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Learn Polish with experienced language tutors

Immerse yourself in the Polish language with our online Polish courses. Our skilled Polish tutors will guide you through comprehensive lessons, covering speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Choose the pace and focus that suits your needs, and start your journey towards fluency today.

Learn Polish with the teacher Damian Czapla.

299 Lessons

Damian Czapla

id verified
Professional Teacher
SPEAKS :Polish

Cierpliwy nauczyciel języka angielskiego : ) | 5 lat doświadczenia w nauczaniu języków obcych Jestem magistrem anglistyki i literatury angielskiej oraz posiadam 5 lat doświadczenia zawodowego. Do chwili obecnej, pracować mi było dane głównie z osobami w przedziale 11-60 lat. Jestem spokojny i przyjemnością jest dla mnie doskonalenie twoich zdolności językowych - nie ma bowiem nic lepszego niż dzielenie się wiedzą, prawda? :)

USD 10.00/trial
Learn Polish with the teacher Adrianna.

82 Lessons


id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Polish

Wielojęzyczna lekarka Needless to say, learning Polish as a foreign language is quite challenging... but hey! As they say - 'You will never win if you never begin'. I've been teaching children Maths for 6 years, so don't worry - I am very patient and ready to explain to you even the most complicated stuff as simple as it's possible.

USD 15.00/trial
Available 08:00 Tomorrow
Learn Polish with the teacher Monika G. Skirzynska.

1,416 Lessons

Monika G. Skirzynska

id verified
Professional Teacher
SPEAKS :Polish

Professional teacher of Polish - Jagiellonian University, Masters Degree I’m a Polish language teacher as well as music and art. I graduated from Polish studies at the Jagiellonian University and postgraduate studies in music and fine arts at the University of Rzeszow. I was teaching Polish language for 27 years in Polish school. My work was awarded many times by the headmistress and the mayor of my city. My lessons have won recognition from the inspectors of the Board of Education.

USD 8.00/trial
Learn Polish with the teacher Iza.

2,933 Lessons


id verified
Professional Teacher
SPEAKS :Polish

I think my best quality as a teacher is empathy, as I understand the student's point of view very well and it is easy for me to put myself in their shoes. It is important to me that everyone has a good time while learning and I always try to bring a positive attitude into the classroom, be it face-to-face or virtual.

USD 10.00/trial
Learn Polish with the teacher Karolina.

302 Lessons


id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Polish

Polski bez stresu 🙂 Dopiero zaczynam moją przygodę z uczeniem, sama jednak od wielu lat uczę się języków i myślę, że dzięki temu poznałam kilka pomocnych w nauce metod, którymi będę mogła się z tobą podzielić. Jestem osobą otwartą, cierpliwą, z którą będziesz mógł porozmawiać na wiele ciekawych tematów. I'm starting my adventure with teaching but I've been studying languages for years and I think that thanks to that I mastered some helpful study methods, which I could share with you. I'm open and patient and I think we could talk about many interesting topics.

USD 5.00/trial
Learn Polish with the teacher Magdalena.

2,395 Lessons


id verified
Professional Teacher
SPEAKS :Polish

Certified TEFL Teacher, DALF C2 holder & native Polish speaker with 15+ years of teaching experience I've been teaching Polish, French, English, and occasionally Italian, mostly 1-on-1, for many years. My experience in teaching French and English exceeds 15 years. I have a Master's Degree in English Studies, a TEFL certificate and a DALF C2 certificate in French. I know how to teach, but as a multilingual person I also know how to learn. I've tested countless tools and techniques on myself. I aced B2 exams in French and Italian after fewer than 3 years of learning so I know a lot about effective language learning. Please note: I charge 100% for last minute cancellations (less than 24 hours in advance). Thank you for your understanding.

USD 12.00/trial
Learn Polish with the teacher Tory.

209 Lessons


id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Polish

I make sure my students understand the main concept before moving to the next level. Every stage builds on base of the prior one, so understanding of each level is essential.

USD 13.00/trial
Learn Polish with the teacher Mariusz Uram.

1,447 Lessons

Mariusz Uram

id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Polish

Polyglot with over 4-year experience in teaching I like to diversify the sources I learn languages from because otherwise I get bored quite easily, so my approach to teaching languages is the same. Depending on your preferences we could talk about anything you want and use some support like press articles, videos, songs, books, interviews, anything that you would definitely benefit from!

USD 9.00/trial
Learn Polish with the teacher Alina K.

1,810 Lessons

Alina K

id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Polish

Сonversational Polish, Exam preparation, Interview I have been tutoring Polish to foreigners for a 5th year now. I teach Polish from scratch, and also help to improve vocabulary and speaking skills.. My classes can be in English, Russian and Ukrainian. Уже пятый год я преподаю польский язык иностранцам. Я преподаю польский язык с нуля, а также помогаю повысить словарный запас и научиться не бояться говорить по-польски. Могу вести занятия на английском, русском и украинском языках.

