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Learn Spanish online with experienced tutors

Our experienced Spanish tutors offer online lessons and classes that are tailored to your needs. You can learn at your own pace and practice your speaking skills with native speakers. Our platform is user-friendly and flexible, making it easy to book and schedule your lessons.

Learn Spanish with the teacher sheilly.

911 Lessons


id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Spanish

Soy profesora informal de español por más de 4 años !! Espero poder ayudarles Soy una persona a la cual les encantan los retos, eso significa que si tengo la oportunidad de impartirle docencia a una persona con un nivel muy bajo de español; veré eso como una oportunidad. Soy muy paciente y me gusta darles mucho ánimo a mis alumnos.

USD 5.00/trial
Learn Spanish with the teacher Sofia.

36 Lessons


id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Spanish

SPANISH NATIVE TEACHER, WITH MORE THAN 5 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE Como profesora siempre di clases particulares, hace 2 años que me dedico a esto. En 2020 hice un curso de tramo pedagógico + un curso de grafología aplicada a la enseñanza para poder enseñar en más escuelas y aprendí a armar actividades acordes a los niveles de cada alumno.

USD 7.00/trial
Available 11:00 Tomorrow
Learn Spanish with the teacher Inés González.

1,669 Lessons

Inés González

id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Spanish

Profesor universitario; y excelente facilitador en Italki por más de 7 años de experiencia… Me encanta ayudar a las personas con interés de alcanzar objetivos y metas, de una forma amena, amigable y relajada; teniendo en cuenta las necesidades de cada aprendiz. Disfruto mi trabajo, marcando la diferencia, gracias a la experiencia adquirida enseñando a chicos universitarios y mediante muchas lecciones en Italki. Así que no perdamos más tiempo y empecemos hoy, nos vemos en clases... I love to help people who are interested in achieving goals. I do this in an agreeable, friendly, and relaxed way; taking into account the necessities of each learner. I enjoy my work and making a difference, thanks to the experience I received teaching university students and many classes in iTalki.

USD 6.00/trial
Learn Spanish with the teacher Maroli.

278 Lessons


id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Spanish

Patient and Friendly Spanish Tutor. Let's go to improve your Spanish fast💪 I have more than a year of experience teaching online and it is something that I like a lot and I feel very happy when I see the progress of my students. If you don't know any Spanish or you are very beginner don't worry about that, I will help you and use some tools and grammar base so that you can start speaking little by little and help you in this process.

USD 7.00/trial
Available 14:00 Tomorrow
Learn Spanish with the teacher Gabriela.

157 Lessons


id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Spanish

Tengo mucha paciencia a la hora de enseñar se que todos los estudiantes son diferentes y yo como profesora me adapto a cada uno de ellos y sus necesidades , enseñar es una de las cosas que mas disfruto. Creo que cualquiera puede aprender Español y hablarlo de una manera fluida. Mi meta es ayudar a mis estudiantes a impulsar sus habilidades al momento de aprender el idioma. I have a lot of patience when teaching I know that all students are different and as a teacher I adapt to each of them and their needs, teaching is one of the things that I enjoy the most. I believe that anyone can learn Spanish and speak it fluently. My goal is to help my students boost their language learning skills.

USD 5.00/trial
Available 15:00 Tomorrow
Learn Spanish with the teacher Ana Maria.

318 Lessons

Ana Maria

id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Spanish

Sono stata insegnante d'italiano per 8 anni, lavoro con adolescenti (sul di sopra dei 13 anni ) e adulti . Possiedo una laurea nella scienza dell'istruzione delle lingue e della linguistica (Ciencias de la educación en lenguas y lingüística)

USD 5.00/trial
Available 19:30 Tomorrow
Learn Spanish with the teacher AuroIntensiveSpanish.

