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Learn Polish with experienced language tutors

Immerse yourself in the Polish language with our online Polish courses. Our skilled Polish tutors will guide you through comprehensive lessons, covering speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Choose the pace and focus that suits your needs, and start your journey towards fluency today.

Learn Polish with the teacher Maria S..

227 Lessons

Maria S.

id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Polish

Apart from a Philology university degree I've done an extra postgraduate course of methods of teaching. I have been both giving private lessons and teaching in the university class. Having been learning a few languages on my known I've discovered many ways to make the studying process as efficient as possible. I am looking forward to speaking with you! :))

USD 7.00/trial
Learn Polish with the teacher Maja Hołota.

661 Lessons

Maja Hołota

id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Polish

Привет! Давай поговорим на польском) Pomogę Ci pokonać barierę językową! Rozumiesz, kiedy inni mówią po polsku, ale boisz się odezwać? Uczysz się już długo, ale wciąż odczuwasz stres przy rozmowie z Polakami? A może chcesz zacząć naukę zupełnie od zera? Jestem tu dla Ciebie! Bazuję na własnym doświadczeniu w nauce języków (mówię po polsku, angielsku, rosyjsku oraz uczę się czeskiego), a także na doświadczeniu moich wspaniałych uczniów, którym udało się pokonać lęk i rozmawiają swobodnie po polsku :)

USD 7.00/trial
Learn Polish with the teacher Julia.

163 Lessons


id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Polish

Jestem empatyczną, pozytywną oraz otwartą lektorką. Dzięki ukończeniu studiów wiem, jakie aspekty i reguły języka sprawiają więcej trudności i jak nauczyć się polskiego z przyjemnością. Główną motywacją dla mnie jest rezultat. Lubię tworzyć lekcje i dopasowuję materiały do potrzeb studenta.

USD 7.00/trial
Learn Polish with the teacher Marta.

345 Lessons


id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Polish

Experienced teacher speaking Polish, English and Japanese I teach Polish in English and Japanese. 日本語対応OK!With over 8 years of experience teaching Polish, English, and Japanese, both in person and online, I've learned one thing for sure: every learner is unique. That's why my teaching approach is all about flexibility and adaptation. Want to follow a structured textbook? We can do that! Craving real-life conversation skills and casual chat? I'm your guide! My lessons are built around your individual goals and preferences. Apart from achieving your learning goals, creating a warm and relaxed atmosphere during lessons is my top priority.

USD 8.00/trial
Available 02:00 Tomorrow
Learn Polish with the teacher Karolina.

11 Lessons


id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Polish

Naucz się polskiego z cierpliwą i wyrozumiałą nauczycielką Jako nauczycielka, moją największą pasją jest język polski i polska kultura. Choć moje doświadczenie w nauczaniu polskiego jest ograniczone, uczenie angielskiego dzieci dało mi umiejętność angażowania i wspierania uczniów. Jestem cierpliwa i empatyczna, stwarzam przyjazne środowisko nauki, gdzie uczniowie mogą eksplorować nowe koncepcje w swoim tempie. Mam umiejętności językowe na poziomie wyższym średniozaawansowanym z angielskiego oraz komunikatywnym z rosyjskiego. Moje zainteresowania kulturą, muzyką, historią i polityką zostały wzbogacone podczas roku spędzonego w Wielkiej Brytanii, co poszerza moją perspektywę w edukacji.

USD 5.00/trial
Available 05:00 Tomorrow
Learn Polish with the teacher Beata.

3,500 Lessons


id verified
Professional Teacher
SPEAKS :Polish

“A different language is a different vision of life.” Federico Fellini I have been working as a Polish language teacher since 2017 (mainly online). I use a variety of interesting online materials (YouTube videos, online articles, educational channels). For each lesson I prepare my own materials saved in PDF file and in google documents file. Pracuję jako lektor języka poskiego (głównie online) od 2017 roku. Korzystam z wielu ciekawych materiałów dostępnych online (Youtube, artykuły online, kanały edukacyjne). Do każdej lekcji przygotowuję materiały własne zapisane w formacie PDF i dokumentów google.

USD 11.50/trial
Available 06:00 Tomorrow
Learn Polish with the teacher Zuzia.

516 Lessons


id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Polish

Learn and practice Polish or English more effortlessly! Our lessons will help you: - overcome a speaking barrier or anxiety - broaden your range of vocabulary - boost your confidence when speaking - increase your motivation - improve your accent in English or Polish Patience is definitely my strong point! I always tailor my lessons to your individual goals and interests. I know learning a language may seem overwhelming - I've been there :). That's why my priority is to make the conversation practice relaxed and interesting while at the same time help you speak at ease in the language. My aim is for you to feel like it's a good conversation, not a language lesson :)

USD 12.00/trial
Available 12:00 Today
Learn Polish with the teacher Deutsch mit Tomasz.

