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Learn Polish with experienced language tutors

Immerse yourself in the Polish language with our online Polish courses. Our skilled Polish tutors will guide you through comprehensive lessons, covering speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Choose the pace and focus that suits your needs, and start your journey towards fluency today.

Learn Polish with the teacher Magdalena.

257 Lessons


id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Polish

J'adore partager ma passion pour les langues avec les personnes motivées. J'essaie de mon mieux de faire de sorte que mes leçons soient un plaisir pour nous deux. En effet je crois que c'est la clé du succès:) Cela ne veut pas dire que je suis une professeure laxiste - à certains moments je peux me montrer assez exigeante mais sans jamais oublier la bonne humeur et les besoins de la personne que j'ai en face de moi. Uwielbiam dzielić się swoją pasją do języków z zmotywowanymi ludźmi! Jako nauczycielka potrafię być wymagająca, jednak staram się, aby moje lekcje były zabawą dla nas obojga, myślę, że to jest klucz do sukcesu :) Staram się zawsze priorytetowo traktować Twoje preferencje.

USD 5.00/trial
Available 14:45 Today
Learn Polish with the teacher Adrian.

1,379 Lessons


id verified
Professional Teacher
SPEAKS :Polish

Polish tutor with over 3 years of teaching experience 🇵🇱 👨‍🏫 I believe in treating each student as an individual, tailoring lessons to fit their needs and learning styles. With over 3 years of experience teaching Polish and currently studying Polish Philology, I have a deep understanding of the language, its grammar, literature, and culture. 😊 I strive to create a friendly and welcoming environment where everyone feels comfortable. Whether you're a beginner or looking to refine your skills, you'll find my classes enjoyable and rewarding. Please note: I do not offer lessons to children under 15 years of age.

USD 9.00/trial
Learn Polish with the teacher Olga Tomczyk.

27 Lessons

Olga Tomczyk

id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Polish

Do tej pory pomagałam z nauką polskiego jako języka obcego znajomym z zagranicy. Sama uczę się obecnie hiszpańskiego i ciągle udoskonalam swój angielski, a więc wiem jakie przeciwności napotyka się podczas przyswajania nowego języka. Wiem jednak też, jak bardzo satysfakcjonująca może być nauka języka, jeśli mamy odpowiedni cel lub motywację. Moim małym marzeniem jest, aby rozbudzać twoją ciekawość na temat polskiego i polskiej kultury na każdych zajęciach tak, abyś później sam szukał kolejnych źródeł i kolejnych ciekawostek w wolnym czasie! Don't have place to translate to english :(

USD 5.00/trial
Learn Polish with the teacher Adrianna Sadlik.

190 Lessons

Adrianna Sadlik

id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Polish

As a teacher I like my lessons to be specific to your needs. I am a very patient teacher and a very good listener. In my classes, I like to incorporate lots of different types of discussion, debates and cultures (if you are not a beginner) or prepare for you documents to learn new words, see them in the daily conversations and understand grammar (if you are a beginner). I am very hard working and all my lesson packages are perfectly tailored to fit the needs of every individual student.

USD 5.00/trial
Learn Polish with the teacher Gleb Voznesenskii.

110 Lessons

Gleb Voznesenskii

id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Polish

Experienced conversational practice coach. В течение последних двух лет я преданно занимаюсь репетиторством, специализируясь в обучении русскому языку для начинающих. Моя языковая палитра включает немецкий, польский и английский языки, что позволяет мне находить общий язык с учениками разных национальностей. Глубокий опыт, накопленный в процессе изучения различных языков, стал ценным инструментом, с помощью которого я с радостью помогаю другим освоить русский язык. Моя методика построена на индивидуальном подходе к каждому ученику. Я глубоко слушаю и проникаю в пожелания и потребности каждого студента, чтобы создать наиболее эффективный и интересный учебный процесс. Моя цель – не только научить, но и вдохновить учеников на достижения

USD 9.00/trial
Available 14:45 Today
Learn Polish with the teacher Emilia Kruczek.

