aime bien les interactions, le contact avec d'autres personnes différentes de moi.

USD 6.00/시범 수업
오늘 예약 가능(시간: 16:30)
선생님 Lucie Masson과 함께 프랑스어 배우세요.

1,411회 수업

Lucie Masson

id verified
커뮤니티 튜터
SPEAKS :프랑스어

En tant que professeur depuis plus de 2 ans désormais sur Italki, j'éprouve énormément de satisfaction à accompagner mes étudiants dans leur apprentissage de la langue française. Selon leur niveau et leurs objectifs, je fais de mon mieux pour qu'il prennent confiance en eux en s'exprimant en français et qu'ils bénéficient d'un apprentissage progressif et complet.

USD 7.00/시범 수업
오늘 예약 가능(시간: 20:00)
선생님 Ouissal과 함께 프랑스어 배우세요.

969회 수업


id verified
커뮤니티 튜터
SPEAKS :프랑스어

Professeure certifiée avec 3 ans d'expérience. As I'm currently a french teacher, I am well aware of the difficulties that learners can face when learning a new language. That's why we will work together step by step to improve your french language. So don't worry about making mistakes while practicing it, cause we were all beginners once !

USD 6.00/시범 수업
오늘 예약 가능(시간: 10:30)
선생님 TENONFO ZOMESSI . A과 함께 프랑스어 배우세요.

2,121회 수업


id verified
커뮤니티 튜터
SPEAKS :프랑스어

Professeur Bilingue avec 09 ans d'expérience professionnelle. I am a bilingual teacher with 08 years of teaching experience. I have a Bachelors degree and two masters degree in the science domain. I have had the privilege to teach students from all over the seven continents of world. I enjoy working with students who are learning French for their first time. I feel happy when working with my students who are preparing for language test or exams because, i share their joy when they succeed. The exercises and activities that i practices with my students during my lessons are so numerous that i chose base on the students level and objectives. Am very talented in running conversational classes because i have a lot of exciting topics of discussion.

USD 5.00/시범 수업
오늘 예약 가능(시간: 07:00)
선생님 Ivan Koval과 함께 프랑스어 배우세요.

4,394회 수업

Ivan Koval

id verified
전문 강사
SPEAKS :프랑스어

Professional language teacher with over 10 years of experience (IELTS / TORFL / DELF) I've taught children, teens, and adults at various levels over many years, so lessons can be both easy-going as well as very productive and results-oriented. Thanks to my experience, I can teach you a foreign language (Eng., Fr., Rus.) regardless of your level, even if you're a complete beginner. In class, I can provide you with a worksheet to put into practice what we’ve learned. This way, you will expand their vocabulary and achieve your desired goals in a short period of time. Soyez plus efficace dans la communication et parlez plus facilement en langue étrangère après le 1er cours!

USD 12.40/시간
선생님 Jérôme과 함께 프랑스어 배우세요.

2,594회 수업


id verified
전문 강사
SPEAKS :프랑스어

French Teacher with a Master's degree in French as a Foreign Language with 10 years of experience [Teacher with 10 years of professional experience] I'm a patient, attentive and understanding person. I have spent many years learning foreign languages, struggling with the difficulties that it entails, that's why I can understand your needs. Over the years, I've taught French to hundreds of people from all around the world, online & offline. I am smiling, friendly and listening to your problems and questions. Don't hesitate to send me a message.

USD 15.00/시범 수업
선생님 Prof. Matt 🇨🇵🇨🇦과 함께 프랑스어 배우세요.

1,702회 수업

Prof. Matt 🇨🇵🇨🇦

id verified
시험 준비
커뮤니티 튜터
SPEAKS :프랑스어
나이지리아 피진어

Achieve your goal to working, studying or moving to a francophone country 🇫🇷🇨🇦 without stress. En tant qu'enseignant en ligne , je suis flexible et je m'adapte à votre emploi du temps. Que vous soyez un étudiant occupé ou que vous ayez des contraintes de temps , je peux m'organiser pour que nous ayons des cours réguliers qui correspondent à votre rythme. De plus , j'utilise des méthodes pédagogiques modernes et interactives. Je crois en l'apprentissage actif et en utilisant des ressources variées telles que des vidéos , des articles , des jeux de rôles et des exercices pratiques pour rendre les leçons intéressantes et pertinentes. Je suis également très attentif à vos besoins individuels. Chaque étudiant est unique , avec ses propres forces et faiblesses.