3,881 Lessons


id verified
Professional Teacher
SPEAKS :Spanish

⭐Beginner Specialist Teacher with Structured Leeson.⭐ I am a professional Spanish teacher with more than eight years with an international background in teaching. (London, Madrid, Barcelona, kuala Lumpur, Singapore, Vietnam and Mexico City.) I am a very patient and fun teacher. Having lived in many countries, including the United Kingdom, I know how hard it is to learn a new language. I can help you with the differences between the Spanish from Mexico and Spain since I lived for more than 8 years in Spain. The class will be prepared for the level of each student. Therefore, at the time of booking send me a message with the level of Spanish that you think you have, in order to prepare for the class. 👩‍🏫¡Nos vemos en clase! :)

USD 25.85/trial
Available 16:45 Tomorrow
Learn Spanish with the teacher Denisse Andrea.

50 Lessons

Denisse Andrea

id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Spanish

A key strenght I have is my neutral and standard accent, ideal for teacher-student communication. My neutral accent is ideal for students aiming to learn South American or European Spanish; besides it works for people wanting to learn standard and clearly spoken English. If you want to know what sort of teacher I am; you just need to know that after a few classes with me, students keep taking lessons more for pleasure than out of necessity. Mi acento neutro es ideal para estudiantes que desean aprender Español Sudamericano o Europeo; más aun, es adecuado para personas que quieran aprender un Inglés estandar y claro. Si quieres saber qué tipo de profesora soy; solo necesitas saber que después de algunas clases conmigo, los estudiantes siguen tomando lecciones más por placer que por nec

USD 5.00/trial
Available 23:45 Today
Learn Spanish with the teacher Ana 何雅洁.

1,138 Lessons

Ana 何雅洁

id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Spanish

Aprendizaje personalizado e integral con una hablante española nativa He sido profesora en la Cruz Roja enseñando español a inmigrantes y refugiados, muy necesario para su integración profesional y social en España. También he dado más de 1000 horas de clase de español, la mayor parte de conversación. Certificados de enseñanza de español: -Aprendizaje intercultural. Universidad de Salamanca (20 h). -Aprendizaje estratégico. USAL (20 h). -Aprendizaje multicontextual. USAL (20 h). -Aprendizaje social y emocional. USAL (20 h). -Aprendizaje inductivo. USAL (20 h). -Aprendizaje del uso real. USAL (20 h). -Enseñanza del español como segunda lengua para inmigrantes y refugiados. Cruz Roja (20 h).

USD 7.50/trial
Learn Spanish with the teacher FRANYELIS ✈.

3,949 Lessons


id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Spanish

Si tomas clases conmigo te aseguro que a través de la conversación puedes aumentar tu vocabulario, gramática y tu fluidez, mis clases son divertidas e interesantes, hablaremos solo de temas que tu te sientas cómodo para hablar, podemos leer y cantar si te gusta, lo importante es que practiques tu español lo más que se pueda, tengo mucho mas para ti, te espero!

USD 5.00/trial
Available 13:00 Tomorrow
Learn Spanish with the teacher Yul Quiñonez.

279 Lessons

Yul Quiñonez

id verified
Professional Teacher
SPEAKS :Spanish

Profesor profesional ELE, experiencia en enseñanza de idiomas, niveles A1, A2, B1, B2 Adapto la clase a lo que necesitas. Lo único que necesitas es ganas de aprender. Te aseguro que desde el principio notaras tu avance. Hace 16 años que enseño a las personas sobre buenos hábitos, como llevarse bien con los demás, en su familia y en su trabajo. Me encanta enseñar a personas adultas y jóvenes.

USD 5.00/trial
Learn Spanish with the teacher Mariana.

255 Lessons


id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Spanish

Me gusta platicar de tus temas de interés de una manera dinámica y sencilla.

USD 6.00/trial
Available 13:00 Tomorrow
Learn Spanish with the teacher yuleidis.

