Cinese (mandarino)
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Trova l'insegnante di cinese perfetto per te: scegli tra i nostri competenti insegnanti di cinese online per vivere una fantastica esperienza di apprendimento.

Impara Cinese (mandarino) con il professore April.

955 lezioni


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Tutor della Community
SPEAKS :Cinese (mandarino)

Engaged in education industry for many years, understand the connection and difference between Chinese and English.I love talking to different people with different background, which is why I met many people from foreign countries who is studying or working in Beijing. I taught some of them Mandarin and one of my students passed HSK 6 and now studying in Renmin University of China.

USD 8.00/prova
Impara Cinese (mandarino) con il professore Sharon.

3,091 lezioni


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Insegnante professionista
SPEAKS :Cinese (mandarino)

I hope that my students get to know the Chinese culture and customs by learning Chinese. I believe that teachers with passion inspire students. When I was in college, I taught lots of foreign friends Chinese. Also, my English skill could contribute to better communicating with my students in Chinese class. I can help my student with those essential language skills like listening, speaking, reading and writing.

USD 9.00/prova
Disponibile 07:30 Domani
Impara Cinese (mandarino) con il professore Chinese Teacher John.

1,456 lezioni

Chinese Teacher John

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Preparazione di esami
Insegnante professionista
SPEAKS :Cinese (mandarino)

Professional Teacher. 18-Year Experience. You will understand Chinese rather than learn Chinese! I have been teaching Chinese for over 18 years and still love it very much! I can help you with your Chinese listening, speaking, reading, and writing. I worked in an international trade company for about 10 years and am glad to help you with Business Chinese. Please feel free to book my lesson. You are more than welcome!

USD 15.00/prova
Disponibile 00:00 Domani
Impara Cinese (mandarino) con il professore Jin.

1,418 lezioni


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Insegnante professionista
SPEAKS :Cinese (mandarino)
Cinese (cantonese)

linguist & coach 💃🏻 5 languages, 8 countries, 4 careers 🌻 personal development & global living •I am patient and encouraging, as I am a long-time language learner myself and put myself into my students' shoes. I ask lots of questions and want you to speak more than me in the lessons :) I believe in your unique power and competence, and I help you discover your own approach and motivation! •I have a holistic approach to language and culture - there are many links between languages, and language is never isolated from culture. Therefore I use scientific principles in linguistics and intercultural communication that are applicable way beyond just Chinese/English. •I think it's very important to have fun while working hard - that's why I use interactive materials like songs, movies etc :)

USD 10.00/prova
Disponibile 10:00 Domani
Impara Cinese (mandarino) con il professore Joshua Gao.

2,189 lezioni

Joshua Gao

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Tutor della Community
SPEAKS :Cinese (mandarino)

"讨论时事、历史和文化。“ I have joined italki for several years and have given thousands of lessons for students from all over the world. I am glad to have received very good positive feedback. I also did some Chinese teaching volunteer work in India. These valuable experience helped me to become more professional in Chinese teaching. I think that learning a language is always beyond the language itself. It is also about culture & social background. My education makes me have a good understanding of China's culture & language. And my journalist career has made me very familiar with various social topics.

USD 10.00/prova
Impara Cinese (mandarino) con il professore Isabell    L.

5,358 lezioni

Isabell L

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Insegnante professionista
SPEAKS :Cinese (mandarino)

Professional, patient, and over 4,000 lessons taught I've been teaching Mandarin to foreigners for a few years as my interest. This included HSK preparation at various levels, conversation practice and, in addition, conversational fluency for those who had already studied Mandarin for some time but still struggle with the conversational aspect of the language. I'm also very keen on old Chinese poems, and I love exploring them with those who are interested in the literary side of Mandarin.

USD 5.00/prova
Impara Cinese (mandarino) con il professore Jingqiu Zhang.

Jingqiu Zhang

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Tutor della Community
SPEAKS :Cinese (mandarino)

- 母语为中文 - 大学期间做过3年左右的家教 (教6年级学生数学,语文,初中生物理) - 10 年以上英文环境的工作经验 (工作期间给新入职的员工,团队人员做过多次培训)

USD 5.00/prova
Disponibile 00:30 Domani
Impara Cinese (mandarino) con il professore Yane.

72 lezioni


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Tutor della Community
SPEAKS :Cinese (mandarino)

我在英语培训机构学习过语言,了解入门级语言学习的困难和解决问题的办法。对于语言学习,最重要的是兴趣和坚持,老师要做的就是培养学生的兴趣和陪伴学生坚持学习。 I have studied language in English training institutions, so I understand the difficulties and solutions of entry-level language learning. For language learning, the most important thing is interest and persistence. What teachers should do is to cultivate students' interest and accompany them to keep learning.

USD 5.00/prova
Disponibile 10:30 Domani
Impara Cinese (mandarino) con il professore Hsu,Meng-Shu.

