Congratulations to the following 10 users for winning $15 italki Credits each! Your rewards will be sent to your wallet within 5 days. We hope the discussion on language learning in the early years inspires you to equip your kids with second language skills! Starting tomorrow, we will discuss another topic for our #RisingBilingualStars! 👦👧
11 ago 2022 08:21
Commenti · 8
Congrats everyone! I guess I posted too late to be considered :
12 agosto 2022
19 agosto 2022
Thank you ❤️
14 agosto 2022
14 agosto 2022
Thank you so much!✨
13 agosto 2022
Competenze linguistiche
Cinese (mandarino), Inglese, Francese, Tedesco, Italiano, Giapponese, Coreano, Russo, Spagnolo
Lingua di apprendimento
Inglese, Francese, Italiano, Russo, Spagnolo