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El mejor tutor de italiano para ti

Encuentra el mejor profesor de italiano para ti: elige entre nuestros profesores expertos de italiano online y recibe la mejor experiencia de aprendizaje.

Aprende Italiano con el profesor Xeni.

2,891 clases


id verified
Profesor profesional
SPEAKS :Italiano

Language eLearning instructor-examiner (MA Lang. Ed. & Technology)/ BA Spanish Language&Literature My teaching method is mainly student-centered and tailored to your needs so please send me a message with your level and your goals so that I can prepare the appropriate material. I intend to motivate my students for setting long-term learning goals so as to achieve an effective language learning! Having worked as a Greek teacher for foreigners as well as a Spanish & Italian teacher for Greek students in Athens, I can easily adapt my teaching style to your specific needs by applying the ultimate educational theories for successful language learning. Best quality for video lessons, served with fiber 100MBps. PLEASE NOTE THAT MY PRICE INCLUDES EXTENSIVE FEEDBACK AND HOMEWORK CORRECTIONS!!!

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USD 10.00/prueba
Aprende Italiano con el profesor Kenny.

3,930 clases


id verified
Tutor de la comunidad
SPEAKS :Italiano

Self-employed full-time polyglot teacher and coach. 🔥 Flexible, passionate, energetic and dynamic. Send me a message if you don't find a ⭐ FREE ⭐ spot in my schedule that suits you 👨‍🏫 (8 am - 10 pm CET). I am looking forward to meeting you, listening to you and helping you. If you want to contact me in another language: I speak Spanish and Catalan fluently; I have an intermediate level of Portuguese, German, Afrikaans, Danish and Greek; and I have basic knowledge of Swedish, Polish and Japanese.

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USD 19.99/prueba
Aprende Italiano con el profesor Roberta.

1,978 clases


id verified
Tutor de la comunidad
SPEAKS :Italiano

Italian Tutor I am here on italki as an Italian tutor with the goal of helping you to achieve your speaking fluency target in my native language. Moreover, I am a kind and patient person who understands the difficulties that come when learning something new. So, do not worry to make mistakes and do not hesitate to book a class with me!

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USD 7.50/prueba
Aprende Italiano con el profesor Antonella Tagliente.

1,439 clases

Antonella Tagliente

id verified
Tutor de la comunidad
SPEAKS :Italiano

Laureata in lingue con esperienza nell'insegnamento 📚💞 Ho già insegnato l'italiano a persone straniere ed è un qualcosa che amo molto. Sono molto disponibile, puntuale e paziente. Non abbiate paura di sbagliare, io vi correggerò.

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USD 6.00/prueba
Aprende Italiano con el profesor Urmetta19.

922 clases


id verified
Tutor de la comunidad
SPEAKS :Italiano

Let's CONVERSE TOGETHER - English & Italian Conversations for Your Everyday Routine I have been tutoring for about three years. I am a very disciplined person who makes sure that her students are the same way too. I usually send out materials prior to the lessons such as articles, and videos, and then during the lessons, we discuss whatever homework was assigned. When the students make a mistake, I tend to point it out in the chat. I believe the best way to learn is by trying and making an effort and if we do mistakes, that is fine too. We all learn from mistakes. As a teacher, I am very patient and I believe that when it comes to teaching is a trait that we should have especially when teaching a language to someone.

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USD 7.50/prueba
Disponible a las 13:30 Mañana
Aprende Italiano con el profesor Marco.

706 clases


id verified
Tutor de la comunidad
SPEAKS :Italiano

I update my calendar weekly! Send me a message if you can't find a slot! Ho deciso di iniziare questa esperienza perché mi piacerebbe contribuire ad arricchire il lessico e la parlantina di una persona che ha il desiderio di apprendere l'italiano e le sue tante sfaccettature. Sono una persona paziente e disponibile ed intendo instaurare un rapporto piacevole ed appagante, che sia un valore aggiunto e non una fonte di stress. I'm an italian native speaker and I like how the italian language can be used for describing emotions and situations. There are a lot of facets to learn and understand! I'm not a professional teacher, so I can offer a stress-free and informal environment. I have a proactive, outgoing personality with a lot of patience.

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USD 5.00/prueba
Aprende Italiano con el profesor Gabriel Giuseppe.

2,821 clases

Gabriel Giuseppe

id verified
Tutor de la comunidad
SPEAKS :Italiano

Teaching over 6 years. Expertise grammar+ high level conversation (history, arts, philosophy etc.). I have been teaching for several years. I work with all kind of students from beginner to advanced level from 20 to 90 years old. Most my students have the goal of reaching a high Italian level conversation. Therefore, if it is what you are looking for, I am one of the most suitable teacher you could ever find. As a teacher, I prefer to create a not judgmental environment. My rules are: respect, politeness and to be free talking about anything, doubts, issues, feedbacks without fear of being judged. I am a patient teacher, glad to repeat whenever has needed, I am here to assist and support you. Italian is not a difficult language, no need to feel pressured. Everyone has its own journey.

