Sammy Sammy
There is a saying that I live by, which is “Each language is a piece of a puzzle that we need in order to determine how language works in the mind. With each missing piece, we are further from seeing the full picture.” The reason I stand firmly with that saying Is because I believe that each and every language deserves to be protected despite it being known as common or uncommon. We lose a lot as a global nation if we allow languages to die out just because they’re not common. We miss out on a chance to explore more because I believe that languages carry a wealth of knowledge even when they’re are not common, there’s a reason why those languages existed in the first place and if it was not essential they would have ever existed in the first place. They’re always a majority of ways to save dying languages, all that is needed are people who are interested in putting the effort needed to preserve these dying languages.
2022年5月25日 16:55
コメント · 3
Well said. 💯
Exactly! Finding ways to preserve languages and learn from them is vital to understanding the past as well as for guiding us as smarter beings into the future.
This is very true, Sammy. This is why language documentation, field linguistics, and language reclamation/advocacy are so important.