USD 5.00/시범 수업
오늘 예약 가능(시간: 06:30)
선생님 Christophe과 함께 프랑스어 배우세요.

6,267회 수업


id verified
전문 강사
SPEAKS :프랑스어

Professeur Certifié avec plus de 6 ans d'expériences. As a teacher, I like not only sharing my knowledge but also learning from others. By making me discover your universe, your interests, we progress together. I discover new things, and of course, I help you to express yourself, both orally and in writing.

USD 5.00/시범 수업
오늘 예약 가능(시간: 17:00)
선생님 Diaa과 함께 프랑스어 배우세요.

1,783회 수업


id verified
전문 강사
SPEAKS :프랑스어
아랍어(현대 표준어)

i started to take new students (again) !!! *****Beginners are more than welcome to sign up too****

USD 8.00/시범 수업
선생님 Vanessa과 함께 프랑스어 배우세요.

4,515회 수업


id verified
전문 강사
SPEAKS :프랑스어

Let's laugh together and enjoy learning English, French and Spanish by speaking Feeling comfortable is key to learning! I do my best to create a safe and nice atmosphere so we can learn together through conversation and laughter. This is not your traditional language class! This is a one-on-one experience, designed to make you feel at ease and grow your confidence in your target language as you improve your language skills! I use visual cues and focus on communication so you can start using what you've learned right away!

USD 14.00/시범 수업
선생님 Marlène과 함께 프랑스어 배우세요.

338회 수업


id verified
전문 강사
SPEAKS :프랑스어

Professeur diplômé du DAEFLE, + 3 ans d'expériences en FLE, public étranger (A1-C1), DELF/DALF J'ai étudié le chinois et le japonais à l'Université de Paris, et j'ai également voyagé en Chine et au Japon. J'ai obtenu mon diplôme DAEFLE en 2017. J'ai fait des stages d'observation dans une classe d'élèves chinois qui apprenaient le français, à Paris. J'ai également fait du bénévolat dans une classe de collège auprès d'un public adolescent de primo-arrivants, puis dans une association auprès d'un public analphabète et migrant. C'est en 2020, que j'ai été salariée dans une grande association bretonne et j'ai pu enseigner le français à un public adulte migrant, pendant 2 ans. 2017 : I obtained my DAEFLE diploma (Alliance Française), I worked for 2 years in an association, with migrants.

USD 8.00/시범 수업
선생님 Isa ☆☆☆과 함께 프랑스어 배우세요.

544회 수업

Isa ☆☆☆

id verified
커뮤니티 튜터
SPEAKS :프랑스어

Joyeuse, patiente et compréhensive. Chacun de mes cours est unique et personnalisé. C'est pour ca que je suis sur italki pour partager des expériences : les miennes et les tiennes ! Je suis très heureuse de me présenter a toi qui cherche la bonne personne pour t'aider a progresser facilement et rapidement en français, sans stress. I am very happy to introduce myself to you who are looking for the right person to help you progress easily and quickly in French, without stress. Suivant tes besoins, je peux t'aider a enrichir ton vocabulaire, te sentir plus à l'aise, améliorer ta fluidité de parole, ton accent, préparer un examen oral ou écrit, préparer un séjour en France où tout simplement passer un moment agréable dans une ambiance toujours décontractée et amicale.

USD 15.00/시범 수업
선생님 Mickaël과 함께 프랑스어 배우세요.

1,705회 수업


id verified
전문 강사
SPEAKS :프랑스어

Correcteur Examinateur Concepteur TEF/ Correcteur examinateur DELF/DALF/ Professeur de français I’m an examiner and specialize in exam preparation which includes DELF, DALF A1 to C2, TEF Canada, TEF Québec, TEF naturalisation, TEF carte de resident, and DFP (Diploma of Professional French). I also got a master's degree of teaching French as Foreign Language. I could teach in French, English. I have taught for 10 years in three countries (UK, China, and France). I taught in prestigious institutions (Business France, French embassy, Alliance Française). During these 10 years, I brought students to reach their goals successfully such as exam preparation, job interviews, public speaking, accent reduction, relocation …

USD 22.00/시범 수업
선생님 Karina과 함께 프랑스어 배우세요.

