
italki で イタリア語 の講師を探す

あなたにぴったりの イタリア語 のオンライン講師を見つけましょう:italki でティーチング経験豊かな先生を選んで、最高の学習経験をご体験ください。

先生 rosa maria loprete と一緒に イタリア語 を学びましょう。

1,629 レッスン

rosa maria loprete

id verified
コミュニティ チューター
SPEAKS :イタリア語

Posso insegnare l'italiano a chi non lo parla molto bene, e a chi vuole migliorarlo. Possiamo anche scrivere in italiano e fare esercizi di lettura e scrittura. Ho pazienza e sono sempre sorridente e disponibile per me è importante che tu capisca bene cosa diciamo. Possiamo usare testi di canzoni per capire l'italiano, ascoltare insieme dei racconti, perché la cosa più importante è l'ascolto e parlare. I can teach Italian to those who can't speak Italian very well but would like to improve. We can also do reading and writing exercises together. I have a lot of patience and I'm always smiling and ready to help. For me it's important that you understand what's being said.

USD 5.00/体験レッスン
レッスン可能な日時 07:30 明日
先生 Valeria と一緒に イタリア語 を学びましょう。

1,033 レッスン


id verified
SPEAKS :イタリア語
中国語 (普通話)

面向中国大学生和学者的意大利语语言课程。十年经验。 Italian lessons for English speakers. Speak from day 1! 10 years of exper. My name is Valeria and I am a professional Italian Teacher. I hold a CEDILS certificate to teach Italian to foreigners, a Ph.D in Asian Studies and I have over 10 years of teaching experience both in person and online. I have specialised in teaching to Chinese speakers who wish to study in Italy, to European professionals who work for Italian companies, and to retirees passionate about culture and travels. I have a solid knowledge of teaching methodologies that I developed through my experience as a lecturer in China and in the UK. I learnt how to design new courses according to students’ feedback while making sure that they are clear and comprehensive.

USD 15.00/体験レッスン
先生 Alessandra 李珊乐 と一緒に イタリア語 を学びましょう。

3,621 レッスン

Alessandra 李珊乐

id verified
SPEAKS :イタリア語
中国語 (普通話)

CEDILS Certified Italian teacher and CEO of "Cocai Italiano" - Online Italian school I am in love with languages and I myself have been a language student, so I can say I am close to you! I perfectly master my native language and moreover I have published 4 novels and a lot of articles: so I adore to teach Italian to passionated people or to whom wants to get to know the culture of my country. I have been teaching students from different nationalities on 2 continents, so I know different methods of teaching.

USD 8.00/体験レッスン
先生 Diana Lardieri と一緒に イタリア語 を学びましょう。

928 レッスン

Diana Lardieri

id verified
SPEAKS :イタリア語

Learn Italian Naturally I'm a very friendly teacher, in my classes I create a very relaxed environment. I have learned several languages myself and this helps me a lot in teaching because I can give a lot of advice to my students. I also like to use my creativity in my lessons to create original activities. My classes are very dynamic. When I teach I give my soul, all my life experience is in the lessons.

USD 5.00/体験レッスン
先生 Jaqueline Lazzeroni と一緒に イタリア語 を学びましょう。

1,679 レッスン

Jaqueline Lazzeroni

id verified
コミュニティ チューター
SPEAKS :イタリア語

Join me and discover a fresh new way of learning Italian!!💡 My experience in language education refers to the tutoring I've given students of all ages and levels over time. My studies also led me to learn about the adults' world and their ways of internalizing new information when it comes to foreign languages.During my University study case, I had the chance to design an English course for absolute-beginner seniors, which was revealed to be the litmus test of the approach effectiveness I'd been working on up to then. I prefer to be seen as a facilitator of learning rather than a teacher,for my aim is to support others in their journey of language exploration by providing tools and offering expertise to raise consciousness of the new language system.

