이탈리아어 강사 Irene


커뮤니티 튜터
지도 언어:
구사 언어
Italian certified Neurolanguage Coach® - Accr. ICF - Set your destination: we'll get there together
시작 이탈리아이탈리아, Latina 거주 중 (10:32 UTC+02:00)
자기 소개
italki 강사 시작 연도: 2021년 Jul 27일
흥미로운 주제읽기음식역사
Ciao, sono Irene e vivo in uno dei borghi più belli d'Italia lungo la costa a sud di Roma. Sono laureata in lingue (francese e inglese) e lavoro da sempre a contatto con persone di lingue e culture diverse. Sono una Neuro Language Coach® certificata da ELC e accreditata da ICF, significa che ho studiato un approccio che combina le neuro scienze e il coaching per rendere l'apprendimento un'esperienza unica, efficace, scandita da obiettivi e tempi. Il mio podcast si chiama Irene in Italia (Spotify, Apple, Amazon) e un gruppo su Facebook con lo stesso nome. Ho creato "Amyclae Experience" (lo trovi su google). Ballo il tango, amo il trekking e il mare.

이탈리아어 강의

시범 수업
64개 강의 완료됨
USD 10.00+
Italiano - NeuroLanguage Coaching®
A2 -  C2


794개 강의 완료됨
USD 25.00+
패키지(25% 할인가)
Italiano. NeuroLanguage Coaching®
A2 -  C2


318개 강의 완료됨
USD 35.00
패키지(23% 할인가)
OLD STUDENTS >>> Italiano - Lezione personalizzata.
A1 -  C2


403개 강의 완료됨
USD 16.00+
패키지(12% 할인가)

수업 가능한 시간

회원님의 시간대 기준 (UTC+00:00)
내 창작 콘텐츠
어휘 (2)
팟캐스트 (4)
퀴즈 (30)

104개의 평가

학생 Jessica Albrecht
Jessica Albrecht
73개의 이탈리아어 강의
강사님의 선택
I appreciate Irene's patience with my learning progress. I also appreciate her commitment to providing excellent quality of instruction as well as her enthusiasm when I demonstrate that I have acquired knowledge on a topic. She encourages me to take steps that will lead to increased proficiency. I appreciate this because sometimes I am hesitant to provide an answer if it won't be perfectly correct. Yet it's important to make attempts. I enjoy our lessons each week and look forward to continuing and increasing my proficiency with the Italian language. It's a pleasure to work with such a great teacher.
2024년 9월 1일
학생 bogartb@purdue.edu
42개의 이탈리아어 강의
강사님의 선택
It has to be said: Irene is an exceptionally gifted instructor. She is highly attentive to what students want to achieve, to what they might need in order to reach their goals, and also to what might be hindering them, psychologically or otherwise. She has a deep curiosity about what goes on inside the head/brain of the L2 learner -- a curiosity that has led her to explore the relevant neuroscientific findings. This same passion for discovery is reflected in the joy she demonstrates when, together, she and her students uncover underlying motivations or discover strategies and tricks for understanding more deeply the structures of the language. Always full of encouragement, always down to earth and approachable, Irene is a top-notch facilitator of Italian language-learning.
2024년 3월 26일
학생 Veronica Montalvo
Veronica Montalvo
15개의 이탈리아어 강의
강사님의 선택
Irene is a wonderful Italian tutor! She is patient, caring, and seems genuinely invested in helping me to prove my Italian. In fact, in the few lessons I’ve already had, I feel that my pronunciation and fluidity in speaking are starting to improve. She strikes a great balance between having structured lessons in which we complete exercise focused on listening comprehension, grammar and other areas while also having a conversation in which I’m able to practice my Italian and receive feedback and corrections. I highly recommend Irene and look forward to continuing to work with her!
2024년 1월 25일
학생 Vera Bratuz
Vera Bratuz
52개의 이탈리아어 강의
Irene è un insegnante favolosa per me. È estremamente paziente e incoraggiante con me. Mi guida nell'apprendimento della grammatica complessa, adattando il metodo alle mie esigenze. Mille grazie Irene!
2024년 9월 18일
학생 michelle anderson
michelle anderson
1개의 이탈리아어 강의
Irene approaches learning Italian in a personalized way, helping to identify and overcome the unique challenges the learner faces. She helps identify goals and then creates a learning environment where you feel supported and safe to make — and learn from — mistakes. I cannot recommend her more highly!
2024년 9월 18일
학생 Jessica Albrecht
Jessica Albrecht
73개의 이탈리아어 강의
Irene is very thoughtful in her teaching approach, paying careful attention to the individual student and how best to help them learn. She is creative and flexible while keeping focus on the desired outcome of the lesson. I definitely recommend her as a teacher and I'm happy with my progress as we continue to work together. Irene is very thoughtful in her teaching approach, paying careful attention to the individual student and how best to help them learn. She is creative and flexible while keeping focus on the desired outcome of the lesson. I would definitely recommend her as a teacher and I am happy with the progress I've made while working with her on my language learning journey.
2024년 9월 17일
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