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USD 8.00/prueba
Disponible a las 15:30 Mañana
Aprende Italiano con el profesor Mattia.

2,327 clases


id verified
Tutor de la comunidad
SPEAKS :Italiano

I am proud of my students! Mi piace creare lezioni divertenti cercando materiale di vostro interesse in modo da non annoiarvi. Ho un’ottima pronuncia , non ho uno specifico accento regionale. Che siate alle prime armi, che vogliate raggiungere una perfetta padronanza della lingua attraverso conversazioni complesse o conoscere la cultura italiana sarò lieto di aiutarvi. I like to make amusing lessons finding teaching materials of your interest. I have an excellent pronunciation, I do not have a specific regional accent.Wheather you are a beginner or you would like to get a perfect proficiency of my language through complex conversations or have a better knowledge of the italian culture I will be glad to help you.

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USD 9.00/prueba
Disponible a las 13:00 Mañana
Aprende Italiano con el profesor Ioanna.

725 clases


id verified
Tutor de la comunidad
SPEAKS :Italiano

Experienced Greek and Italian teacher: University of Athens (Italian literature/Greek as foreign) I always like to create a friendly atmosphere in which we can both feel comfortable. I usually conduct my lessons in Greek as much as I can, so you get used to it, but I can also use English if you like. I have developed a very flexible method, which allow me to teach to students of any level and with different goals, preferences and needs. * Absolute beginners are welcomed!

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USD 14.00/prueba
Disponible a las 05:00 Mañana
Aprende Italiano con el profesor Daniela Matera.

409 clases

Daniela Matera

id verified
Tutor de la comunidad
SPEAKS :Italiano

Designer Allow me to express my deep passion for being more than just an instructor; I see myself as a guide on your language-learning journey. I'm here, not just patiently listening and attentively correcting, but also with a profound empathy to make your learning an absolute joy. My experience with languages began outside the borders of Italy, and it has grown into a deep expertise. Now, I'm incredibly eager to share this wealth of knowledge with you, particularly in my cherished Italian language. Join me, and let's embark on this language adventure together!

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USD 7.50/prueba
Disponible a las 07:00 Mañana
Aprende Italiano con el profesor Francesca 🇮🇹🪄.

3,043 clases

Francesca 🇮🇹🪄

id verified
Profesor profesional
SPEAKS :Italiano

L'italiano vien parlando! Ho esperienza nell'insegnamento delle lingue, mi piace assecondare le esigenze dei miei studenti e cerco sempre di rendere le lezioni piacevoli e interessanti in modo da facilitare l'apprendimento della lingua e invogliare lo studente a essere sempre curioso, che è la chiave per non smettere mai di imparare. -I gained experience in teaching languages, I follow the students' needs and I always try to plan enjoyable and interesting lessons to ease the learning process and to make students constantly curious, which is the key to lifelong learning.

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USD 8.00/prueba
Aprende Italiano con el profesor Paola Calace.

1,000 clases

Paola Calace

id verified
Profesor profesional
SPEAKS :Italiano

Archaeologist. I help enthusiasts of Italy learn italian with art and cultural heritage ❤️ My studies and the work experiences have allowed me to have a cross-disciplinary approach to knowledge and to increase my teaching skills, being able to create a deep connection between me and my students. In my activities I explore, build and apply the most innovative strategies and tools, from a global, fresh and dynamic perspective.

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USD 26.00/prueba
Aprende Italiano con el profesor Maria.

4,532 clases


id verified
Profesor profesional
SPEAKS :Italiano

Insegnante con certificato DITALS con lunga esperienza nell'insegnamento dell'italiano e dell'estone Sono una persona sensibile, molto attenta ai sentimenti e ai bisogni degli altri. Preferisco definirmi come un' accompagnatrice nel percorso linguistico, piuttosto che un'insegnante. Mi impegno molto sia nell'impostare e rispettare le richieste dello studente sia nel progettare e programmare attività necessarie per raggiungere gli obiettivi di crescita culturale e linguistica. 全くのビギナーから中級者クラスへのレベルアップ、さらにはイタリア語検定のレベルA1からC1へのお手伝いができます。もし皆さんが、イタリアの歴史、文化や、習慣などを理解したければ、一緒にお話をしましょう。

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USD 10.00/prueba
Aprende Italiano con el profesor Massimo.