USD 6.00/体験レッスン
先生 Cintía D Mëdeiros と一緒に イタリア語 を学びましょう。

555 レッスン

Cintía D Mëdeiros

id verified
SPEAKS :イタリア語

Certified English, Portuguese and Italian teacher I am a professional teacher. I am patient, caring and empathetic. I am fluent in Portuguese, English and Italian. I lived in Italy for 5 years and since 2007 I have been living in Belfast in Northern Ireland. I have been teaching English, Italian and Portuguese for over 30 years. I have had students from all walks of life, different nationalities, age groups and all levels. I plan my lessons based on the student’s learning style. I am looking forward to meeting you for a trial lesson.

USD 15.00/体験レッスン
レッスン可能な日時 19:00 今日
先生 Ilaria✯CEDILS cert と一緒に イタリア語 を学びましょう。

2,044 レッスン

Ilaria✯CEDILS cert

id verified
SPEAKS :イタリア語

Certified, dedicated and patient teacher.🌟Student-centred approach! 🎯 🎯 I aim to create a relaxed environment where the student can feel as comfortable as possible. You're welcome to ask me questions or ask me to reformulate. I take constructive feedback from the students on board. I do believe teaching is a two-way process. I am happy to adapt and customise our lessons based on your level and interests. Also, I can give tips on resources and I'll correct mistakes. 🎓 Qualifications. Bachelor's degree in Translation studies (Languages: English and French), a postgraduate certification in Interpreting and a CEDILS certificate (Teaching Italian as a foreign language certification). Regularly attending webinars to keep up to date with current research.

USD 23.00/体験レッスン
先生 Diana C と一緒に イタリア語 を学びましょう。

1,210 レッスン

Diana C

id verified
コミュニティ チューター
SPEAKS :イタリア語

Throughout my experience as an online language tutor, I understood, that empathy is one of the most important skills that a tutor is in need for, to become a good one. I am doing my best in all the classes I conduce and I’m always eager to have feedbacks from my students in order to become better and better everyday. I am not the only one who can teach something....you are here to give back something as well.....:-)!!

USD 7.00/体験レッスン
先生 Francesca Iosa と一緒に イタリア語 を学びましょう。

1,452 レッスン

Francesca Iosa

id verified
SPEAKS :イタリア語

Insegnante e Esaminatrice CELI con oltre 10 anni di esperienza Mi considero un'insegnante molto paziente e pronta all'ascolto.Sono specializzata nell'insegnamento dell'italiano a giovani e adulti, ma nei miei anni di insegnamento ho avuto studenti di tutti i livelli: dal livello A1 fino al C2. Sono un'esaminatrice CELI: conduco la prova orale degli esami CELI. Solitamente durante la prima lezione cerco di determinare il livello dello studente per poi approfondire le motivazioni e i bisogni che lo hanno portato allo studio dell'italiano. Le mie lezioni non saranno mai generiche ma saranno costruite esattamente sui bisogni dell'apprendente.

USD 12.00/体験レッスン
先生 Luca と一緒に イタリア語 を学びましょう。

379 レッスン


id verified
コミュニティ チューター
SPEAKS :イタリア語
中国語 (普通話)
アラビア語 (現代標準)

I am a patient, understanding and detail-oriented person; I always try to be as clear as possible so that my students can fully understand me. I always try to be positive and engaging: it is very important to put the student at ease if I want to involve him/her in the lesson, make him/her practice and thus make sure that he/she can really learn. Having had translation studies and linguistics at university I know very well how fundamental these aspects are in learning a language, therefore the translation of short sentences and the logical and grammatical analysis will be an important part of this path. I am available for individual further information if necessary or requested.