179 lezioni


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Insegnante professionista
SPEAKS :Cinese (mandarino)
Cinese (taiwanese)

I'm a teacher want based on student's interest, let you stay in conducive environment then constantly listen to native speaker and practice speaking the language with someone who will correct you as you go, show you how to form your won sentences. Help you become a proficiency in Chinese language.

USD 30.00/Ora
Disponibile 00:00 Domani
Impara Cinese (mandarino) con il professore 川 Chuan.

1,648 lezioni

川 Chuan

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Insegnante professionista
SPEAKS :Cinese (mandarino)
Cinese (cantonese)

Being an online teacher on italki more two years. Being a tutor for pre-job training classes for 2 years at Disney University.

USD 7.00/prova
Disponibile 01:30 Domani
Impara Cinese (mandarino) con il professore Leah Wu.

290 lezioni

Leah Wu

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Insegnante professionista
SPEAKS :Cinese (mandarino)
Cinese (altro)

Taught Chinese for five years and Certified in Teaching Chinese to speakers of other Languages 我是一名专业的中文教师,我的本硕专业都是国际中文教育。我已经教中文五年了,我会根据你的学习需求和学习目标帮助你学习中文,学习中文发音、词汇、语法、会话技巧等,也会和你分享中国文化。上课前,我会跟你联系,了解你的学习需求和目标,还会发上课资料给你,你可以用来预习。上课时,我会帮助你学习每课的词汇、语法和课文,并解答你的疑问。课后,我会发给你每节课的笔记并给你反馈。 I am certified in Teaching Chinese to speakers of other Languages (TCSOL) and have a Master's degree in this major. I have taught Chinese for five years and would love to help you improve your Chinese speaking and listening skills. As a Chinese language teacher,I completely understand what it feels like to learn and speak a different language so I will try my best to make each lesson fun and approachable.I'm easy going and a good listener, so depending on your language level I can adapt my lessons to fit YOU

USD 5.00/prova
Impara Cinese (mandarino) con il professore Brisa Tang.

170 lezioni

Brisa Tang

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Tutor della Community
SPEAKS :Cinese (mandarino)

🌼 HSK1-6| All levels | Pronunciation| Conversation 👋【 Chinese train 】Let's embark on it ! Learning a language💡 is LIKE climbing a mountain⛰︎, I'll help you break down barriers one by one, reach milestones one by one, until finally reach the PEAK called 'I can speak Chinese fluently like a native speaker'!!🎯🎯 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I have been teaching HSK/ Ordinary Chinese online and offline for a year. Through HSK textbooks and some interesting games, we learned the basic knowledge of Chinese Pinyin / Vocabulary, the advanced knowledge of Grammar, Dialogues →→→→ They have all made great progress!! 我已经线上线下教HSK/普通汉语一年了。通过HSK课本和一些有趣的游戏,我们学习了基本|的汉语拼音知识、词汇/语法、综合训练:他们都取得了很大进步!!

USD 8.00/prova
Impara Cinese (mandarino) con il professore Wendy.

775 lezioni


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Tutor della Community
SPEAKS :Cinese (mandarino)
Cinese (cantonese)
Cinese (hokkien)

I can speak Chinese language(Mandarin, Cantonese, Hokkien). 我可以说中文(包括普通话,广东话,閩南話)。在我的课程中,我会说标准的普通话。

USD 9.00/prova
Disponibile 01:00 Domani
Impara Cinese (mandarino) con il professore echo.

904 lezioni


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Tutor della Community
SPEAKS :Cinese (mandarino)

工作之余,经常无偿帮助我的客户练习汉语口语,会想办法帮助他们解决学习中遇到的一些困难,在跟他们交流的过程中,积累了帮助他们学习的经验和方法,彼此之间的信任也坚定了自己走上汉语教学这条道路的信心,相信自己会帮助跟多的学生掌握好汉语这门语言。 I have been always helped my clients to practice their oral skills after work, I always find ways to help them solve the difficulties encountered in learning. In the process of communicating with them, I have accumulated experience and methods to help the learners to learn faster and efficient. Trust between me and my clients has also strengthened my confidence in embarking on the path of Chinese teaching, and I believe that I will help more students master the language of Chinese.

USD 10.00/prova
Disponibile 22:30 Oggi
Impara Cinese (mandarino) con il professore Eva Qi.

