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Learn Spanish online with experienced tutors

Our experienced Spanish tutors offer online lessons and classes that are tailored to your needs. You can learn at your own pace and practice your speaking skills with native speakers. Our platform is user-friendly and flexible, making it easy to book and schedule your lessons.

Learn Spanish with the teacher Gregori bello.

54 Lessons

Gregori bello

id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Spanish

Tutor nativo con 5 años de experiencia que puede hacer que hables español correctamente Tengo 4 años de experiencia enseñando en distintas áreas como la mecánica, liderazgo e idiomas. Además he realizado cursos en dicción y oratoria, lo que hace que posea dominio de este idioma. Me encanta siempre innovar los métodos de clases y así poder ayudar a mis estudiantes con sus objetivos para que ellos puedan desarrollar la capacidad de hablar, oír, leer y escribir. Mis lecciones, materiales y ejercicios son personalizados.

USD 5.00/trial
Available 22:00 Today
Learn Spanish with the teacher Christopher Valdez.

102 Lessons

Christopher Valdez

id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Spanish

Joven profesor con 4 años de experiencia en dar clases. ENG|| I am easy to communicate, I am outgoing and I like to talk a lot, as well as being very patient and willing to answer all your questions at any time during the class, from the most basic questions to the most complex, in order that you are each time better in the language. SPANISH|| Tengo facilidad de comunicación, soy extrovertido y me gusta mucho hablar, además de ser muy paciente y estar dispuesto a resolver todas tus dudas en cualquier momento durante la clase, desde las preguntas más básicas hasta las más complejas, con la finalidad de que seas cada vez mejor en el idioma.

USD 5.00/trial
Available 19:45 Today
Learn Spanish with the teacher Solansh.

16 Lessons


id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Spanish

Spanish all levels from basic A0 B and C, to Advanced Conversation Pronunciation Grammar thematic As a Spanish teacher, I provide comprehensive lessons carefully tailored to each student's unique needs, using an interactive and communicative approach that encourages deep learning. My classes are dynamic and personalized, designed to cultivate language skills through a wise combination of traditional methods, applied grammar and enriching experiential learning. With the support of visual materials, podcasts, engaging readings, videos and songs, I seek to make the process an immersive and meaningful experience. My mission is to create a warm and motivating environment, where students feel safe, supported, and deeply inspired to advance their Spanish proficiency.

USD 5.00/Hour
Available 23:00 Today
Learn Spanish with the teacher Erick Ortiz.

550 Lessons

Erick Ortiz

id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Spanish

Yo como tu tutor me encargaré de: -Las conversaciones fluyan con naturalidad. -Venir preparado con diferente material para que no nos aburramos en las conversaciones. Ademas de que: -Soy paciente -Soy atento

USD 6.00/trial
Available 19:45 Today
Learn Spanish with the teacher Yesenia Garzon.

570 Lessons

Yesenia Garzon

id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Spanish

Tutora de Español Soy una persona dedicada, respondable, me encanta enseñar con amor, soy muy puntual, estoy siempre disponible a los cambios e ideas para mejorar.

USD 5.00/trial
Learn Spanish with the teacher Joa Laura.

42 Lessons

Joa Laura

id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Spanish

Hare que nuestras clases sean dinámicas y divertidas, te ayudare a tener mas confianza a la hora de comunicarte en español y así puedas mejorar tu fluidez verbal.

USD 13.00/trial
Available 14:00 Today
Learn Spanish with the teacher Estefania Martinez.

146 Lessons

Estefania Martinez

id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Spanish

I am a teacher with experience in the environment area, for 8 years I have dedicated myself to teaching people in caring for the environment, as well as the construction of their own organic garden. I love learning new things, meeting new people, and learning about their history and culture. I really like talking with people and listening to them. My teaching method is informal, we will take material that is of interest to you, and can help you better understand the Spanish language. If your level is medium advanced and you are interested in improving your pronunciation, and practice, you can schedule a meeting or send me a message. Good luck on your language journey :)

USD 8.00/trial
Available 19:45 Today
Learn Spanish with the teacher Alcira Alarcón.

512 Lessons

Alcira Alarcón

id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Spanish

ser tutora de comunidad es lo máximo estoy feliz de servirte Como tutor, mi meta es conseguir varios estudiantes y poder ayudar a mejorar su vocabulario quiero aprender otras culturas, y mostrar la cultura colombiana

USD 7.00/trial
Available 18:30 Today
Learn Spanish with the teacher Maria Claudia Gomez.

684 Lessons

Maria Claudia Gomez

id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Spanish

Intercambio de idiomas Durante los últimos tres años he estado en esta plataforma ayudando a personas a mejorar sus habilidades comunicativas en español. A lo largo de este tiempo, he comprendido mejor las complejidades de mi idioma y he desarrollado métodos para hacerlo más accesible y entendible. Este proceso también me ha ayudado a encontrar similitudes con mi aprendizaje de inglés y portugués, y me encantaría que compartiéramos nuestras experiencias. Tengo la capacidad de adaptarme a tus expectativas y ser paciente, estoy entusiasmado por conocer tus intereses. Juntos, construiremos el mejor camino para seguir este emocionante viaje en el aprendizaje de un nuevo idioma.

