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Find the best Japanese tutor for you

Our platform connects you with the best Japanese teachers from around the world. You can browse through their profiles, read reviews from other students, and choose the perfect Japanese teacher for you.

Learn Japanese with the teacher Junko.

867 Lessons


id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Japanese

I teach English so I know how to teach Japanese in English. 英語を教える仕事をしていて、日本語を教えたいと思うようになりました。やりがいを1番感じるのは、生徒さんの成長を感じたときです。italkiでも、たくさんの生徒さんの日本語学習の成長のお役に立ちたいと思っています。生徒さんの要望に沿って、満足度の高いレッスンをしていけるよう頑張ります。よろしくお願いいたします。 I've always wanted to teach Japanese because teaching English makes me very happy and motivates me more. I feel very satisfied when I see my students' learning abilities are improved. I will do my best to give the most satisfactory lessons.

USD 7.50/trial
Learn Japanese with the teacher Yuka Nakai.

379 Lessons

Yuka Nakai

id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Japanese

☆If you want to improve your Japanese Speaking skills, Welcome!☆ After I graduated from university, I studied abroad in New Zealand for an year. While studying I also did private tutoring, teaching Japanese. Sometimes to use English to help with word association. I also worked at a Japanese language centre. I provide easy/simple words and tasks to get you to enjoy participating in the class and created a comfortable atmosphere to encourage discussion. So please don’t hesitate to give my lesson a try so we can enjoy some good Japanese conversation!

USD 5.00/trial
Learn Japanese with the teacher Sara.

514 Lessons


id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Japanese

You only live once!Let's have fun learning:-) I always try to make the student feel comfortable so that they can enjoy the class! I will help you to grow confidence in speaking Japanese! So don’t be afraid to make a mistake. Practice makes perfect🌼🌼

USD 6.00/trial
Learn Japanese with the teacher Belle / ベル.

1,233 Lessons

Belle / ベル

id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Japanese

TOP1% Japanese teacher in 2022☆彡Be your best Japanese language partner for u :3 日本語(にほんご)を勉強(べんきょう)している海外(かいがい)の友達(ともだち)を持(も)っていて、英語(えいご)で教(おし)えている経験(けいけん)があります。 また日常会話(にちじょうかいわ)の英語(えいご)は話(はな)せるので、日本語(にほんご)初心者(しょしんしゃ)のひとでも安心(あんしん)してレッスン(れっすん)を受(う)けていただけます。 I have forigners friends who are studying Japanese and have experience teaching it to them in English. Also, I can speak English. so even if you're a beginner of learning Japanese,don't need to hesitate taking my lessons✨

USD 9.00/trial
Learn Japanese with the teacher Keiko.

289 Lessons


id verified
Test Preparation
Professional Teacher
SPEAKS :Japanese
Chinese (Mandarin)

Certified friendly Japanese teacher :) 🌸I have experience teaching English for 4 years at a language school as well as a private tutor when I was at uni. I also have taught Japanese for about 3 years in Taiwan. I passed the Japanese Language Teaching Competency Test in 2018 and am teaching Japanese to19 students online. I'm a patient, easygoing, and friendly person :) 🌸学生の頃、日本の語学学校で教えたり、家庭教師として、英語を4年間教えたことがあります。また日本語は、3年間台湾で個別に教えたことがあり、2018年には 日本語教育能力検定にも合格しました!今は、オンラインで19人の生徒さんに日本語を教えています。我慢強く、フレンドリーな性格です。 🌸唸書的時候,我教過英文四年。我在台灣當日文家教教過三年。然後我考上了日本語教育能力檢定。 現在我在印尼當網路日文老師, 目前在教19位的學生。我的個性是溫柔,有耐性, 很友善。 🌸Saya pernah mengajar bahasa Jepang untuk 3 tahun di Taiwan. Karakter saya ramah :)

USD 7.00/trial
Learn Japanese with the teacher AKO.


id verified
Professional Teacher
SPEAKS :Japanese

Certified teacher proficient in Japanese manners & honorific expressions I got the qualification for teaching Japanese in 2021. I teach online on Saturday and Sunday only :) I'm new here, but I have approximately 130 hours of teaching experience so far on other platform. Also, i've studied English for a long time, so I really understand how fun and difficult it is to learn the second language.

USD 10.00/trial
Learn Japanese with the teacher ERICA sensei.