223 Lessons

Emilia Kruczek

id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Polish

I’m a native Polish tutor. Zapraszam na lekcję, będzie fajnie! Jako nauczyciel jestem przyjazna, otwarta i cierpliwa. Rozumiem, że nauka języka może sprawiać trudności. Chętnie dostosowuję się do wymagań i umiejętności ucznia oraz przygotowuję się do naszych lekcji. Nasze lekcje mogą być luźną rozmową lub ćwiczeniami trudniejszych tematów. Mam doświadczenie w byciu korepetytorem, dzięki któremu potrafię dostosować się do potrzeb ucznia. Jako nauczyciel nie boję się wyzwań i chętnie pracuję z osobami na różnych etapach nauki języka polskiego.

USD 14.00/Hour
Available 05:30 Tomorrow
Learn Polish with the teacher Oliwia.

59 Lessons


id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Polish

ദ്ദി(˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧ ENG I am a patient teacher with a positive attitude. I believe that the attitude towards the teacher has a lot to do with how we approach learning, so it is important for me to build trust with the student. I like to think of myself as an approachable person, so feel free to come to the class as if you were visiting a friend for coffee! ദ്ദി(˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧ PL Jestem cierpliwą nauczycielką z pozytywnym nastawieniem. Wierzę, że stosunek do nauczyciela ma dużo wspólnego z tym, jak podchodzimy do nauki, dlatego ważne jest dla mnie, żeby zbudować zaufanie. Jestem bardzo przyjazną osobą, więc śmiało przyjdź do mnie jak na kawę do koleżanki!

USD 6.00/trial
Available 09:00 Tomorrow
Learn Polish with the teacher Anna Lipińska.

28 Lessons

Anna Lipińska

id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Polish

Tutor with 15 years of teaching experience I'd love to accompany you on your language-learning journey. It'd be an honour! In the lessons, I pay attention to your language needs and guide you to achieve the level of proficiency that satisfies you. I've been teaching languages for over 15 years. I've realised that what a learner needs is a safe space and sometimes a bit of guidance. I've come to understand that language learning happens to be stressful. My goal as a teacher is to show you that it doesn't have to be this way :). I'm always prepared with a topic to discuss and some grammar to practice. Mind you! We're going to be bored! :)

USD 5.00/trial
Learn Polish with the teacher Anna Ligocka.

229 Lessons

Anna Ligocka

id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Polish

More than 10 years of experience, specialist in exams and test. Let's share our knowledge! I am an experienced teacher with plenty of ideas. I based on practice rather than theory, but it is also needed every so often. I am open-minded, patient, and involved in the process of learning as well, we can talk abut every topic which is interesting to you. I based on real situations and stories. I have all materias which are needed- some pdf files, books, listening activities. You won't be bored!

USD 17.00/Hour
Learn Polish with the teacher Ania.

80 Lessons


id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Polish

During my lessons I help feel students welcome and relaxed. I firmly believe that people learn the most when they feel comfortable.

USD 8.00/trial
Learn Polish with the teacher Karolina.

340 Lessons


id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Polish

Discover the Beauty of the Polish Language with Me! I offer a range of different types of lessons to suit your needs, including conversational practice, grammar and exam preparation, and more. I also use a variety of teaching materials, text books, PDF files, presentation slides, audio and video files, flashcards, and games and quizzes, to keep my lessons interesting and engaging. I'm constantly seeking out new and innovative ways to make my lessons engaging and effective, and I'm always open to feedback and suggestions from my students. In addition to my teaching experience, I'm committed to ongoing professional development in the field of language teaching.

USD 5.00/trial
Available 14:45 Today
Learn Polish with the teacher Jolanta.