USD 5.00/trial
Available 05:00 Tomorrow
Learn Spanish with the teacher Sebastian Armas.

81 Lessons

Sebastian Armas

id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Spanish

Aprende mediante la conversación con un nativo del español. Me comprometo a adaptarme al nivel de español en el que tú te encuentres , formando un ambiente cómodo, relajado y adecuado para el aprendizaje y la practica de este idioma, me gusta enseñar y ver el resultado en mis estudiantes, conocer sobre sus culturas y que conozcan sobre la mía, puedo asegurarte que con dedicación y esmero lograremos un aprendizaje adecuado.

USD 5.00/trial
Learn Spanish with the teacher Lorena Ruíz.

541 Lessons

Lorena Ruíz

id verified
Professional Teacher
SPEAKS :Spanish

A guide to learn and understand Spanish I'm a very curious teacher, I'd like to know about your interests to help you learn while you have a good time. In my classes, I try to include activities about culture and history. I have a lot of curious facts about Mexico to share! I have an intermediate level of English and Italian, so we can use these languages to communicate or solve questions, if needed.

USD 10.00/trial
Learn Spanish with the teacher Everton Benevides.

1,248 Lessons

Everton Benevides

id verified
Professional Teacher
SPEAKS :Spanish

🎁 Receive a imersive material free becoming my student 🌴 Personalized materials for you - 📲 Whatsapp Support - 💬 Informal Dialogues - 💰 Tutor Prices - 😂 Learn with fun and in a spotaneous way - Portuguese - Spanish At the end of each lesson I will also make sure to give you a regular feedback. And if you feel comfortable you may ask me any question in whatsapp support.

USD 6.00/trial
Learn Spanish with the teacher Violeta Robinet.

712 Lessons

Violeta Robinet

id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Spanish

"Certified TELF teacher with over three years of experience" I am a patient, funny and dynamic person. I like that my students can feel comfortable with their learning process. Also, I encourage them to not feel afraid of making a mistake and to ask questions if they have a doubt. I keep an eye on every student's progress since they have different goals in these languages. Further, I like to tell them to feel afraid to text me at any hour if they have a question or a doubt.

USD 8.00/trial
Available 13:45 Today
Learn Spanish with the teacher Pablo Ibáñez.

2,718 Lessons

Pablo Ibáñez

id verified
Professional Teacher
SPEAKS :Spanish

Let's make the learning process both helpful and fun! · Soy responsable y alegre, me adapto a los gustos y el estilo de aprendizaje de cada alumno. Me gusta hacer las clases divertidas y entretenidas. Presento los temas con claridad y de un modo fácil de entender. · I am responsible and cheerful and I adapt to the likes and learning styles of the pupils. I like to create fun and interesting lessons, presented in an easy to understand way. · 真面目で明るい性格で、学生さんのそれぞれの好みに合わせて授業を作ります。面白くて学びやすい方法に授業をします!

USD 7.99/trial
Learn Spanish with the teacher Yusmary.

2,657 Lessons


id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Spanish

Tutora de Español con más de 2 años de experiencia Tengo más de dos años utilizando esta plataforma para ayudar a personas como tú a mejorar sus habilidades de comprender y comunicarse en español, a lo largo de este tiempo he aprendido a reconocer cuales son las fallas y cómo mejorarlas. También he aprendido que todos somos seres humanos diferentes por lo que nuestra manera de aprender no será la misma, por lo que siempre me enfoco en buscar estrategias para que puedas aprender de forma divertida, amena e interesante para ti. Sé que aprender un idioma es frustrante en ocasiones por eso descubrir tu ritmo de aprendizaje es importante para que seas amable contigo mismo en este proceso.

USD 8.00/trial
Available 15:00 Today
Learn Spanish with the teacher Wilder Manrique.

Wilder Manrique

id verified
Professional Teacher
SPEAKS :Spanish

Cumplir una meta te hace feliz 😄 y deseo ser parte de tu meta. Gracias a la experiencia que he adquirido en mis pasados 19 años de enseñanza, he aprendido cualidades como la paciencia, amabilidad y adaptabilidad. He logrado entender que cada estudiante aprender de manera distinta, así que mis clases serán personalizadas según tu necesidad y circunstancias. Así como cuando éramos niños aprendimos nuestra lengua mediante la conversación, durante cada lección disfrutaremos de conversaciones agradables, divertidas y didácticas lo que te permitirán entender y pronunciar mejor tu español, el cual es un hermoso idioma.

USD 5.00/trial
Available 13:45 Today
Learn Spanish with the teacher FABI.

9,119 Lessons


id verified
Professional Teacher
SPEAKS :Spanish

More than 12 years of experience, more than 8000 classes... you will speak no matter the level. Hello my name is Fabi and I live in Cusco Peru, teaching for me is a passion, I have more than ten years of experience teaching Spanish in classroom, and now I am teaching full time here in Italki. I have taught adolescents and an adults in general. I like to complement the conversation and grammar. My method is immersion to the language ... if you want help, I wait for you.