USD 5.00/体験レッスン
レッスン可能な日時 08:00 明日
先生 Rosaria Li Mura と一緒に イタリア語 を学びましょう。

1,232 レッスン

Rosaria Li Mura

id verified
SPEAKS :イタリア語

I received my degree in languages and literature in 1986. One of my first jobs was worked as a congress hostess and also as a tourist translator. In 1992, I started to teach Italian as a foreign language for all levels, from beginners to advanced. I have taught one to one, groups and also full immersion lessons as requested. In the last few years, I have also taught children and young people using Skype. My certified Italian language teacher diploma is from the University of Siena ( Ditals I ) and from the University of Perugia ( DILS PG II ). I am registered in the professional register of teachers of Italian for foreigners known as APIDIS (Albo Professionale Insegnanti di Italiano )

USD 5.00/体験レッスン
先生 Giampiero と一緒に イタリア語 を学びましょう。

499 レッスン


id verified
コミュニティ チューター
SPEAKS :イタリア語

If you want to come to Italy, even if your level is beginner, with few words you can manage it, go shopping, ask for information, book a hotel or things like this. As intermediate you can talk about all the aspects of the everyday life, or express deeper concepts, and I can help you to choose the right words and the correct sentence structures, that ones that italians use in a normal conversation. If you have particular needs or interest, we can deepen some topic or a specific technical language. I can also teach you the most common idioms in the spoken Italian, and we can even have a look to our body language, that we use very often.

USD 5.00/体験レッスン
先生 Miranda と一緒に イタリア語 を学びましょう。

1,307 レッスン


id verified
コミュニティ チューター
SPEAKS :イタリア語

My approach is friendly and involving, because I really love to help other people to learn a new language. Don't be nervous If you make a mistake: you're welcome to ask me questions, to repeat or ask me to reformulate.

USD 6.00/体験レッスン
先生 Dr. Prof. Anna と一緒に イタリア語 を学びましょう。

1,756 レッスン

Dr. Prof. Anna

id verified
SPEAKS :イタリア語

Bilingual DE + IT teacher | MA German Studies | 30 YEARS of PROFESSIONAL TEACHING | NEW: Egyptology! I am a passionate and highly qualified teacher with a 30-YEAR EXPERIENCE as a PROFESSIONAL FULL TIME TEACHER, and I'm also a person with many interests that I'd love to share with you! Having been raised between two cultures I have an understanding for different cultures, and I am a supportive, encouraging and open minded teacher. In my lessons you will find: ✔ a strong background in language training and language teaching ✔ a passionate, empathic teacher who is eager to accompany you on a fascinating journey of discovery ✔ a conversation partner with many interests! ✔ special interest courses, such as GERMAN SHORT STORIES, ANCIENT EGYPT and MINDFULNESS. In German and in Italian, of course!

USD 25.00/体験レッスン
先生 Luca M と一緒に イタリア語 を学びましょう。

707 レッスン

Luca M

id verified
コミュニティ チューター
SPEAKS :イタリア語

Lawyer, Ph.D. in International Law, many years of experience in teaching Italian I graduated in law (with honours) and have an excellent knowledge of Italian grammar. In fact, every day I have to draw up complex legal acts that require a very thorough knowledge of the Italian language. Durante le mie lezioni utilizzo diversi strumenti (testi, articoli di giornale, audio ecc) che scelgo personalmente in base al livello e alle caratteristiche dello studente, in modo da poter lavorare su specifici aspetti della lingua italiana.

USD 15.00/体験レッスン
レッスン可能な日時 05:30 明日
先生 Francesco と一緒に イタリア語 を学びましょう。

8 レッスン


id verified
SPEAKS :イタリア語

Certified CEDILS teacher (evaluation 89/100) now working as a university lecturer ITA/ENG/RU/PL As a teacher, I love to adopt the communicative approach with my students and to stick to all has been studied and published by the most important scholars that covered topics as the second language acquisition theories. I see language learning as a very academic and scientific matter and, as I am a lifelong language learner myself, I know what kind of difficultries you might encounter during your path, but I am ready to step in and sort it out the funniest and the most interesting way ever. That being said, please expect from my side a deep understanding and empathy in each phase of your learning process. On top of that, I am a chill person and I enjoy to have casual conversations a lot.