816 Lessons

Deutsch mit Tomasz

id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Polish

Language enthusiast, who will help you boost your German or Polish. Based on my experience of living and working in Germany, I am able to make you speak, read and understand German in no time. I can also explain you the German grammar using English, Polish, Russian, Czech, Spanish or Italian. I am still actively learning all those languages and I simply love to teach.

USD 18.00/trial
Available 06:30 Tomorrow
Learn Polish with the teacher Natalia.

139 Lessons


id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Polish

Efektywne i przyjemne lekcje, 200+ godzin doświadczenia Classes are always guided by the student's needs. I'm here to help you achieve your goals. I teach both children and adults. I use a variety of materials in my lessons, including: - own materials, -articles, -short movies, -quizzes, -games, -podcasts - fairy tales and more. After each lesson, the student receives a summary of the lesson with the new vocabulary learned, pronunciation corrections, materials used, and the goal of the next lesson.

USD 6.00/trial
Available 22:00 Today
Learn Polish with the teacher Justyna.

1,278 Lessons


id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Polish

Cześć! Do zobaczenia na lekcji 😁 Język polski jest moim językiem ojczystym, a dzięki studiowaniu filologii rosyjskiej wiem, co może sprawiać trudności i na co zwrócić uwagę w procesie uczenia się. Jestem osobą cierpliwą i wyrozumiałą. W jak najprzystępniejszy sposób będę chciała przekazać Ci wiedzę i pomóc w nauce języka polskiego. :)

USD 7.00/trial
Available 08:30 Tomorrow
Learn Polish with the teacher Adriana.

313 Lessons


id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Polish

A teacher with a passion for languages As a teacher I always adjust a lesson to my students and I have a casual and friendly approach. I wanna encourage you to start speaking your target language from the very first lesson. I'm aware of the fact that mistakes are a part of the learning process. I also pass on knowledge about culture, traditions and slang.

USD 12.00/trial
Learn Polish with the teacher Halina.

80 Lessons


id verified
Professional Teacher
SPEAKS :Polish

Experienced, Certified, Professional Online English and Polish Teacher. I have a lot of experience teaching English for different purposes and helping students prepare for Cambridge exams and IELTS. I am very familiar with the latest resources and achievements in teaching English. I have a lot of experience using the latest computer and internet programs, making my classes exciting and interactive. I have traveled extensively abroad on many continents, which has given me a lot of experience and made me culturally aware. I holistically convey knowledge, pay attention to the language itself, develop.

USD 10.00/trial
Learn Polish with the teacher Bartosz Czarnotta.

583 Lessons

Bartosz Czarnotta

id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Polish

Pasjonat języka polskiego, pomagający w jego nauce od przeszło dwóch lat. Jako nauczyciel staram się by uczeń miał możliwie najszerszy kontakt z językiem. Staram się, by dać uczniowi motywację, która pozwoli mu przezwyciężyć trudności związane z nauką obcego i nowego języka. Staram pokazać się mu kulturę, która nierozerwalnie wiąże się z polszczyzną. Nauka języka to nie tylko nauka słownictwa i gramatyki. To przede wszystkim nauka kultury, w której język ma być jedynie narzędziem.

USD 5.00/trial
Available 14:00 Today
Learn Polish with the teacher Kamil.

297 Lessons


id verified
Professional Teacher
SPEAKS :Polish

I have been teaching Polish to foreigners for eight years. I have experience working in both university and language school settings. I have previously taught one to one, groups and business Polish, in both classrooms and private in-home tutoring sessions. I speak English, French Spanish, and Russian.

USD 5.00/trial
Learn Polish with the teacher Magdalena Golden.

2,372 Lessons

Magdalena Golden

id verified
Test Preparation
Professional Teacher
SPEAKS :Polish

A professional polyglot (specializing in teaching levels A0-B2) 🤓 and a laid-back human being 😊🌈 Since I'm constantly learning languages myself, I continuously try new methods and techniques and can share with you those that work best. I love technology so I like to test and modify new solutions to help you get the most out of your lessons! *PLEASE NOTE* For technical reasons, I am unable to use Italki Classroom. All classes are taught on Zoom.

USD 15.00/trial
Learn Polish with the teacher Salome.

147 Lessons


id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Polish

Creative community teacher with 3 years of teaching and interpreting experience. I am a very patient, understanding and non-judgmental teacher, my knowledge of Psychology helps me to create a supportive, motivating, and friendly environment for my students. Moreover, I am not only taking into consideration my students’ aims in terms of learning a language but their lifestyle and personality. I believe that finding a ‘middle ground’ where students can feel challenged but not overwhelmed with information about new language is extremely important, especially in hectic everyday life.

USD 8.00/trial
Available 12:00 Today
Learn Polish with the teacher Lukas S.

21 Lessons

Lukas S

id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Polish

As a Polish language teacher, I'm the type of educator who values a relaxed atmosphere but doesn't compromise on solid learning! I love the Polish language and want my students to love it too.