932 clases


id verified
Tutor de la comunidad
SPEAKS :Italiano

Community tutor with years of experience in tutoring and private lessons. Having experience as both a student and a tutor, I know what learning a language feels like. I am patient and understanding, and try to do the best for my students so that they can achieve their goals in the shortest time possible.

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USD 5.00/prueba
Disponible a las 08:30 Mañana
Aprende Italiano con el profesor Stefi.

495 clases


id verified
Profesor profesional
SPEAKS :Italiano

I think I have learned to teach not only with the Ditals course and giving lessons, but also with the many language courses I have attended to learn new languages for myself. In fact, not only was I able to learn by observing my best teachers but also by often finding myself on the student's side, stuck without being able to say anything (especially in German;-)). I'm a teacher who guides his students but leaves them a lot of space during the lesson. I think it is important for the students to talk and make mistakes. The more you make mistakes, the more you remember and learn.

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USD 5.00/prueba
Aprende Italiano con el profesor Giusy Iaccarino.

1,230 clases

Giusy Iaccarino

id verified
Preparación de exámenes
Profesor profesional
SPEAKS :Italiano

CELI examiner and Certified Italian Teacher with more than 6 years of experience. I discovered that I want to teach my language when I went in Mexico City to do a trainership as an Italian teacher at the Italian Institute. I love discovering new culture and ways of life, but I also love teaching my language and all the aspects of my native language because you can speak in many ways and use the same words to tell more different things. I create lessons designed for students according to each learning level and particular interests. I encourage students to discover the beauty of italian through film, photography or literature. I create powerpoint to adapt the contents for students of any levels and I always try to find things that they want to discover or are interested in

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USD 10.00/prueba
Aprende Italiano con el profesor SIMONA GENTILI!!!.

3,011 clases


id verified
Profesor profesional
SPEAKS :Italiano

Insegnante certificata DILIT e CEDILS con oltre 10 anni di esperienza nell'insegnamento *da A2 Ho il Diploma della scuola Dilit IH, il Diploma CEDILS dell'Università Ca' Foscari di Venezia; i crediti universitari per insegnare nella scuola pubblica, sono un esaminatore CELI.... soprattutto sono un'insegnante che riesce ad instaurare un clima rilassato e informale con gli studenti, amichevole, ma professionale.

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USD 5.00/prueba
Aprende Italiano con el profesor Margherita Vignali.

1,643 clases

Margherita Vignali

id verified
Profesor profesional
SPEAKS :Italiano

Learning Italian with Margherita - A1 to C2 Sono una persona molto solare e mi piace creare una relazione di stima e amicizia con i miei studenti. Anche io sto affrontando lo studio di qualche lingua straniera, quindi so bene quali sono le difficoltà di questo percorso. I'm a cheerful person and I like to create a relationship of esteem and friendship with my students. I'm also learning foreign languages, so I know the main difficulties of this process. Sou uma pessoa muito alegre e gosto de criar um relacionamento de estima e amizade com meus alunos. Também estou me dedicando ao estudo de algumas línguas estrangeiras, portanto conheço as dificuldades desse caminho.

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USD 15.00/prueba
Aprende Italiano con el profesor Marti_Professoressa.

4,785 clases


id verified
Preparación de exámenes
Profesor profesional
SPEAKS :Italiano

Certified, helpful, patient teacher. Learn naturally, Speak naturally! Prenota subito la lezione! Ciao, mi chiamo Martina. Sono un'insegnante di italiano per stranieri adulti certificata LS/L2 e vivo a Bologna. Nelle mie lezioni ti insegno a parlare l'italiano con gli italiani. ------------------------------ Italian is my native language. Before becoming a teacher I have been a student, I know how difficult is to learn a language so my lessons are plenty of training and support. I can teach you how to use perfect Italian in everyday conversations as well as for your business and study, and I will be happy to teach you more about Italian culture. I got a degree in Foreign Languages at the University of Pisa, which enables me to teach Italian as a second language.

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USD 5.00/prueba
Aprende Italiano con el profesor Judith RG.

276 clases

Judith RG

id verified
Tutor de la comunidad
SPEAKS :Italiano

Profesora española nativa con más de 10 años de experiencia I am completely fluent in both, Spanish and Italian, as I have always spent lots of hours enjoying a great book and writing in both languages since I was a child, so I could say that I have achieved a lot of grammar,spelling, writing and speaking skills that I am using nowadays while I do my lessons. I am of the idea that for learning a language the only think you need is passion, so as passion will be guaranteed from your side I will offer you creative, funny and personalized lessons according to your level. Last but not least, I consider myself as a very patient, responsible, enthusiastic, sociable, honest and persistant person.

