Insegnante professionista
Who can answer this question correctly?🙂
He talks 

.. . He is talkative.
too much
too many
768 hanno risposto
27 lug 2024 07:56
Risposte · 7
In the UK 'talkative' doesn't mean talking too much, it just means you like to talk. It's a positive.
27 lug 2024 09:01
There is no correct answer.
27 lug 2024 13:20
There is no right answer here. "Talks enough" would be strange and "talkative" doesn't mean to talk too much. The correct answer would be something like " a lot".
27 lug 2024 09:20
Too much
28 lug 2024 19:18
28 lug 2024 15:40
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