USD 6.00/trial
Learn Spanish with the teacher Encarny.

524 Lessons


id verified
Professional Teacher
SPEAKS :Spanish

Estoy graduada en Maestra de Educación Infantil y Primaria. También, tengo el Máster de Liderazgo y Dirección de Centros Educativos. Además, tengo un curso hecho de ELE: Profesor de Español para Extranjeros.

USD 9.00/trial
Available 22:00 Today
Learn Spanish with the teacher Mauro.

3,367 Lessons


id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Spanish

I've been teaching online since 2017 and I love all the experiences that I've had ever since. As a tutor, I like to give my students not only Spanish references but also a cultural insight from México.

USD 7.00/trial
Available 06:00 Tomorrow
Learn Spanish with the teacher Carlos Medina.

978 Lessons

Carlos Medina

id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Spanish

Me gusta mucho enseñar. Fui profesor en mi país de materias como Lenguaje, Matemáticas, Computación para niños y jóvenes. Se dice que "La práctica hace al maestro" por eso soy paciente porque comprendo que aprender algo nuevo requiere gran esfuerzo.

USD 5.00/trial
Available 13:45 Today
Your final payment will be made in USD

Frequently asked questions

At italki, finding the right Spanish tutor for you is easy. First, you can browse through a list of experienced and qualified tutors based on their teaching experience, ratings, and student reviews. You can also filter your search results based on your preferred level of proficiency, availability, and hourly rate.

Once you’ve selected a tutor, you can schedule a trial lesson to get a feel for their teaching style and to see if you’re a good fit for each other. During the trial lesson, you can discuss your language learning goals and interests and see if the tutor can help you achieve them.

At italki, you can also join a language exchange community to practice your Spanish with native speakers or other language learners. With the flexibility of scheduling and learning options available, italki can help you find the right Spanish tutor that fits your learning style, budget, and goals.

Yes, absolutely! Our online Spanish lessons and classes are perfect for beginners who are just starting to learn the language. We have a wide range of experienced and certified Spanish tutors who are experts at teaching Spanish to beginners. Our tutors will work with you to assess your current level of Spanish proficiency and develop a personalized study plan that caters to your individual needs and learning style.

Our Spanish lessons and classes for beginners cover a variety of topics, including basic vocabulary, grammar, and conversation skills. Our tutors use a range of teaching methods, including interactive activities, multimedia resources, and conversation practice, to help you improve your Spanish language skills quickly and effectively. Whether you are looking to learn Spanish for work, travel, or personal enrichment, our online Spanish lessons and classes provide the perfect opportunity to achieve your goals.

Yes, at italki, you can learn Spanish online at your own pace. We offer a flexible and personalized learning experience where you can choose your own tutor, schedule your lessons, and learn at a pace that suits you. Our tutors understand that everyone has different learning styles, goals, and preferences, and they will work with you to create a customized learning plan that fits your needs. You can take as many or as few lessons as you like, and you can choose to focus on specific areas of the language that you want to improve. Additionally, our platform offers a range of materials and resources to help you practice and reinforce what you learn during your lessons. Whether you’re a beginner or an advanced learner, you can find a tutor and a learning plan that works for you and learn Spanish at your own pace.

At italki, we understand that unexpected situations can arise, which may require you to reschedule or cancel a lesson with your Spanish tutor. We have a flexible cancellation policy that allows you to reschedule or cancel your lesson up to 24 hours before the scheduled start time. If you cancel or reschedule within the 24-hour period, you will be charged for the lesson.

To reschedule or cancel a lesson, simply log into your italki account, go to the “My Lessons” page, and select the lesson you want to reschedule or cancel. You can then choose to either reschedule the lesson for a different time or cancel it altogether. If you choose to reschedule, you can work with your tutor to find a new time that works for both of you.

We understand that unexpected situations may arise that require you to cancel a lesson within the 24-hour period. In these cases, we recommend contacting your tutor directly to discuss the situation and see if an alternative solution can be found.

Overall, our goal is to make the rescheduling or cancellation process as smooth and flexible as possible, while also ensuring that our tutors are fairly compensated for their time and effort.

At italki, there are several payment options available for online Spanish lessons and classes. Firstly, you can add credits to your italki account using a credit card, PayPal, or other payment methods. Once you have added credits, you can use them to book lessons with your chosen Spanish tutor. You can also pay directly to your tutor using PayPal or other payment methods agreed upon by both parties.

The payment process is secure and reliable. italki ensures that your payment information is protected and kept confidential. Moreover, if you have any payment issues or concerns, you can contact italki’s support team, and they will assist you in resolving the issue.

Overall, italki provides flexible and convenient payment options for online Spanish lessons and classes, ensuring that the process is smooth and hassle-free for all students.

Book your first online Spanish lesson today and start learning with our experienced tutors!