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Encuentra al mejor profesor de Polaco para ti.

Encuentra al mejor tutor en línea de Polaco para ti: elige entre nuestros profesores de Polaco con experiencia y disfruta del mejor proceso de aprendizaje.

Aprende Polaco con el profesor Karolina.

882 clases


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Profesor profesional
SPEAKS :Polaco

Native Polish Teacher (4+ years of teaching experience) First of all, I'm really passionate about teaching Polish! I know it's a difficult language to learn, so I aim to make it as easy and light for you as possible. My students say that I make learning Polish easy and fun! Professionally, I have 4+ years of experience teaching international students of all ages and levels in high school, language school, and online. I love having my students engaged and excited to have a class with me, and most of all, I want them to fall in love with Polish!

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USD 5.00/prueba
Disponible a las 15:00 Hoy
Aprende Polaco con el profesor Greger.

285 clases


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Tutor de la comunidad
SPEAKS :Polaco

Никакого стресса, никакого страха, просто радость от разговора. Simply joy of speaking! Hello, our classes will consist primarily of conversation. At every level, even the most basic ones. If you wish, I can speak a little slower than usual, separating individual words which should make it easier for you to understand. Здравствуйте, наши занятия будут состоять в основном из разговорной речи. На любом уровне, даже на самом базовом. Если хотите, я могу говорить немного медленнее, чем обычно, разделяя отдельные слова, чтобы вам было легче их понять.

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USD 6.00/prueba
Disponible a las 06:15 Hoy
Aprende Polaco con el profesor Zosia.

21 clases


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Tutor de la comunidad
SPEAKS :Polaco

Lubię dzielić się wiedzą i czerpię satysfakcję z pomagania innym w nauce. Entuzjastycznie podejmuję nowe wyzwania i rozwijam swoje umiejętności jako nauczyciel. Wierzę, że każde pytanie jest cenne i chętnie na nie odpowiadam, niezależnie od trudności. Moim celem jest stworzenie przyjaznej i wspierającej atmosfery. I enjoy sharing knowledge and find satisfaction in helping others learn. I eagerly take on new challenges and develop my skills as a tutor. I believe that every question is valuable, and I am happy to answer them, regardless of their difficulty. My goal is to create a friendly and supportive atmosphere.

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USD 5.00/prueba
Aprende Polaco con el profesor Ilona.

136 clases


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Tutor de la comunidad
SPEAKS :Polaco

Nauka języka Polskiego może być fajna! Nie obawiaj się popełniania błędów :) Jestem osobą pogodną i otwartą. Z chęcią przekażę Ci swoją wiedzę i pomogę w nawiązywaniu rozmowy w języku Polskim.

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USD 7.00/prueba
Aprende Polaco con el profesor Weronika.

764 clases


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Tutor de la comunidad
SPEAKS :Polaco

Native Polish Tutor ☀️ let me help you speak Polish confidently in a fun, non-stressful way! I have experience in teaching English to kids in school age, but I am here to teach you my native language - Polish. I'm not going to lie - it's a difficult language and it needs someone patient to teach it. That's why I'm here :).

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USD 6.50/prueba
Disponible a las 08:00 Hoy
Aprende Polaco con el profesor Anna Kwiatkowska.

99 clases

Anna Kwiatkowska

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Tutor de la comunidad
SPEAKS :Polaco

A Passionate Psychology Student to Assist You in Learning Polish I am a highly dedicated and patient individual who is going give you a piece of good and constructive advice. My aim is to establish quality communication with you and concentrate on the specific areas that are required for your language learning journey. That's why I want to ensure you feel relaxed and comfortable, creating an easy-going atmosphere that will help us break down any barriers of fear and facilitate free and confident expression.

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USD 8.00/prueba
Disponible a las 12:15 Hoy
Aprende Polaco con el profesor Luiza.


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Tutor de la comunidad
SPEAKS :Polaco
Alemán (Suiza)

Bilingual teaching and learning languages enthusiast (: I do not have any particular teaching experience (I only taught English to some of my friends) but there's always the first time, right haha? However, I do have an English Language Certificate (Cambridge C2) and I have many experience with learning languages at school, through a designated language program (Korea) as well as on my own. Therefore, I know how to get effective results in your teaching progress. I always enjoyed learning Polish and in high school I took additional classes for enhancing my language abilities. My accent is quite neutral and I can help you with any language issue that you have by adjusting my vocabulary range and speaking speed to your language level.