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USD 10.00/prueba
El pago final se realizará en USD

Preguntas frecuentes sobre profesores de italiano

Un profesor o tutor online de italiano es una persona que se pone en contacto contigo y te enseña italiano sin importar dónde estés. Contratando los servicios de un profesor de italiano online te ahorras tiempo de desplazamiento, permitiéndote aprender italiano con toda la comodidad desde tu propia casa.

Pero, ¿cuál es la diferencia entre un profesor tradicional y un profesor de italiano online? Un profesor tradicional es un profesional que enseña según el plan de estudios establecido a un gran número de estudiantes, en un entorno rígido. Un profesor de italiano online es una persona que te presta toda su atención a ti y a tus necesidades, e imparte sus amplios conocimientos del idioma italiano.

Las ventajas de tener un profesor de italiano online son:

  • * Tu profesor online de italiano será flexible y el proceso de aprendizaje será más informal.
  • * Un profesor online personal de italiano te ayudará a aprender rápidamente.
  • * Con un profesor particular o tutor de italiano puedes aprender a tu propio ritmo y cómodamente.
  • * Con un profesor de italiano online puedes observar cómo progresas y pagar según tu presupuesto.
  • * Tu profesor de italiano online aclarará tus dudas de forma inmediata, a diferencia de hacerlo con un profesor en un aula.
  • * Un profesor online de italiano puede motivarte y ayudarte a generar confianza a la hora de hablar italiano.

Son muchos los beneficios de contratar un profesor o tutor online de italiano en italki:

  • * Tu profesor de italiano online puede adaptar a medida el plan de aprendizaje del idioma a tu nivel de comprensión y preferencias.
  • * El idioma italiano es bastante técnico, y su difícil pronunciación, fonética y gramática, son complejas de entender. Estos aspectos del aprendizaje del italiano requieren una atención especial por parte de tu profesor de italiano. Tu profesor de italiano online se centrará en tus necesidades y te ayudará a resolver cualquier duda.
  • * Contratar un profesor particular de italiano online a través de italki es más asequible en comparación con otros métodos de aprendizaje.

El coste de contratar un profesor de italiano online en italki varía en función de factores como la duración de la clase y la experiencia del profesor. Por ejemplo, una clase con un profesor profesional de italiano te costará entre 12 y 15 euros, mientras que una clase con un tutor de italiano te costará alrededor de 9 a 14 euros. ¡El precio medio de una clase de italiano de 60 minutos en italki es de solo 10 euros! El precio de las clases de italiano online será diferente en función de tus necesidades. Hay clases de italiano para todos los presupuestos.

¡En italki puedes elegir entre más de 200 profesores de italiano! Pero, ¿cómo elegir el más adecuado para ti? Puedes fijarte en los siguientes puntos para seleccionar el mejor profesor de italiano para ti:

  • * ¿Cuántos años de experiencia tiene el profesor enseñando italiano?
  • * ¿Qué opiniones y comentarios han recibido de los estudiantes?
  • * ¿Están disponibles en un horario que te convenga?
  • * Poniéndote en contacto con el profesor de italiano te podrás hacer una idea de cómo os vais a llevar.

italki es una plataforma para aprender idiomas online que conecta a estudiantes de idiomas con profesores de todo el mundo. Ofrecemos hasta 130 idiomas impartidos por más de 13.000 profesores de todo el mundo. Estudiar en italki ofrece muchas ventajas, como:

  • * Programación flexible de clases de italiano en el horario y lugar que más te convenga.
  • * Clases de italiano online asequibles: hasta un 30% más baratas que las de los profesores presenciales.
  • * Clases de itaiano personalizadas: puedes adaptar las clases a tus necesidades, que pueden ser de conversación, gramática, preparación de certificados, negocios, etc.
  • * Elección entre profesores de italiano online certificados y tutores de la comunidad: puedes elegir un profesor profesional para preparar un curso de certificación o tutores de la comunidad para una práctica casual.
  • * Clases de italiano online de prueba a partir de 1 euro.
  • * Práctica lingüística gratuita: puedes practicar con nuestra comunidad gratuita haciendo preguntas o escribiendo una entrada en el cuaderno para recibir comentarios sobre gramática, ortografía, etc.
  • * Pago por lección: puedes recargar tu cartera italki y pagar por lección sin necesidad de suscripción, cuotas de reserva o contratos.
  • * Únete gratis a los Language Challenges: puedes participar en los Language Challenges, establecer objetivos, mantenerte motivado y obtener recompensas por aprender.
  • * Bonificación por referir a un amigo: consigue una bonificación de 10 euros para ti y un amigo cuando recomiendes a un amigo que compre 20 euros o más.