242 Lessons

ERICA sensei

id verified
Professional Teacher
SPEAKS :Japanese

I have 13 years of teach experience. became the youngest principal in history of the school in 2019. My private lesson usually costs 6000 yen/1 hour. I offer very special price at Italki. But I never skimp of preparing for class. I've been a headteacher for 5 years. I am a certified Japanese teacher with experience teaching general Japanese, conversational Japanese, business Japanese, and exam preparation. If you are looking to improve your Japanese speaking skills for personal reasons or to pass a proficiency exam, I can help you! わたしの通常の対面レッスンは1時間6000円です。 アイトーキでは特別な価格でレッスンを提供しています。 しかし、授業準備を怠ることはありません。 私は日本語全般、会話、ビジネス日本語、試験準備の経験があります。 もしあなたに目標があるなら、お手伝いします。

USD 7.00/trial
Learn Japanese with the teacher Rieko.

94 Lessons


id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Japanese

さいきんは、英語の先生としてに日本人に英語をおしえていますので、先生になれてきました。 また、わたしはけっこんしています。かれはがいこくじんです。 毎日かれに日本語をおしえていて、わたしは英語をまなんでいます。 また、日本にすんでいるさまざまな国の友達がいて、日本語を教えることになれています。 Recently I'm also teaching English to Japanese student so I'm getting used to be a teacher. I'm married. My husband is foreigner. Everyday I teach him Japanese and He teaches me English Also I have a many friends from foreign countries in Japan, So I'm used to teach Japanese to them.

USD 5.00/trial
Learn Japanese with the teacher Mina Kitano.

163 Lessons

Mina Kitano

id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Japanese
Chinese (Mandarin)

2013年から日本人に中国語を教える仕事をしています。また、2018年から中国人に日本語を教える仕事を始めました。 二つの言語を教えることから、日本語と中国語のそれぞれの特徴をよく理解することができるようになりました。 特に、中国人の生徒さんが間違えやすいポイントに注意して教えるようにしています。 一人ひとりの学習状況を踏まえ、日本語がしっかり身に着くように教えることに重点を置いています。 授業は楽しく、生徒さんにたくさん話してもらえるように工夫しています。 我从2013年做向日本人教中文的工作,从2018年开始对中国人教日语。 教两种语言,从中可以看出日语跟中文的各个特征。我特别留意中国学生容易说错的地方。 按照每个学生的进步情况,帮助学生的日语更巩固。我努力让学生开心学习,也努力让学生多说话!

USD 5.00/trial
Learn Japanese with the teacher Rie.

34 Lessons


id verified
Professional Teacher
SPEAKS :Japanese

Friendlyl Qualified Japanese Teacher I taught English at Junior high school for 7 years. I have a qualification of Japanese teacher. I interacted to non-Japanese children and their parents as a volunteer for 4 years. I can teach Japanese to beginners in an easy way to understand.

USD 5.00/trial
Learn Japanese with the teacher Shota Yasukawa.

448 Lessons

Shota Yasukawa

id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Japanese

Experienced tutor/ Teaching Japanese in both English and Japanese I try to teach you Japanese as much fun as possible, and I want you to enjoy learning it. I'll help you to learn it thoroughly depending on your level, so you don't need to worry about anything. I offer grammar/vocabulary and conversational lessons, so you can learn depending on what you want. I like talking with someone, so we can talk about anything. Of course, If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask me.

USD 10.00/trial
Learn Japanese with the teacher FURUYA.

1,161 Lessons


id verified
Professional Teacher
SPEAKS :Japanese
Chinese (Mandarin)

私は日本の1兆円企業で部門長を経験した、唯一の日本語教師です。ビジネス、大学院・会社の面接試験、論文作成、SDGs、プレゼンテーションにお取り組みの方、どうぞ歓迎いたします。 ⭐️1兆円企業で部門長を務めた唯一の日本語教師です。 ⭐️SDGs activities: I am working for Sustainable Development Goals No.1, 4, 6, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15; such as pro-bono teacher, paperless education, local community activities, providing educational resources to children without parents and mountain minorities. ⭐️I can help those who want to learn authentic business Japanese for job interviews at Japanese companies, promotions to management positions, etc. 🌟SDGs 目標達成のための活動に取り組んでいます。プロボノ活動や、ペーパーレス教育の推進、地域コミュニティ活動、両親のいない子や山岳地への教育資源の提供などです。 🌟本格的なビジネス日本語を勉強したい方、ビジネス現場でお困りの方、日本企業の入社面接を受ける方、マネージャーへの昇進・昇格面接を受ける方、プレゼンテーションでご活躍の方を、ご支援いたします。 🌟既存のコースに満足できない方、高IQの方も、歓迎いたします。お気軽にご連絡ください。

USD 10.00/trial
Available 05:00 Today
Learn Japanese with the teacher Kuri.