USD 15.00/体験レッスン
先生 Federico Cristalli と一緒に イタリア語 を学びましょう。

422 レッスン

Federico Cristalli

id verified
コミュニティ チューター
SPEAKS :イタリア語

NATIVE SPEAKER TEACHER with one goal: bring you to fluency in Italian with structured lessons 🗣️ ITA: Sono preparato, paziente, solare e attento ai bisogni dello studente. Metto sempre al primo posto la dinamica relazionale e quindi mi piace instaurare un clima rassicurante e proficuo di complicità. Presto attenzione a strutturare le mie lezioni, i materiali e il mio parlato secondo il livello linguistico dell'alunno. ENG: I am prepared, patient, cheerful and attentive to the needs of the student. I always put the relational dynamic first and therefore I like to establish a reassuring and profitable climate of complicity. I am careful to structure my lessons, materials and speech according to the language level of the student.

USD 12.00/体験レッスン
先生 Marcella Sanna と一緒に イタリア語 を学びましょう。

822 レッスン

Marcella Sanna

id verified
SPEAKS :イタリア語

Insegno Italiano da tre anni, il mio approccio varia a seconda delle necessità dello studente. Tutti hanno un approccio diverso allo studio, il mio compito è quello di comprendere come aiutare lo studente a trovare il metodo migliore per imparare la lingua. Inoltre abitando a Londra mi sono trovata dalla parte dello studente per quanto riguarda la lingua inglese, questo mi ha permesso di comprendere le difficoltà di studiare una nuova lingua cercando di superare il semplice livello scolastico.

USD 10.00/体験レッスン
先生 Nicolaj TEFL&CEDILS と一緒に イタリア語 を学びましょう。

333 レッスン


id verified
SPEAKS :イタリア語

Your friendly online teacher, with over 10 years of experience in tutoring and coaching 🐾 I have always enjoyed helping people and I find teaching extremely rewarding. When I was a student, I was a bit of a rebel (read: 'allergic to blind authority'). Therefore, my current way to communicate and establish a connection with my students is based upon mutual respect: with respect, there is real listening. And with real listening, there is true learning.

USD 12.00/体験レッスン
先生 Giulia Messineo と一緒に イタリア語 を学びましょう。

4,081 レッスン

Giulia Messineo

id verified
コミュニティ チューター
SPEAKS :イタリア語

Hyper-polyglot, I tailor my classes and I mentor students. Very patient and will 100% make u smile🌻 I genuinely love teaching ''my'' languages. I am a very patient person, willing to help you as much as possible and create a safe place where you can relax because I will never judge you or something like that. I always try to adapt to the needs of my students and their preferred method(s), although I highly recommend mastering the basics of grammar and having conversations, as I learn almost all the languages with this method. I also mentor my students by giving them useful tips to apply to their everyday life and I'm constantly looking for new resources and other things that might be helpful in the learning process.

USD 6.00/体験レッスン


イタリア語を身につけるのに、ネイティブスピーカーの講師は必要でしょうか?語学を教えてくれるオンライン講師を見つける一番の方法は、 italki.com のような語学学習の個別指導に特化したオンラインサイトを利用することです。 italki には、 1,000 名以上ものイタリア語のオンライン講師やチューターが在籍しています。
けれども、自分にぴったりの先生は、どうやって見つけたらいいのでしょう? italki を利用して、あなたに最適なオンライン講師を探すうえで、重視すべき要素がいくつかあります。たとえばまず初めに、講師がイタリア語のティーチング経験をどれぐらい積んでいるのか確認しましょう。より速く語学レベルを上げるためには、経験を積んだ講師との学習の方が、より効果が高いと考えられています。次に、同じ講師のレッスンを以前受講したことのある生徒の方々に、評価や意見を聞いてみるのもおすすめです。 italki では、それぞれの講師専用のページ上で、生徒のレビューや反応を簡単に見ることができます。 3 番目に、実際に選んだオンラインチューターにコンタクトを取って、スケジュールの確認をしましょう。オンラインレッスンは手軽に設定できますが、あなたの先生が常にあなたが希望する日時にレッスンができるとは限りません。あらかじめ前もって、先生のスケジュールを確認しておきましょう。最後に、レッスンパッケージを購入する前に、体験レッスンをリクエストしましょう。体験レッスンを受講すると、先生の事も、どのような指導方法でレッスンをおこなっているのかもわかります。これからうまく一緒に学習していけそうか、また先生の教え方があなたに合っているのか、よく確認しましょう。

