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Trova un insegnante privato di tedesco online

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Impara Tedesco con il professore Seda.


id verified
Tutor della Community
SPEAKS :Tedesco

🇩🇪 In meiner Erfahrung habe Ich viele verschiedene Schüler getroffen. Manche brauchen einen kreativen Unterricht mit mehr "Spaß"- andere brauchen etwas mehr Struktur. Ich passe mich beiden Richtungen an, lege jedoch Wert darauf, Deutschland so natürlich und spaßig wie möglich zu unterrichten, dadurch entsteht ein perfekter Redefluss. 🇬🇧 In my experience I got to teach various different kind of student. Generally there is the kind of student who prefers a fun and creative way to learn german- others prefer a more structured approach. I can match any students needs, but either way I prefer to focus on the aspect that helps the student reach natural, native like fluency.

USD 19.99/Ora
Impara Tedesco con il professore maria camila.

2,181 lezioni

maria camila

id verified
Tutor della Community
SPEAKS :Tedesco

Profesora de ingl, alem español con 5 años de experiencia / Spanish & TELF-certified English teacher I have 5 years of teaching experience and I am also TELF certified from the State University of Arizona. I can also provide didactic and multimedia material to make learning even more fun and easy. My teaching method varies depending on my students needs and what they want to achieve. But I always try to keep the classes dynamic and fun. Tengo 5 años de experiencia en enseñanza, también cuento con un certificado TELF para enseñar ingles. Por otro lado, cuento con diferentes recursos didácticos y de multimedia para hacer el aprendizaje mas fácil y divertido. Mi método de enseñanza nunca es el mismo, siempre varia dependiendo de las metas del estudiante.

USD 8.00/prova
Disponibile 21:00 Oggi
Impara Tedesco con il professore Peter.

9 lezioni


id verified
Insegnante professionista
SPEAKS :Tedesco

Offizieller Deutsch-Lehrer für Integrationskurse und Berufssprachkurse Seit mehr als 15 Jahren unterrichte ich professionell Deutsch auf allen Niveaustufen von A1 bis C2. Meine Schülerinnen und Schüler kommen aus der ganzen Welt. Sehr gern übe ich mir dir: - Grammatik von A1 bis C2 - Konversation - Texte schreiben - eine authentische Aussprache - Übersetzen Ich spreche auch Englisch, Türkisch und Arabisch, so I can explain in English Türkçe konuşarak yardım edebılırım يمكنني مساعدتك باللغة الألمانية et je parle aussi un peu français.

USD 10.00/prova
Impara Tedesco con il professore Julia Suntinger.

240 lezioni

Julia Suntinger

id verified
Tutor della Community
SPEAKS :Tedesco

Let's get your language skills to the next level! I am very patient and empathic. I want to create a safe and fun environment for you to improve your english or your german skills. We will talk about your goals and expectation in our first lesson and then I will try to tailor each lesson to your needs. I want to have fun conversations with you and to help you feel more confident to speak in your chosen language.

USD 18.00/Ora
Impara Tedesco con il professore Elizaveta Stakhina.

446 lezioni

Elizaveta Stakhina

id verified
Insegnante professionista
SPEAKS :Tedesco

Smiling and friendly certified teacher=) Сдала экзамен TestDaf 2019 году на уровень C1. На данный момент работаю на курсах преподавателем немецкого языка в Германии, также преподаю русский язык как носитель языка. Обожаю этот язык и постоянно совершенствую свои знания, регулярно общаясь с носителями языка, принимая участие в обменах и конференциях в Германии и Австрии. Помогу вам полюбить этот язык и усовершенствовать свои знания! Passed 2019 TestDaf exam at level C1. At the moment, I also work as a German language teacher on courses, and also teach Russian as a native speaker. I love this language and constantly improve my knowledge, regularly communicating with native speakers, taking part in exchanges and conferences in Germany.

USD 20.00/prova
Impara Tedesco con il professore Mel.

1,071 lezioni


id verified
Insegnante professionista
SPEAKS :Tedesco

I work as a language teacher at a Language School, where I teach German as a foreign language. I teach in small groups, and one on one classes (online and offline). I am a patient and encouraging teacher, I am aware of the difficulties and struggles when it comes to learning a new language since I am a language learner myself.

USD 10.00/prova
Impara Tedesco con il professore Regina S..

399 lezioni

Regina S.

id verified
Insegnante professionista
SPEAKS :Tedesco

Professional and dedicated teacher: Grammar, Talk, Business, Goethe/Telc, Fachsprachprüfung Medizin Students always like my patience, my wide range of methods, my outstanding ability to explain even the most difficult topics, my kindness and that time is flying by during our lessons. I’m an expert in teaching methods and motivation. So you won't get bored in our lessons and will like to hold on. A good pronunciation makes all the difference. I speak German without an accent and will always concentrate on you speaking German like a German. Since I do not only speak German and English but also Spanish, French, Arabic and a little Chinese, Russian and Greek, I know how languages work and will make my knowledge available to you.

USD 15.00/prova
Impara Tedesco con il professore ✨ Marlena 老师 まれな ✨.