379 Lessons


id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Spanish

soy una persona muy comunicativa al momento de interactuar con mis alumnos, paciente y persistente en que mis alumnos aprendan de manera sencilla a hablar el ideoma español, aportando todo mi conocimiento al alumno, ayudandolos especialmente en sus debilidades al momento de hablar enfocandome asi en ello para transformar esa debilidad en una fortaleza, estoy abierta a escuchar diferentes opiniones de mis alumnos y saber cuales son sus necesidades con la lengua española.

USD 5.00/trial
Available 13:00 Tomorrow
Learn Spanish with the teacher Esteban ⭐.

2,178 Lessons

Esteban ⭐

id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Spanish

Get your Spanish to the next level!!l! 🚀 Thanks to my travels and based on my own experience of how I improved my skills in English and German, I have designed a more natural methodology to get out of the stagnation, improve the student's conversation skills and above all keep alive the flame and interest in Spanish and its cultural diversity. Naturalness and fun are the keys in my conversation coaching sessions.

USD 5.99/trial
Learn Spanish with the teacher Dahy.

910 Lessons


id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Spanish

Profesora nativa de español con experiencia en el aprendizaje de idiomas It would be a pleasure for me to teach you my native language. I do have experience in language learning. For this reason I consider that it could guide you to a significant learning. / Sería un placer para mi enseñarte mi lengua materna. Tengo experiencia en el aprendizaje de idiomas. Por esto considero que podria direccionarte a un aprendizaje significativo.

USD 6.00/trial
Learn Spanish with the teacher Perla KIDS.

1,942 Lessons

Perla KIDS

id verified
Professional Teacher
SPEAKS :Spanish

Decidí enseñar español porque es hermoso y a la vez muy útil. Como Profesora de la Comunidad me considero empática y muy paciente, ya que soy maestra y tengo experiencia en ello. También soy organizada y metódica, me gusta trabajar con profesionalismo y crear un ambiente de clases agradable y de confianza para que el aprendizaje fluya sin problemas.

USD 8.00/trial
Learn Spanish with the teacher Daisy Muñoz.

3,286 Lessons

Daisy Muñoz

id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Spanish

Tutora de Español, 4 años de experiencia ayudando a mejorar: vocabulario, pronunciación y fluidez. He tenido experiencia dictando capacitaciones, inducciones y talleres en el ámbito laboral. Hace tres años empecé a participar como voluntaria en diferentes eventos de conversación en línea para ayudar a personas de diferentes partes del mundo a aprender y mejorar el español, descubrí que esto me encanta y por eso decidí unirme a Italki. Soy una persona muy comprensiva, tolerante, cálida y respetuosa.

USD 8.00/trial
Available 14:00 Tomorrow
Learn Spanish with the teacher Laura Arango.

1,125 Lessons

Laura Arango

id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Spanish

Profesora de español con mas de 5 años de experiencia 5 años como tutora de español de tiempo completo y experiencia desde hace muchos años en relacionarme con personas de diferentes culturas e ideales, eso me facilita hacer un ‘click’ rápidamente con cada persona y que él (ella) se sienta tranquil@ y confiad@ para comenzar sus clases. He decidido ser profesora porque me encanta compartir el conocimiento que tengo con personas que estén dispuestos a recibirlo y por medio de las clases no solo aprenden mis alumnos sino yo también, lo veo como un intercambio de experiencia y aprendizaje mutuo.

USD 9.00/trial
Available 21:00 Tomorrow
Learn Spanish with the teacher Josefina Estrada.

506 Lessons

Josefina Estrada

id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Spanish

A lo largo de mis 41 años he sido maestra de biología y matemáticas asi como de artes marciales. comparto lo que sé y trato de aprender de los que me rodean.

USD 8.00/trial
Learn Spanish with the teacher Arian Hernández.

741 Lessons

Arian Hernández

id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Spanish

Ingeniero de software con experiencia en marketing y enseñando lenguaje español Considero que el aprendizaje es algo recíproco, pues aún siendo el profesor, siempre aprendes algo de tus alumnos. Entiendo que cada persona es un universo y que no todos los días son iguales, por eso trato a mis estudiantes acorde a su situación para lograr seguridad y confianza. Me gusta debatir sobre temas de tu interés porque pienso que es la mejor manera de establecer una conversación fluida y además porque disfruto mucho conocer sobre distintos temas y culturas.