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USD 5.00/prueba
Disponible a las 12:15 Hoy
Aprende Polaco con el profesor Paweł.


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Tutor de la comunidad
SPEAKS :Polaco

Conversation practise with a native speaker I am a very easy-going teacher. I like to spend the first class just understanding what you want and need from me as your Polish teacher. From there, I adapt to the student's pace and correction preference. I build off of previous lessons to ensure that each new topic is fully understood and that you continue to progress confidently. I truly believe there is no better way to learn a language than to speak with native or fluent speakers. I also believe that the progress you make will motivate you to keep working hard.

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USD 6.00/prueba
Disponible a las 12:15 Hoy
Aprende Polaco con el profesor Zuzanna Guzik.

1 clases

Zuzanna Guzik

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Tutor de la comunidad
SPEAKS :Polaco

Każdy z nas jest inny, dlatego też jako lektorka staram się do każdego z Was dostosować indywidualnie.

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USD 11.00/hora
Aprende Polaco con el profesor Monika.


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Tutor de la comunidad
SPEAKS :Polaco

I am passionate about teaching Polish and deliver fast results with a personalized approach. I guarantee that lessons with me will be an adventure and interesting pleasure for you. I try to conduct lessons exclusively in Polish to give students the opportunity to practice the language in natural situations. For over 10 years, I have been teaching Polish to foreigners. I'm a Polish teacher with passion and dedication. In my classes, everyone is appreciated and accepted. I prioritize patience and understanding because I believe that every student learns at their own pace and in their own way. I always strive to support my students.

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USD 10.00/prueba
Aprende Polaco con el profesor Elbi.


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Tutor de la comunidad
SPEAKS :Polaco

Friendly & patient community tutor with international experience :^) My main treats as a teacher is openness and patience. Whenever a student is "blocked", I always help them find an alternative way of expressing something. Since different parts of brain are responsible for reading, writing, hearing and speaking a language, I believe taking the time to develop each of them is crucial for an ease of using a language, regardless of level.

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USD 15.00/hora
Aprende Polaco con el profesor Iwona Piasecka.

Iwona Piasecka

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Tutor de la comunidad
SPEAKS :Polaco

Chciałabym byś poznał Polskę taką, jaka jest widziana oczami zwykłych ludzi. Dlatego też wydaje mi się, że rozmowa jest najlepszą formą dokonania tego. W jej trakcie będę na bieżąco poprawiać Twoje błędy zarówno te gramatyczne jak i te związane ze słownictwem. Ale uwaga! Nie myśl, by uciekać się do angielskiego, gdyż nie władam tym językiem! I want you to get to know Poland as it is seen by ordinary local people. That's why I believe conversation is the best way to achieve that. While we talk, I will not only correct your grammatical errors but also help with your vocabulary choices. But be careful! Don’t even think about using English words with me—I don't know that language!

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USD 5.00/prueba
Disponible a las 16:00 Hoy
Aprende Polaco con el profesor Nina.

9 clases


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Tutor de la comunidad
SPEAKS :Polaco

I take the line that language is supposed to be, first and foremost, a communication tool and I treat it as one. It doesn't matter if you already speak Polish and want to refresh your memory, or if you're just starting out. I will do my best to help you learn accordingly to your needs in a fun, chill way.

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USD 8.00/hora
Aprende Polaco con el profesor Patrycja L.

3 clases

Patrycja L

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Tutor de la comunidad
SPEAKS :Polaco

Studentka filologii hiszpańskiej z angielskim ucząca języka polskiego Mam doświadczenie w nauczaniu języków, również języka polskiego. Pomagam w korekcie tekstów przed ważnymi egzaminami, wyjaśniam ciekawostki językowe oraz rozpowszechniam wiedzę na temat kultury polskiej oraz jej literatury. Na lekcjach skupiam się na prawidłowej wymowie, zasadach gramatycznych, swobodnych konwersacjach i leksyce. Poprzez wiele metod dydaktycznych pomagam uczniom w zapamiętaniu bardziej złożonych konstrukcji, zasad.

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USD 7.00/prueba
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