USD 5.00/trial
Available 15:45 Today
Learn Polish with the teacher Paulina.

2,224 Lessons


id verified
Professional Teacher
SPEAKS :Polish

I've taught English during my travels as a volunteer in local schools and recently after two years of teaching on Italki I've upgraded to a professional language teacher. My approach is mainly intuitive. To improve my teaching skills I took a 120 hrs online TEFL course to be able to explain specific grammar issues to my students. I can teach beginners and intermediate students who'd like to build and reinforce their learning through speaking practice. I love languages and myself I'm learning Japanese and French at the moment and that's why I can easily understand your difficulties with memorizing new words and frustrations of not being able to pronounce things correctly. I'm very patient :)

USD 6.00/trial
Available 14:45 Today
Learn Polish with the teacher Wojtek.

139 Lessons


id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Polish

When I was in secondary school I started teaching chess. I enjoyed it very much. I was also interested in Slavic languages, then I studied Slavic philology at the University in Lublin. I have been teaching Russian for 6 years. I teach at a language school and also have my own students. I organise a discussion club where we meet to talk in foreign languages. I am constantly trying to become a better teacher.

USD 23.00/Hour
Available 05:00 Tomorrow
Learn Polish with the teacher Asia Poshor.

2,043 Lessons

Asia Poshor

id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Polish

Conversation classes in ENGLISH and POLISH I am a teacher with almost 2 years experience. I am very good at catching mistakes and correcting them. Most of the time my classes are focused on conversations so that you can overcome language barrier. I also prepare personalised PDFs for my students. I am a rather relaxed and fun teacher. Please do not be afraid to ask anything. I am not intimidated by any topic which you want to discuss :) Jestem nauczycielką z dwuletnim doświadczeniem. Potrafię wyłapać i poprawić błędy w rozmowie z uczniem. W dużej mierze moje zajęcia są prowadzone formie konwersacji, żebyś mógł/mogła przełamać się w mówieniu. Przygotowuję również spersonalizowane PDFy. Jestem raczej spokojną i wyluzowaną nauczycielką.

USD 10.00/trial
Learn Polish with the teacher Joanna.

7 Lessons


id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Polish

Polish for foreigners - all levels. Polski dla obcokrajowców - wszystkie poziomy. Spoken and formal I teach Polish. Polish for foreigners. Over a year online, 800 lessons taught in my free time, plus a parental experience as a teacher :) Now I have more free time and possibility to do what I really love, that's why I'm here :) If you already know what dumplings is in Polish then we can manage:) If not - don't worry, I'll explain you

USD 5.00/trial
Available 20:45 Today
Learn Polish with the teacher Mikolaj.

379 Lessons


id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Polish

Polish and German tutor with more than five years of experience You can practise with me your spoken Polish or German, but I would also love to help you with grammar, pronunciation and writing. We can talk about cultural topics, politics, travelling, news. All depends on you! Nice atmosphere is very important for me. After the first conversation with me you will see progress! If you have any questions feel free to contact me. I am looking forward to teaching you Polish or German.

USD 9.00/trial
Learn Polish with the teacher Oleg.

251 Lessons


id verified
Professional Teacher
SPEAKS :Polish

Преподаватель польского и русского языков/Polish and Russian teacher For more than two years I have been a teacher of the Polish language, I have a C2 certificate from the State Language Commission of Poland. Living in the country, I focus on live Polish, and not on old cliché phrases from textbooks. I conduct lessons based on the goals of the student: work, study, moving to permanent residence, a police school. I will also help you prepare for the state language exam

USD 5.00/trial
Available 08:00 Tomorrow
Learn Polish with the teacher Patrycja.

197 Lessons


id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Polish

A native speaker willing to help you learn Polish! In the classroom, I want to create a safe space for learning. Nobody should feel bad about making mistakes. Making mistakes and correcting them is the best possible way to learn!

USD 5.00/trial
Available 08:00 Tomorrow
Learn Polish with the teacher Jakub Strzelczyk.

503 Lessons

Jakub Strzelczyk

id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Polish

Twój doświadczony nauczyciel polskiego zaprasza na miłe lekcje :) POL|RU|ENG Я готов предоставить вам весь нужный материал для изучения польского языка. Считаю, что мы найдём общий язык и сможем продуктивно поработать. Если вы хотите начать изучать польский или уже знаете его, но вам нужна практика, могу помочь вам со всеми сложностями этого непростого языка. У меня приготовлены уроки для начинающих и тех, кто хочет сосредоточиться на определенным аспекте языка, например фонетике, грамматике, разговорной речи и даже на сленге. Кроме того, если уже говоришь по-польски, свободный разговор является хорошим способом улучшения навыков, которые помогают выразить свои мысли на иностранном языке.