USD 5.00/trial
Your final payment will be made in USD

Frequently asked questions

At italki, finding the right Spanish tutor for you is easy. First, you can browse through a list of experienced and qualified tutors based on their teaching experience, ratings, and student reviews. You can also filter your search results based on your preferred level of proficiency, availability, and hourly rate.

Once you’ve selected a tutor, you can schedule a trial lesson to get a feel for their teaching style and to see if you’re a good fit for each other. During the trial lesson, you can discuss your language learning goals and interests and see if the tutor can help you achieve them.

At italki, you can also join a language exchange community to practice your Spanish with native speakers or other language learners. With the flexibility of scheduling and learning options available, italki can help you find the right Spanish tutor that fits your learning style, budget, and goals.

Yes, absolutely! Our online Spanish lessons and classes are perfect for beginners who are just starting to learn the language. We have a wide range of experienced and certified Spanish tutors who are experts at teaching Spanish to beginners. Our tutors will work with you to assess your current level of Spanish proficiency and develop a personalized study plan that caters to your individual needs and learning style.

Our Spanish lessons and classes for beginners cover a variety of topics, including basic vocabulary, grammar, and conversation skills. Our tutors use a range of teaching methods, including interactive activities, multimedia resources, and conversation practice, to help you improve your Spanish language skills quickly and effectively. Whether you are looking to learn Spanish for work, travel, or personal enrichment, our online Spanish lessons and classes provide the perfect opportunity to achieve your goals.

Yes, at italki, you can learn Spanish online at your own pace. We offer a flexible and personalized learning experience where you can choose your own tutor, schedule your lessons, and learn at a pace that suits you. Our tutors understand that everyone has different learning styles, goals, and preferences, and they will work with you to create a customized learning plan that fits your needs. You can take as many or as few lessons as you like, and you can choose to focus on specific areas of the language that you want to improve. Additionally, our platform offers a range of materials and resources to help you practice and reinforce what you learn during your lessons. Whether you’re a beginner or an advanced learner, you can find a tutor and a learning plan that works for you and learn Spanish at your own pace.

At italki, we understand that unexpected situations can arise, which may require you to reschedule or cancel a lesson with your Spanish tutor. We have a flexible cancellation policy that allows you to reschedule or cancel your lesson up to 24 hours before the scheduled start time. If you cancel or reschedule within the 24-hour period, you will be charged for the lesson.

To reschedule or cancel a lesson, simply log into your italki account, go to the “My Lessons” page, and select the lesson you want to reschedule or cancel. You can then choose to either reschedule the lesson for a different time or cancel it altogether. If you choose to reschedule, you can work with your tutor to find a new time that works for both of you.

We understand that unexpected situations may arise that require you to cancel a lesson within the 24-hour period. In these cases, we recommend contacting your tutor directly to discuss the situation and see if an alternative solution can be found.

Overall, our goal is to make the rescheduling or cancellation process as smooth and flexible as possible, while also ensuring that our tutors are fairly compensated for their time and effort.

At italki, there are several payment options available for online Spanish lessons and classes. Firstly, you can add credits to your italki account using a credit card, PayPal, or other payment methods. Once you have added credits, you can use them to book lessons with your chosen Spanish tutor. You can also pay directly to your tutor using PayPal or other payment methods agreed upon by both parties.

The payment process is secure and reliable. italki ensures that your payment information is protected and kept confidential. Moreover, if you have any payment issues or concerns, you can contact italki’s support team, and they will assist you in resolving the issue.

Overall, italki provides flexible and convenient payment options for online Spanish lessons and classes, ensuring that the process is smooth and hassle-free for all students.

Book your first online Spanish lesson today and start learning with our experienced tutors!