176 Lessons


id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Polish

język polski- bułka z masłem! Przez całe moje życie mieszkam w Polsce więc jestem native speakerem. Nie jestem profesjonalną nauczycielką, ale za to wielokrotnie pomagałam młodszym uczniom z nauką języka polskiego. Ze mną nauczycie się płynnie i składnie używać języka potocznego, który jest najbardziej przydatny w życiu codziennym, czy też w pracy :) I have lived in Poland all my life, so I am a native speaker. I am not a professional teacher, but I have often helped younger students learn Polish. With me, you will learn to use colloquial language fluently and syntactically, which is most useful in everyday life or at work :)

USD 12.00/trial
Available 08:30 Tomorrow
Learn Polish with the teacher Ana Mosalska.

318 Lessons

Ana Mosalska

id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Polish

With me you will learn Polish and Russian in shortest possible time! Jako nauczycielka jestem odpowiedzialna i uważna. Moim zadaniem jest nauczyć ucznia języka, jak najlepiej i najszybciej. Dlatego dla każdego ucznia tworzę jego specjalny program, ścieżkę za pomocą której opanuje nowy język. Niektórzy potrzebują wiecej lekcji mówienia, niektórzy więcej czytania. Ja się dostosowuje do ucznia i jego potrzeb. Dlatego nauka że mną jest łatwa i przyjemna! As a teacher, I am responsible and attentive. My job is to teach the student the language as best and as quickly as possible. Therefore, for each student, I create his special program, a path through which he will master a new language. It adapts to the student and their needs. That's why learning me is easy!

USD 13.00/trial
Learn Polish with the teacher Prof. Joanna.

3,135 Lessons

Prof. Joanna

id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Polish

I'm very patient and friendly so even if you are shy and don't speak the language fluently after a few classes with me you will definitely feel more confident. My specialty is teaching Conversation and Pronunciation classes. I enjoy working with adult learners and offer lessons from A2 beginner to C1 advanced level

USD 7.00/trial
Available 14:45 Today
Learn Polish with the teacher Karolina.

810 Lessons


id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Polish

🔥 NAUCZYCIEL Z PASJĄ - TO TU! 💪🚀 🚀 I prepare the lesson according to the needs of my students 🇵🇱 🚀The atmosphere in my class is relaxed 🏖 🚀 I am encouraging, patient, and kind 👩 🚀 I want to see you grow and have fun doing so!🏆

USD 15.00/trial
Available 09:00 Tomorrow
Learn Polish with the teacher Beniamin.

5 Lessons


id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Polish

Lessons Tailored to Suit You and Your Goals ! Being an approachable person makes me an effective teacher. As a teacher, I am continuously striving to enhance my skills and effectiveness. How to achieve effective learning? By cultivating a Positive atmosphere! My classes are conducted in a relaxed atmosphere, where I help my students improve their skills while ensuring they have a good time at the same time." The need to understand and help others, makes me a Teacher who is: - Patient - Empathetic - Cares about Your needs Your progress is a Priority for me!

USD 10.00/trial
Available 10:30 Tomorrow
Learn Polish with the teacher Julia.

1,253 Lessons


id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Polish

BA in Polish language & literature |MA in teaching Polish as a foreign language - in progress :) I always make sure that the atmosphere during my lessons is nice and relaxed. I pay attention to detail so all of my lessons are also well planned and structured at the same time. I make sure to tailor them to the student's needs and goals. I highly value feedback and I'm always open to suggestions. I speak English fluently Я понимаю русский и украинский языки, так что даже если вы не говорите по-английски, проблем не будет Dbam o to, aby podczas lekcji panowała przyjazna atmosfera. Przywiązuję uwagę do szczegółów, dlatego dokładnie przygotowuję każdą lekcję i kieruję się wtedy potrzebami i celami uczniów. Doceniam feedback i zawsze jestem otwarta na propozycje i sugestie.

USD 7.00/trial
Available 09:00 Tomorrow
Learn Polish with the teacher Agata.