USD 6.00/trial
Learn Polish with the teacher Olgierd.

302 Lessons


id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Polish

Tutor z dużym doświadczeniem w nauczaniu. Dependently on your level I will use books and special exercises. I like student's involvement during the lesson as much as she/he can. It is nice when student is a little tired after the lesson :)) in my opinion it gives the best results. I will engage as much senses of your mind as possible to make your success visible. You will have full access to all materials after the lesson to develop your language skills in a free time.

USD 10.00/trial
Available 20:45 Today
Learn Polish with the teacher Ana Maria.

39 Lessons

Ana Maria

id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Polish

Od wielu lat pracuję jako nauczyciel języka angielskiego. Nauczanie jest moją pasją. Uwielbiam pracę z życzliwymi osobami , które są pełne ambicji, marzeń i celów. Jestem również coachem i autorką. Kocham podróże - te małe i te duże. Mam czarnego kota choć bywam przesądna. Moje dwie siostry są moimi najlepszymi przyjaciółkami. Znam kilka języków obcych i cały czas je szlifuję oraz uczę się kolejnych. Nigdy nie nudzę się i jestem pewna, że Ty również nie będziesz.

USD 6.00/trial
Available 04:30 Tomorrow
Learn Polish with the teacher Serhii.


id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Polish

Odblokuj swój potencjał języka polskiego :) Moim głównym celem jest uczynienie procesu nauki swobodnym i bez nadmiernego stresu. Dostosowuję mój styl nauczania, aby dopasować się do indywidualnych preferencji każdego ucznia, zapewniając jak najlepsze przyswajanie wiedzy. Oczywiście, możemy korzystać z podręczników lub innych materiałów (na przykład, bardzo dobrze znaną i cenioną serię podręczników "Krok po Kroku"), ale kierunek naszych lekcji w dużej mierze zależy od Twoich konkretnych potrzeb i zainteresowań. Jeśli istnieją aspekty języka, które Cię interesują i które chciał(a)byś poprawić, nie krępuj się podzielić się swoimi potrzebami.

USD 10.00/trial
Available 10:45 Today
Your final payment will be made in USD

Frequently asked questions about online Polish classes

To find a qualified Polish tutor for online classes, follow these steps. Firstly, visit the italki website and go to the Polish language section. Browse through the profiles of various tutors, focusing on their qualifications, teaching experience, and student reviews. Narrow down your options based on your learning preferences, such as teaching style and availability. Reach out to potential tutors to inquire about their teaching methods and approach. Consider taking trial lessons with a few tutors to assess their teaching style and your compatibility. This process will help you find a qualified Polish tutor who suits your learning needs and goals.

Polish tutors on italki come with a variety of qualifications that enhance their teaching expertise. Many possess formal education in languages, linguistics, or teaching Polish as a foreign language. They might hold degrees in these fields or have completed specialized language teaching courses. Additionally, tutors often have extensive experience teaching Polish to learners of diverse backgrounds. Many display their teaching certifications, such as certificates in language teaching or specific language proficiency exams. When selecting a tutor, look for those with a combination of education, experience, and positive student feedback, as these factors indicate their qualifications and ability to effectively teach Polish.

Yes, online Polish classes are highly effective for language learning. They offer a flexible and convenient way to learn Polish from the comfort of your own home. With access to qualified and experienced Polish tutors, you can receive personalized instruction that caters to your learning style and goals. These classes include interactive lessons, practice exercises, and real-time conversations, fostering a dynamic and immersive learning experience. Additionally, online platforms often provide a range of resources, including multimedia materials and language tools. Regular interaction with a tutor and consistent practice through online classes contribute significantly to improving your Polish language skills, whether you’re a beginner or looking to advance your proficiency.

Absolutely, you can schedule Polish classes according to your availability when learning online. One of the key benefits of online learning platforms like italki is their flexibility. You have the freedom to choose lesson times that suit your schedule, making it convenient for students with various commitments. This flexibility ensures that you can fit your Polish lessons seamlessly into your daily routine, whether you have a busy work schedule, family responsibilities, or other activities. The ability to tailor your class timings according to your availability enables you to learn at your own pace and make consistent progress in mastering the Polish language.

To take online Polish classes, you typically need a computer or device with a stable internet connection, a webcam, and a microphone. italki uses video conferencing tools, so having a headset or earphones with a built-in microphone can enhance audio quality. italki has it’s own classroom. You don’t need to download any additional software or tools. Absolutely, you can also download or use communication software like Skype, Zoom, or a platform-specific tool recommended by your tutor. It’s important to ensure your device’s software is up to date and that you have a quiet and well-lit space for effective communication during lessons. Your tutor will provide guidance on any specific requirements they have for their online Polish classes.

Ready to start learning Polish today? Sign up now to find the perfect Polish teacher for you and take your language skills to the next level!