3,634회 수업


id verified
전문 강사
SPEAKS :프랑스어

Learn to speak with confidence using fun exercices! 8 years of experience! I really enjoy preparing interactive classes, because I really believe in non-formal education! And my speciality is CONVERSATION! If you want to be more confident when you speak French, be prepared to answer any kind of questions, … ! In one word (or more) If you want to "parler, parler, parler et encore parler", I could be the teacher you are looking for! ;) I'm not teaching kids anymore!

USD 20.00/시범 수업
선생님 Laura Hernanz과 함께 프랑스어 배우세요.

1,241회 수업

Laura Hernanz

id verified
전문 강사
SPEAKS :프랑스어

Profesora de Idiomas multidisciplinar con amplia experiencia en la enseñanza Soy una profesora dinámica, activa y exigente, tanto con mis alumn@s como conmigo misma. Me gusta elaborar mis clases con paciencia y mimo, adaptándolas a las necesidades y objetivos de cada alumn@. Llevo más de seis años dando clases particulares de diferentes idiomas y materias, y a niveles muy diversos, por lo que soy capaz de adecuar siempre las clases conforme al alumno. Me gusta realizar actividades nuevas, juegos, reforzar la parte de expresión y comprensión oral, tan olvidada en ocasiones en los aprendizajes más tradicionales. Cambio varias veces de actividad en la misma clase para que sea amena y muy activa, siendo el alumno el centro activo y quien modula la clase.

USD 8.00/시범 수업
선생님 Michèle과 함께 프랑스어 배우세요.

2,164회 수업


id verified
커뮤니티 튜터
SPEAKS :프랑스어

J'ai l'habitude d'enseigner à des personnes de niveaux différents et je m'adapte en fonction de leur situation personnelle et de leurs centres d'intérêts. J'enseigne seulement aux adultes (à partir de 18 ans) Par ailleurs, je ne donne pas de cours aux débutants complets, je pense qu'il vaut mieux dans ce cas vous adresser à un enseignant professionnel. I'm used to teaching people of different levels and I can adapt depending on their needs and interests. I teach only to adults (from 18 years old). Furthermore, I don't give classes to complete beginners, I think it is better in this case to choose a professional teacher.

USD 10.00/시범 수업
선생님 Roua Krimi과 함께 프랑스어 배우세요.

1,250회 수업

Roua Krimi

id verified
전문 강사
SPEAKS :프랑스어
아랍어(현대 표준어)

My experience as a language teacher started nine years ago on italki when I was just a student. In 2015, I co-founded a language center with my partner here in Tunis, and together we have taught hundreds of students from all over the world. Being a language learner myself, I completely understand the challenges that may arise throughout the learning process. I am always here to support my students and guide them along the way.

USD 12.00/시범 수업
선생님 Olga CELTA teacher과 함께 프랑스어 배우세요.

1,029회 수업

Olga CELTA teacher

id verified
전문 강사
SPEAKS :프랑스어

A professional certified teacher with 15+ years of experience. Kind, supportive and broad-minded Teaching and learning are my biggest passions. I`ve been giving lessons for more than 10 years (language schools and centres, private lessons, offline and online, in groups and 1 to 1, kids, teenages and adults). Every person needs a special approach, that`s why I always prepare for each of my lessons. My students work and study in different cities around the world and I`m really happy to eyewitness their success in language learning! #competent, #supportive

USD 12.00/시범 수업
선생님 Daniel과 함께 프랑스어 배우세요.

344회 수업


id verified
전문 강사
SPEAKS :프랑스어

Fully qualified teacher of languages with +8 years experience. Kids & Teenagers welcome! ✔ BA Joint Honours (Spanish & Portuguese) - University of Manchester ✔ PGCE - (Spanish & French) - University of Chichester ✔ Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) ✔CELTA - Cambridge Assessment English Certificate ✔ DBS (Security) Checked ✔ Masters in Education (MA Ed) - University of Reading ✔ ESL Examiner (Oxford IGCSE)

USD 26.00/시범 수업
선생님 Maëlle Cario과 함께 프랑스어 배우세요.

1,597회 수업

Maëlle Cario

id verified
커뮤니티 튜터
SPEAKS :프랑스어

French lessons with a native, for beginners to advanced, conversation training I am very patient, so the course will be at your own pace and focused on your needs. I adapt the content of my courses to each student. I am curious and open, we will be able to discuss many subjects, we will not be bored.

USD 6.00/시범 수업
최종 결제는 USD로 이루어집니다.