We feel seen đŸ„Ž
17 ago 2022 06:45
Commenti · 13
Researcher Ellen Bialystok says bilingual minds are "in constant conflict", with the brain always having to make a choice about which language to use. This can actually be a really healthy form of mental exercise. As we need to rest after physical exercise, though, our brains deserve a bit of a rest sometimes too. So when I forget words in both languages, I imagine my brain lying on a desert island somewhere refusing to work. 😂
18 agosto 2022
I can totally relate to this Meme.. haha
18 agosto 2022
Classic ! It’s very funny when that happens.
17 agosto 2022
Studies have shown that bilinguals have trouble with word finding. When a bilingual gets into an accident, sometimes medical professionals (speech pathologists) that are not aware of this normal condition, incorrectly diagnose them with aphasia caused by a neurological condition.
18 agosto 2022
26 ottobre 2022
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Competenze linguistiche
Cinese (mandarino), Inglese, Francese, Tedesco, Italiano, Giapponese, Coreano, Russo, Spagnolo
Lingua di apprendimento
Inglese, Francese, Italiano, Russo, Spagnolo