1,588 lezioni

✨ Marlena 老师 まれな ✨

id verified
Tutor della Community
SPEAKS :Tedesco
Cinese (mandarino)

As I have been living in many countries, I have always worked as a private tutor to teach my foreign friends and contacts Chinese and at the same time, teaching my Chinese friends German or English. I am a very communicative, organised and open person, so I often encourage my students to keep practicing. Don't be afraid to make mistakes! Also, in my opinion, it is very important for me to know the needs of my students so that I can do my best to prepare materials, videos, documents before lessons to keep my students motivated! 友達に日本語を教えた経験があって、外国のビジネス関係者や友人に中国とドイツ語のレッスンをした経験もあります。レッスンの前に、あなたの中国語かドイツ語のレベルを聞かせていただきいて、できるだけあなたのレベルに応じて授業を差し上げます。

USD 10.00/prova
Impara Tedesco con il professore Arkadiy.

805 lezioni


id verified
Insegnante professionista
SPEAKS :Tedesco

Grown up in Berlin, accentless speaking professional German teacher with Goethe Certificate C2 My favorite principle of teaching German is „learning by doing“. Theory is surely important, but if you want to communicate in a foreign language really well, you must be able to speak fluently.

USD 12.00/prova
Disponibile 19:00 Oggi
Impara Tedesco con il professore Boris.

556 lezioni


id verified
Tutor della Community
SPEAKS :Tedesco

I teach German in an easy and fun way. I teach conversations without complex conjugation tables, and am happy to provide helpful examples for unfamiliar vocabulary. Thanks to this, the lessons will not become boring and the student's interest will not be lost. In this way you can consolidate and expand your knowledge so that you can understand German books yourself or watch famous German videos, etc. Please: BEFORE booking your first trial lesson with me, contact me! Recently, I have received a lot of trial lessons without any information about the student. Please send me a short message about yourself and your goals before booking a first lesson!

USD 11.00/Ora
Impara Tedesco con il professore Tamara.

3,238 lezioni


id verified
Insegnante professionista
SPEAKS :Tedesco

I'm patient, calm, friendly and encouraging. I don't want you to be afraid of making mistakes. It's the only way you can progress. That's why I'll do my best to make you feel comfortable.

USD 20.00/prova
Impara Tedesco con il professore Nisa.

4,232 lezioni


id verified
Tutor della Community
SPEAKS :Tedesco
Persiano (farsi)

Community teacher I am a native Persian speaker and my mother tongue is Azeri which is so close to Turkish. I also know German language so I would be happy if I could help others learning one of these languages included English. I have two years of experience as a private teacher and I try to hold my classes in a most friendly atmosphere. We could learn language naturally and as two friends. I can also help you with IELTS examination structure to the best I can.

USD 8.00/prova
Disponibile 08:00 Domani
Impara Tedesco con il professore Anja.

6,724 lezioni


id verified
Tutor della Community
SPEAKS :Tedesco

Seit Jahren bin ich als Lehrkraft im Bereich Kunst aktiv und leite eine Private Kunstakademie. Ich gebe seit meinem Studienabschluss (Meisterschülerin) als Malerin entsprechenden Unterricht und war auch Dozentin an einer Kunsthochschule in Norddeutschland. My experience in teaching comes through my work in the field of art. I'm running a private Art Academy. Since finishing my university degree in the art of painting I'm giving classes in that field. I also used to work for an art school (university) in Northern Germany.

USD 7.90/prova
Impara Tedesco con il professore Vanessa.

4,682 lezioni


id verified
Tutor della Community
SPEAKS :Tedesco

*Levels A2-C1 Welcome* Please contact me (with a short intro), when booking a class! - ❗Adults Only❗ Vanessa ~ * passt sich dem Lernrhythmus jedes Schülers an. * hat 6 Jahre an der deutschen Schule in Mexiko gearbeitet und arbeitet auch schon seit 8 Jahren für eine andere Onlineschule aus Deutschland. 🗣️ Eine neue Sprache zu lernen sollte auf jeden Fall Spaß machen und Fehler zu machen ist ganz normal. Es macht nichts, ob man schnell oder langsam lernt. Der Weg ist das Ziel (: ❗ NUR FÜR ERWACHSENE ❗ Vanessa ~ adapts herself to the student’s rhythm and needs. She has been teaching German for the past 8 years, online and offline. 🗣️Learning a new language is fun and it is totally normal to make mistakes. It does not matter, if you are a slow or fast learner, just enjoy the ride! 🎢

USD 12.50/prova
Impara Tedesco con il professore Matthias.

3,138 lezioni


id verified
Insegnante professionista
SPEAKS :Tedesco

Native German teacher, 6+ years of experience in the areas pronunciation, test preparation/ business ✔ If you are beginner, we will start with pronunciation first and then build grammar from there - that is the only way to sound native-like and avoid mistakes in the long run! ✔ If you are intermediate, I'll also give you a basic understanding of the German sounds to increase your awareness, with a special focus on the sounds you don't have in your native language ("sound gaps"). ✔ Throughout my lessons, I like to refer back to the individual sounds /aka "building blocks" of the German language - this has lead to great results for many of my students! ✔ I like you to find and correct your own (pronunciation) mistakes before I correct you (silent way approach)

USD 45.00/Ora
Impara Tedesco con il professore Maria.