1,075 Lessons


id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Japanese
Chinese (Mandarin)

Use 4 languages to teach わからない事をそのままにしないで、一つ一つその場で解決しながら授業を進める、信頼できる講師を目指します。 自分が新たな言語を学んだ時の経験をいかして、楽しく勉強できるレッスンを目指します。

USD 5.50/trial
Learn Japanese with the teacher Kana.

3,710 Lessons


id verified
Professional Teacher
SPEAKS :Japanese

Qualified Japanese teacher with 4 years of experience at language school and 3000+ hours on italki I got qualified to teach Japanese in 2019 and I've been teaching Japanese to people in all over the world online and at a Japanese language school, so I know how to teach Japanese all in Japanese and I also can explain Japanese in English when it's effective. I'm always happy to answer any questions and help you fully understand. 2019年に日本語を教える資格をとり、語学学校、そしてオンラインで世界中の人々に日本語を教えています。すべて日本語で教えることも、必要であれば英語で説明することもできます。どんな質問でも大歓迎です。理解できるよう、ていねいに説明します!

USD 7.00/trial
Learn Japanese with the teacher Riina.

1,315 Lessons


id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Japanese

Even if you memorize words and learn grammar every day, when you try to speak, you may not be able to come up with words or speak well. Output is essential for improving your language skills. I have no experience as a Japanese teacher, but I can practice dialogue that you cannot do alone. Let's have fun conversations in various situations and favorite topics! 語学(ごがく)の向上(こうじょう)にはアウトプットが不可欠(ふかけつ)です。 わたしは日本語教師(にほんごきょうし)としての経験(けいけん)はありませんが、 一人(ひとり)では出来(でき)ない対話(たいわ)の練習相手(れんしゅうあいて)になることが出来(でき)ます。 様々(さまざま)なシチュエーションを想定(そうてい)した会話(かいわ)や 好(す)きなトピックで楽(たの)しく会話(かいわ)をしていきましょう!

USD 6.00/trial
Learn Japanese with the teacher Naoki Sato.

1,437 Lessons

Naoki Sato

id verified
Test Preparation
Professional Teacher
SPEAKS :Japanese

元気いっぱいですよ!会話を中心とした文法をやっています。大学や大学院入学のお手伝い(申請、面接、小論文対策)や、研究計画書のつくりかたを勉強しましょう! <教えている場所> 1 今は東京のインターナショナルスクール(中学生)で日本語・国語で教えています。とっても楽しい、笑いの絶えない教室です。 2 池袋の日本語学校でも教えています。主に大学や専門学校に進学する留学生に教えています。 3 東京都立高校や私立高校の国語科の先生でもあります。現在は、外国人の高校生に日本語を教えています。 <教えていること> 日本語、国語、EJUの総合科目、大学・大学院・就職のための申請書、エントリーシート、模擬面接、小論文対策、研究計画書のお手伝い、論文・プレゼンテーションの練習、その他!! <日本語を教える資格> 1 中学校・高校の第一種教員免許(国語科)。現在、社会科の先生になるため勉強中。 2 中学校・高校の司書教諭の資格があります。 3 博物館の学芸員の資格があります。考古、歴史、民俗などをカバーしています。 4 日本語教師養成講座420時間コース修了、日本語教育能力検定試験合格 5 筑波大学エクステンションプログラム「子供たちの日本語学習支援研修2021」修了 6 日本学術振興会「大学院生向け研究倫理eラーニングコース」修了 <大学> 大学と専攻:慶応義塾大学 歴史学 学士(史学) 大学院と専攻:University of Wales (Prifysgol Cymru) post graduate MBA 修士(経営学) 大学院と専攻:星槎大学大学院 教育学研究科(博士課程前期)

USD 13.00/Hour
Learn Japanese with the teacher Mai.

279 Lessons


id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Japanese

たのしくにほんごではなしましょう😊 ドイツとフランスの友達(ともだち)に、簡単(かんたん)な日本語(にほんご)を教(おし)えたことはあります。 I'm studying English since when I was junior high school and still struggling!! so I really understand that learning new language is always interesting and also so tough. But I think the most important thing is that "always have fun!" I'm very friendly and easy-going so relax, feel free talking with me like your Japanese friend(^^)

USD 5.00/trial
Learn Japanese with the teacher saki.

386 Lessons


id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Japanese

2019年からチューターをしています。 2019ねん から にほんご の チューター を しています。 にほんご で はなしたい という ひと、わたし と いっしょ に はなしましょう。 どんなトピックでもOKです。 はじめから にほんご を べんきょう したい という ひと も かんげい です。 あまり にほんご に じしん が ない ひと は、えいご もOKです。 I started tutoring in 2019. We can have just a casual conversation. Any topics are okay! If you want to start Japanese with me, I'll help you. We can talk in English as well if you are a beginner!