211 Lessons


id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Polish

I have experience with teaching chemistry, and even though teaching Polish is a whole new ballgame for me, I believe I've discovered a few tactics that could help me be your best teacher. As someone who enjoys learning languages independently, I'm aware of the challenges that students might encounter and how to avoid them. To effectively learn a language, it's crucial to ensure that the learning process is enjoyable, and I'm committed to ensuring that for you. I also have a few tricks up my sleeve, such as using Spaced Repetition Systems (SRS), which will greatly enhance the efficiency of your learning.

USD 6.00/trial
Available 18:45 Today
Learn Polish with the teacher Alex.

516 Lessons


id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Polish

Language Mentor - Achieve your Goals, Get Accountability & Have Fun! I'm a lifelong learner, dedicated to growing alongside my students! I'm passionate about exploring the potential of our brains, and I've got a few tricks up my sleeve to help you maximize your language-learning results. From neurolinguistics to NLP and spaced repetition, I use these tools to make your learning experience fun, engaging, and most importantly, effective!

USD 14.00/trial
Learn Polish with the teacher Maciej.

33 Lessons


id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Polish

Your new friendly Polish tutor! By self-studying most of the languages I speak, I did master some methods that helped me understand the science behind language learning and I'd be happy to share my methods with you. I'm open-minded, patient and I believe that making mistakes is the only way to learn. As your new tutor, I guarantee a fun and pleasant atmosphere.

USD 6.00/trial
Available 06:30 Tomorrow
Your final payment will be made in USD

Frequently asked questions about online Polish classes

To find a qualified Polish tutor for online classes, follow these steps. Firstly, visit the italki website and go to the Polish language section. Browse through the profiles of various tutors, focusing on their qualifications, teaching experience, and student reviews. Narrow down your options based on your learning preferences, such as teaching style and availability. Reach out to potential tutors to inquire about their teaching methods and approach. Consider taking trial lessons with a few tutors to assess their teaching style and your compatibility. This process will help you find a qualified Polish tutor who suits your learning needs and goals.

Polish tutors on italki come with a variety of qualifications that enhance their teaching expertise. Many possess formal education in languages, linguistics, or teaching Polish as a foreign language. They might hold degrees in these fields or have completed specialized language teaching courses. Additionally, tutors often have extensive experience teaching Polish to learners of diverse backgrounds. Many display their teaching certifications, such as certificates in language teaching or specific language proficiency exams. When selecting a tutor, look for those with a combination of education, experience, and positive student feedback, as these factors indicate their qualifications and ability to effectively teach Polish.

Yes, online Polish classes are highly effective for language learning. They offer a flexible and convenient way to learn Polish from the comfort of your own home. With access to qualified and experienced Polish tutors, you can receive personalized instruction that caters to your learning style and goals. These classes include interactive lessons, practice exercises, and real-time conversations, fostering a dynamic and immersive learning experience. Additionally, online platforms often provide a range of resources, including multimedia materials and language tools. Regular interaction with a tutor and consistent practice through online classes contribute significantly to improving your Polish language skills, whether you’re a beginner or looking to advance your proficiency.

Absolutely, you can schedule Polish classes according to your availability when learning online. One of the key benefits of online learning platforms like italki is their flexibility. You have the freedom to choose lesson times that suit your schedule, making it convenient for students with various commitments. This flexibility ensures that you can fit your Polish lessons seamlessly into your daily routine, whether you have a busy work schedule, family responsibilities, or other activities. The ability to tailor your class timings according to your availability enables you to learn at your own pace and make consistent progress in mastering the Polish language.

To take online Polish classes, you typically need a computer or device with a stable internet connection, a webcam, and a microphone. italki uses video conferencing tools, so having a headset or earphones with a built-in microphone can enhance audio quality. italki has it’s own classroom. You don’t need to download any additional software or tools. Absolutely, you can also download or use communication software like Skype, Zoom, or a platform-specific tool recommended by your tutor. It’s important to ensure your device’s software is up to date and that you have a quiet and well-lit space for effective communication during lessons. Your tutor will provide guidance on any specific requirements they have for their online Polish classes.

Ready to start learning Polish today? Sign up now to find the perfect Polish teacher for you and take your language skills to the next level!