イタリア語を習得するのに必ずしもネイティブ講師は必要ありません。ネイティブ講師と同じぐらい教え方が上手なノンネイティブの講師はたくさんいます。というのも、ティーチングには十分な準備と、コミュニケーション能力などのソフトスキル、そしてやる気が必要で、ただ単に言葉を知っているというだけでは不十分なのです。 italki には、ノンネイティブでありながら、生徒のレビューが非常に高い経験豊かなイタリア語の講師が数多く在籍しています。実際 italki で最高評価を受けている講師たちの中には、イタリア語が第 2 言語、さらには第 3 言語の方もいます!ノンネイティブスピーカーが、ネイティブスピーカーより優れた先生になりえる主な理由の一つは、実際に語学を学習してきた経験が彼ら自身にある、という点です。結局のところ、すべてのノンネイティブ講師は、かつては現在教えている生徒が今いるのと同じ場所:つまり生徒と同じ立ち位置にいたのです。

The Internet is the best place to find an private Italian tutor who gives you Italian tuition online. Most language learning websites sell complete online language courses, but some are offering one-on-one private lessons or free language exchange between students. italki is a great place to find hundreds of private Italian tutors. We have more than 1,000 Italian teachers and online tutors. Our platform allows you to book 1-on-1 lessons at affordable prices and take private Italian lessons at a time and place convenient for you.
While enrolling in an online language course is cheaper, individual lessons with a private tutor will help you to learn faster. Instead of spending 20+ hours repeating after an audio recording and doing redundant exercises, you can achieve the same level in just a few lessons with a private Italian tutor. That's why working with a private tutor is more practical and cost-effective.
To make a more informed choice and find the best Italian tutor, don't hesitate to research their background and ask about their experience. Just keep in mind your language learning goals and your reasons to learn Italian. If you have a clear idea of the language points that you need to improve or you lack experience with, ask your private Italian tutor to help you with those specific points and to prepare a language plan based on your requirements.
Of course, when you're looking for a private Italian tutor, you should consider their teaching experience and fees. Private lessons' pricing varies a lot depending on the tutor's background and on the lesson types. General and conversational Italian lessons are usually cheaper than business and exam preparation lessons. Also, native Italian teachers tend to charge more than non-native teachers. Choosing between a native or a non-native teacher can affect your pronunciation, but improve your grammar and learning. The quality of the study materials the teacher will use is also important as it will directly affect your learning process. And of course, their teaching experience should also be an important criterion when you look for an Italian tutor and you make your decision. Experienced teachers are on average more effective in raising student achievement than less experienced teachers.

italki.com では、様々なバックグランドや経験を持つイタリア語講師が在籍しているので、あなたのニーズに合った最高の先生がきっと見つかります。そして優秀なイタリア語講師とは、必ずしもネイティブスピーカーとは限らないということを忘れないでください。

italki のイタリア語オンラインレッスンの受講料は、講師の経験やレッスン時間、居住地、母国語などたくさんの要因によって異なります。.
例えば、プロのイタリア語講師との 60 分レッスンは、およそ 17 ドルから 19 ドルで受講可能です!同様に、イタリア語チューターとの 45 分レッスンですと、 12 ドルから 14 ドルとなります。 italki でイタリア語の 60 分レッスンの平均価格は、たったの 15 ドルです!