USD 6.00/trial
Available 15:00 Today
Learn Polish with the teacher Paulina.

1,431 Lessons


id verified
Professional Teacher
SPEAKS :Polish

Nauczycielka języka polskiego jako obcego od 2009 roku / Teacher of Polish for foreigners since 2009 (PL) Pierwsza lekcja, pierwszy rozdział z podręcznika. Druga lekcja, drugi rozdział. Trzecia lekcja, trzeci rozdział, narzędnik. Szósta lekcja, szósty rozdział, biernik. Dziesiąta lekcja, dziesiąty rozdział, liczba mnoga. Dwudziesta lekcja, znasz sto końcówek i nadal nie mówisz po polsku... STOP!!! NIE uczę w ten sposób! (EN) First lesson, first unit of the students's book. Second lesson, second unit. Third lesson, third unit, instrumental case. Sixth lesson, sixth unit, accusative case. Tenth lesson, tenth unit, plural forms. 20s lesson, you have learnt 100 endings and you still do not speak any Polish... STOP!!! I do NOT teach this way!

USD 10.00/trial
Available 05:00 Tomorrow
Learn Polish with the teacher Oleg.

224 Lessons


id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Polish

I'm patient, considerate and attentive to what students are saying and asking, I try to encourage them and decrease any stress by means of using materials and teaching helps best suited for each particular student.

USD 5.00/trial
Available 03:30 Tomorrow
Learn Polish with the teacher Katia.

765 Lessons


id verified
Professional Teacher
SPEAKS :Polish

It's easy to start speaking with me! Book a lesson and check! Can't find any suitable slot? Text me. I love accompanying my students while they grow in confidence in their language skills and enjoy the process. So I am an attentive, friendly and sometimes demanding teacher and a language coach. I have experience in teaching students at every age. My focus here is on adults and students above 14 years old now. Passed my age test? :) RESERVATIONS Please make your lesson reservations at least 48 hours in advance. CANCELLATION POLICY Cancelling or time change is possible 24 hours before the lesson. No lesson credits return if you didn't come to the lesson. Waiting for the student up to 15 min. LITTLE TIME AMENDMENTS are possible shortly before the lesson ONLY IF agreement is found.

USD 15.00/trial
Your final payment will be made in USD

Frequently asked questions about online Polish classes

To find a qualified Polish tutor for online classes, follow these steps. Firstly, visit the italki website and go to the Polish language section. Browse through the profiles of various tutors, focusing on their qualifications, teaching experience, and student reviews. Narrow down your options based on your learning preferences, such as teaching style and availability. Reach out to potential tutors to inquire about their teaching methods and approach. Consider taking trial lessons with a few tutors to assess their teaching style and your compatibility. This process will help you find a qualified Polish tutor who suits your learning needs and goals.

Polish tutors on italki come with a variety of qualifications that enhance their teaching expertise. Many possess formal education in languages, linguistics, or teaching Polish as a foreign language. They might hold degrees in these fields or have completed specialized language teaching courses. Additionally, tutors often have extensive experience teaching Polish to learners of diverse backgrounds. Many display their teaching certifications, such as certificates in language teaching or specific language proficiency exams. When selecting a tutor, look for those with a combination of education, experience, and positive student feedback, as these factors indicate their qualifications and ability to effectively teach Polish.

Yes, online Polish classes are highly effective for language learning. They offer a flexible and convenient way to learn Polish from the comfort of your own home. With access to qualified and experienced Polish tutors, you can receive personalized instruction that caters to your learning style and goals. These classes include interactive lessons, practice exercises, and real-time conversations, fostering a dynamic and immersive learning experience. Additionally, online platforms often provide a range of resources, including multimedia materials and language tools. Regular interaction with a tutor and consistent practice through online classes contribute significantly to improving your Polish language skills, whether you’re a beginner or looking to advance your proficiency.

Absolutely, you can schedule Polish classes according to your availability when learning online. One of the key benefits of online learning platforms like italki is their flexibility. You have the freedom to choose lesson times that suit your schedule, making it convenient for students with various commitments. This flexibility ensures that you can fit your Polish lessons seamlessly into your daily routine, whether you have a busy work schedule, family responsibilities, or other activities. The ability to tailor your class timings according to your availability enables you to learn at your own pace and make consistent progress in mastering the Polish language.

To take online Polish classes, you typically need a computer or device with a stable internet connection, a webcam, and a microphone. italki uses video conferencing tools, so having a headset or earphones with a built-in microphone can enhance audio quality. italki has it’s own classroom. You don’t need to download any additional software or tools. Absolutely, you can also download or use communication software like Skype, Zoom, or a platform-specific tool recommended by your tutor. It’s important to ensure your device’s software is up to date and that you have a quiet and well-lit space for effective communication during lessons. Your tutor will provide guidance on any specific requirements they have for their online Polish classes.

Ready to start learning Polish today? Sign up now to find the perfect Polish teacher for you and take your language skills to the next level!