Rodrigo Basilio
Tutor della Community
When you teach a second language to a child in childhood you promote a responsible and lovely adult, the child will grow up seeing people not nations, understand his limits and don't give up early. #RisingBilingualStar!
6 ago 2022 17:33
Commenti · 2
Can't agree more. Learning a second language brings many benefits👍🏻.
14 agosto 2022
I agree! I definitely plan on my children being bilingual (or trilingual)
13 agosto 2022
Rodrigo Basilio
Competenze linguistiche
Inglese, Francese, Giapponese, Polacco, Portoghese, Spagnolo, Turco, Urdu, Vietnamita
Lingua di apprendimento
Giapponese, Polacco, Turco, Urdu, Vietnamita