359 lezioni


id verified
Tutor della Community
SPEAKS :Tedesco

Я дипломированный преподаватель иностранных языков. В 2009 закончила педагогический университет по специальности "Учитель иностранного языка". После окончания ВУЗа уехала в Германию, жила и училась там 2 года, затем вернулась в Россию и с тех пор преподаю Немецкий язык, начинаю преподавать русский как иностранный

USD 15.00/prova
Impara Tedesco con il professore Julija.

822 lezioni


id verified
Tutor della Community
SPEAKS :Tedesco

For the past 10+ years I have been working as a translator, reviser, interpreter and language teacher. I have a Bachelor and Master level professional degree in translation and interpretation. My teaching experience is about 5 years – in private, in groups up to 20 people and online. I have various experience, but personally prefer helping beginners and intermediate language users to improve their skills, especially speaking, in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. The main focus is on: - Conversational practice and role-play - Real in-life use of new words and phrases with understanding the context - Overall understanding, listening and reading skills - Proper grammar and writing skills

USD 9.00/prova
Disponibile 07:00 Domani
Impara Tedesco con il professore Kathrin.

1,075 lezioni


id verified
Insegnante professionista
SPEAKS :Tedesco
Tedesco austriaco

Über 7 Jahre Unterrichtserfahrung - Zertifikatsvorbereitung I have been teaching German as a foreign language (Daf) in primary and secondary classrooms and in face-to-face lessons with adults for more than 6 years. So I am experienced in teaching children, absolute beginners as well as advanced students in the academic realm. I can help you with your international language certifications (levels A2-B2: Goethe, ÖSD, Telc, Daf-Test) since I am an ÖSD-Examiner, too. If you need help with your academic thesis in Literature (or Humanities) or with translations you are welcomed.

USD 9.00/prova
Impara Tedesco con il professore Diana.

1,630 lezioni


id verified
Tutor della Community
SPEAKS :Tedesco

I have been teaching English before part-time during my university years and had experience with people of different ages and language levels. As I had so many tutors myself while learning English and German, I understand exactly how to help a student to struggle through first difficulties, as well as to help to improve and to advance on the higher levels.

USD 6.00/prova
Impara Tedesco con il professore Meryem.

852 lezioni


id verified
Preparazione di esami
Tutor della Community
SPEAKS :Tedesco

FSP/PKT/telc-Medizin Vorbereitung auf höchstem Niveau Es freut mich sehr, wenn meine Schüler ihre Prüfung mit Lob bestehen und das in Städten, die für eine extrem hohe Durchfallquote bekannt sind. Was unterscheidet mich von anderen FSP-Lehrern: - Ich programmiere die Eingabemaske für die Dokumentation im Krankenhaus z.B. von verschiedenen Arten von Anamnesen und weiß wie detailliert gefragt werden muss. - Ich lese routinemäßig viele Arztbriefe und merke daher, wenn wichtige Informationen fehlen. - Medizinische Dokumentare beherrschen die med. Fachsprache auf dem Niveau von Ärzten. - Kein FSP Buch - Ihr müsst besser sein als diese Bücher. - Ich verzichte bewusst auf fragwürdige Inhalte von fachfremden Lehrern.

USD 35.00/Ora
Il pagamento finale sarà eseguito in dollari americani

Domande frequenti sugli insegnanti di tedesco

Un professore online di tedesco è la tua guida della lingua, degli usi e dei costumi del popolo tedesco. Parliamo di un professionista che saprà valutare il tuo livello di partenza e definire, in base ai tuoi tempi e alle tue esigenze, il percorso di studi migliore per te, in base ai tuoi obiettivi linguistici.

Il tedesco non è una lingua semplice. Si tratta di un idioma estremamente particolare e complesso, ma questo non deve spaventare: basta imparare qualche piccolo trucco di comprensione e memorizzazione per superare le difficoltà che rischiano di far interrompere troppo presto un percorso di apprendimento. Con un insegnante online di tedesco su italki potrai superare qualsiasi cosa, imparando meccanismi utili da applicare all'apprendimento di questa bellissima lingua, per conseguire tutti i tuoi obiettivi.

La risposta è semplice: su italki. Su questa piattaforma avrai la possibilità di interfacciarti direttamente con tutor madrelingua tedeschi e professori online di tedesco nativi, per fare pratica con la lingua, le espressioni comuni, i modi di dire, e diventare sempre più sicuro di te e delle tue competenze linguistiche.

Certo. Su italki hai la possibilità di scegliere il tuo insegnante online di tedesco e imparare la lingua con l'aiuto di professori madrelingua a tua disposizione per dubbi, chiarimenti e, soprattutto, per fare tanta, tanta pratica.

Un corso di tedesco può essere oneroso. Per questo, su italki potrai affidarti a un professore online di tedesco e risparmiare, approfittando di lezioni singole o veri e propri corsi strutturati, individuali, dal costo variabile. Su italki troverai sempre la soluzione più adatta alle tue esigenze e al tuo budget.