285 lezioni

Eva Qi

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Insegnante professionista
SPEAKS :Cinese (mandarino)
Cinese (Shanghai)

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐Professional & Certified Teacher with over 5 Years Experience 😊 五年以上专业教学经验,零基础也能快速说好上海话! I have experience teaching Chinese to international kindergarten children and foreign friends. 我有教国际幼儿园小朋友和外国朋友汉语的经验。 I am good at studying the pronunciation of the Shanghai dialect. Don't worry, you have no basic knowledge about it. I can provide materials to help you quickly speak the standard Shanghai dialect. 我擅长总结上海话发音规律,不用担心你是零基础,我可以提供教材帮助你快速开口说标准的上海话。 In addition, I also have the National Teacher Qualification and Mandarin Rank Certificate. 另外,我也还拥有国家教师资格证和普通话等级证书。

USD 9.00/prova
Disponibile 03:00 Domani
Impara Cinese (mandarino) con il professore Bella.

466 lezioni


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Tutor della Community
SPEAKS :Cinese (mandarino)

I have two years experience in teaching Chinese courses, and for different students, I will use different methods to let you learn Chinese easily and happily. For zero basic students: we will learn Chinese from basic pinyin, vocabulary, sentence-making, and oral practice. For experienced students: we can choose to watch movies, read articles, and daily dialogue exercises to learn Chinese. Learning different languages means learning different cultures. While teaching Chinese, I will also explain to you the Chinese culture behind it. Hope to help you learn more knowledge.

USD 5.00/prova
Disponibile 00:00 Domani
Impara Cinese (mandarino) con il professore Jason wan(kid&adult).

1,384 lezioni

Jason wan(kid&adult)

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Preparazione di esami
Insegnante professionista
SPEAKS :Cinese (mandarino)
Cinese (altro)

CTCSOL+TESOL+IPA+Elementary school teacher certificate+ 8 years of teaching experience. 教学中我积累了很多经验。比如困同学们的发音,汉字及声调我都有很多好的学习方法与大家分享,在汉字方面,我们可以用中国文化来记忆,比如记住一个大字就可以记住天“夫”,“文”,“央”,“英” 等,在不同的学习方向上,我都有很多好的学习方法与大家分享。 I accumulated a lot of experience in the teaching.For Chinese characters, we can use Chinese culture to remember.For pronunciation we will use pronunciation rules and videos to remember.I will make different learning plans for students at different levels. 我的学生都能在在两小时内记住90到160个不认识的单词,而且按照我给的方法复习,很难忘记,对于toeic 500左右的学生,三周内稳定提升100-200分。 My students are able to memorize 90 to 160 completely unknown words in two hours, and review them in the way I gave them, which is very difficult to forget.For students with a toeic score of around 500,a steady improvement of 100-200 scores

USD 11.00/prova
Disponibile 14:00 Oggi
Impara Cinese (mandarino) con il professore 爱萍 Aiping.

964 lezioni

爱萍 Aiping

id verified
Tutor della Community
SPEAKS :Cinese (mandarino)
Cinese (cantonese)

Make language learning into a lifestyle :D About me: I have deep interests in 2nd language acquisition and Multilingualism. I speak Mandarin, Cantonese, and English fluently. I’ve also learned German, Korean and Spanish. My interests include post war lit, early 20th century Chinese lit, biography, YA tv shows, and mental health... I like to learn language through performing. I played Waiting for Godot, Green Book, the Importance of being Earnest, the Homecoming, and Othello at school. I also enjoy jogging, biking, and swimming:D

USD 9.00/prova
Impara Cinese (mandarino) con il professore Bella.

132 lezioni


id verified
Tutor della Community
SPEAKS :Cinese (mandarino)

1. During the winter and summer vacations, I worked at an educational counseling institution, taught Chinese in elementary schools, helped 20 students successfully improve their scores and made great progress. 2. During the postgraduate study period, I have brought a few overseas children with zero basic Chinese. They have learned Chinese pinyin and basic Chinese characters. They have made great progress. 1.寒暑假期间,在教育辅导机构任职,教授小学汉语,帮助20名学生成功提高分数,取得了很大的进步。 2.研究生在读期间,带过几位个海外小朋友,汉语零基础,学习中文拼音和基础汉字,他们有很大的进步。

USD 14.00/prova
Impara Cinese (mandarino) con il professore Laura.

214 lezioni


id verified
Tutor della Community
SPEAKS :Cinese (mandarino)

✔️ Chinese tutor with four years of experience.✔️ Native Chinese speaker. ✔️ Fluent in English. Three years of teaching experience. ✔️ Over 100 students. ✔️ Extensive experience in correcting word sounds, correcting sentence structure, upgrading pronunciation, and improving fluency. ✔️ Students come from all over the world, including but not limited to Japan, Korea, Indonesia, Pakistan, USA, UK, Bolivia, Singapore, Thailand, etc. ✔️ Students are of all ages. 我教授中国超过三年,教授对象包含儿童和成人,他们有的是初学者,有中文已经很流利。 学生数量超过一百名,他们分别来自马来西亚,新加坡,日本,韩国,巴基斯坦,美国,英国,玻利维亚,加拿大,法国等。

USD 5.00/prova
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