USD 7.00/trial
Learn Japanese with the teacher Chiaki ちあき.

1,093 Lessons

Chiaki ちあき

id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Japanese

I've been teaching in italki for almost three years. I can't imagine my life without it already!haha I am very relaxed and friendly person. Hope I can be your perfect teacher!!

USD 5.00/trial
Learn Japanese with the teacher Noriko.

4,261 Lessons


id verified
Professional Teacher
SPEAKS :Japanese

Have conversation practice on various topics and learn by speaking! I am fully confident that I can help you improve your Japanese, especially your speaking skill. - Some of my students found jobs in Japan and are working in Japan. Their dream - working /living in Japan came true. - Some of my students started to learn Japanese from the very beginning with me but now they can speak Japanese confidently. - Some pf my students passed JLPTs after we prepared for the exams together. Only limited slots are open on ITALKI. Thank you!

USD 43.00/Hour
Your final payment will be made in USD

Frequently asked questions about online Japanese classes

At italki, you can easily find the right Japanese teacher for you by using our search filters. You can filter teachers by their experience level, teaching style, availability, and even their location. We recommend taking a trial lesson with a few different teachers to see which one you feel most comfortable with and whose teaching style best matches your learning goals. During the trial lesson, you can ask the teacher about their teaching methods, experience, and availability. You can also check their profile for reviews from previous students to get an idea of their teaching effectiveness. Ultimately, finding the right Japanese tutor online is a personal decision, and it’s important to find someone you feel comfortable with and who can help you achieve your language learning goals.

Yes, the Japanese lessons offered by italki are suitable for beginners. In fact, many of the teachers specialize in teaching Japanese to beginners. They use a variety of teaching methods and materials to ensure that students with no prior knowledge of Japanese can learn effectively. For example, teachers may use textbooks, audio and video materials, and other resources to help students develop their reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills. Additionally, some teachers may offer specialized courses that are designed specifically for beginners, such as introductory courses that focus on basic grammar and vocabulary. Regardless of your level of Japanese proficiency, italki offers a wide range of classes and teachers to help you achieve your language learning goals.

Yes, you can learn Japanese at your own pace with italki. Our online Japanese courses are designed to accommodate all levels of learners, including beginners, intermediate learners, and advanced learners. You can choose a Japanese teacher who is specialized in teaching Japanese to beginners if you are just starting out.

One of the biggest advantages of learning Japanese with italki is that you can set your own pace for learning. Unlike traditional language classes where you have to follow a fixed syllabus and pace, with italki, you can choose how many classes you want to take each week and how long you want to study. You can also choose to take a break from classes whenever you need to and come back to them when you are ready.

Additionally, with italki, you have the flexibility to choose the type of classes that suit your learning style and pace. You can choose one-on-one lessons or group classes, and you can choose to focus on specific areas of the language, such as speaking, listening, reading, or writing. This allows you to learn Japanese at your own pace and focus on the areas that are most important to you.

At italki, we understand that sometimes schedules can change, and we make it easy to reschedule or cancel your Japanese lessons. You can contact your teacher directly to reschedule a lesson if you need to. Please note that if you need to reschedule or cancel a lesson, you should do so at least 24 hours in advance to avoid being charged for the lesson. If you cancel a lesson within 24 hours of the scheduled time, you will be charged for the lesson.

If you need to cancel a lesson for an emergency or unexpected event, please contact italki support as soon as possible to explain the situation. Our support team will work with you and your teacher to find a suitable solution.

It’s important to remember that building a good relationship with your Japanese teacher is key to success in your language learning journey, so open communication is encouraged.

At italki, there are multiple payment methods available for online Japanese lessons. You can pay using credit cards, PayPal, Alipay, or other methods depending on your location. To pay for a lesson, you need to purchase italki credits, which can then be used to pay for the lessons you take. The cost of each lesson depends on the teacher’s rate and the length of the lesson. Once you have enough credits, you can book a lesson with your chosen Japanese teacher and pay for it using your credits. After the lesson, your credits will be deducted based on the length of the lesson. You can also set up automatic payments so that you don’t need to manually purchase credits each time you book a lesson. It’s a simple and secure way to pay for online Japanese lessons on italki.

Don't miss out on the opportunity to learn Japanese from the comfort of your own home. Browse our selection of experienced Japanese tutors and enroll in your first lesson now!