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Our platform connects you with the best Japanese teachers from around the world. You can browse through their profiles, read reviews from other students, and choose the perfect Japanese teacher for you.

Learn Japanese with the teacher 藤田 仁美.

563 Lessons

藤田 仁美

id verified
Professional Teacher
SPEAKS :Japanese


USD 10.00/trial
Available 00:00 Tomorrow
Learn Japanese with the teacher Yun.

5 Lessons


id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Japanese
Chinese (Taiwanese)

多年日文學習&翻譯經驗,現職教學日文中 これまで一年間ぐらいオンラインで日本語を教えてきました。最近も家で少人数のクラスを開いて、日本語を教えています。レッスンは実用的な教材を使い、テストしたり、会話を通して練習の場を作っております。 レッスンではわかりやすい言葉でコミュニケーションをしています。生徒たちがレッスンに対して何もかも感想又は質問などがあったら、遠慮せずコミュニケーションしてもらえるとありがたいと思います。例えば、レッスン内容に関した質問、レッスンに対する感想や期待、学ぶ時自分にとってどこが難しかったなど、どんどん話し合えば、より良い学習環境を作れると思っております。

USD 6.00/trial
Learn Japanese with the teacher Norie O.

27 Lessons

Norie O

id verified
Professional Teacher
SPEAKS :Japanese

Certified Japanese teacher with 2 years experience, voice acting experience, language consultant I come from Hyogo Prefecture, near Osaka. I finished university in Japan and worked as a nurse in Tokyo and Osaka. I also learned voice acting and announcing, and how to speak in a standard Japanese accent, even though I originally spoke in the Kansai dialect. Back in university, I studied a bit of Chinese, so I know how tough it can be to learn a new language. Recently, I've been helping businesspeople learn English as a consultant. I've been a Japanese language teacher since 2022.

USD 8.00/trial
Learn Japanese with the teacher ⭐Learn with Kim/Kin.

3,221 Lessons

⭐Learn with Kim/Kin

id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Japanese
Chinese (Mandarin)

🌟🌟 No.1 teacher in 2022💫💫1% Top teacher in 2023.Like your best friend 😄 Immersion 🤗 亲和力满满,经验满满 【熟能生巧】【Practice Makes Perfect】【習うより慣れよ】【배우기보다 익숙해져라】 从学生时代,我已经开始教来自不同文化的学生。,而且我在中国、日本、印度尼西亚和韩国都教过。 我不仅在italki, Duolingo多邻国, Tutoring等线上平台有教学经历,在很多线下平台也积累了多年的丰富经验。 Since school years, I have already started to teach foreign students from different cultures. For offline, I have been teaching in China, Japan, Indonesia, and Korea. For online, I have been teaching on different platforms, such as italki, Duolingo, Tutoring and quite a few local brands.

USD 19.88/trial
Available 07:30 Today
Learn Japanese with the teacher xiaofeng Zheng.

918 Lessons

xiaofeng Zheng

id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Japanese
Chinese (Mandarin)

I have been teaching Chinese and Japanese for almost three years. I will do my best to help you with your Chinese or Japanese. If you are interested in Chinese or Japanese culture, then we can talk more about that in our lessons, If you want to practice speaking then I will make some good dialogues for you that fit your levels and needs. To learn a new language you need to be patient with yourself and take time to learn step by step. A good language teacher could help you keep learning and I hope I could be that one.

USD 5.00/trial
Available 00:30 Tomorrow
Learn Japanese with the teacher 🌸Yusuke ゆうすけ⭐️.

1,277 Lessons

🌸Yusuke ゆうすけ⭐️

id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Japanese

Fun and Friendly, 2+ years of tutoring experience in college and fluent in English (C1Level) When I was in college, I was a Japanese tutor and helped international students study and speak Japanese! I can speak English so you can ask questions in English! I have been studying a foreign language so I know how scary and difficult it is. That's why I will do everything I can to support you! Disclaimer: Recording lessons is not accepted. I'm sorry about this! The reason for this is because I had one student wanting it but it didn't work for some reason on my computer! 僕は、大学(だいがく)で、留学生(りゅうがくせい)に約(やく)2年間(ねんかん)日本語を教(おし)えるボランティアをしていました。 僕は英語(えいご)も話(はな)すことができるので、英語で質問(しつもん)に答えることもできます! 僕も外国語(がいこくご)を勉強(べんきょう)しているので、外国語(がいこくご)を話(はな)す難(むずか)しさを知(し)っています。だから、僕は全力(ぜんりょく)であなたをサポートします! 録画は禁止です。

USD 5.00/trial
Available 02:30 Tomorrow
Learn Japanese with the teacher Shu.

1,788 Lessons


id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Japanese

毎朝5時にヤモリ🦎が鳴くんです… 朝はやくに起こされて、つらいです😭 *夜型人間(よるがたにんげん)です あなたが にほんごをはなせるために、あなたのためのレッスンを つくります! あなたの苦手なことをなくすために、あなたの為のレッスンをします! I always try to make some lessons only for you!

USD 8.00/trial
Available 08:00 Today
Learn Japanese with the teacher Yumii | Japanese.

201 Lessons

Yumii | Japanese

id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Japanese
Filipino (Tagalog)

日本語を英語で教えることができます I teach Japanese language using English ^^! - I listen to the student very carefully and spot mistakes. Then I correct them in a positive and constructive manner. All of my students appreciate it :) - I'm good at identifying student's needs quickly and I can provide with well designed lessons - I encourage students to set a clear goal and we achieve it together

USD 14.00/trial
Available 07:30 Today
Learn Japanese with the teacher Taro Yamamoto.

787 Lessons

Taro Yamamoto

id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Japanese

I really understand how hard you feel about learning language cuz i learned English, so I'll try to teach you with your suits level and surely.

USD 7.00/trial
Available 23:00 Today
Learn Japanese with the teacher Hinata ひなた.

168 Lessons

Hinata ひなた

id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Japanese
Chinese (Cantonese)
Chinese (Mandarin)

Community tutor who have taught Japanese for 4 years for junior to adults 2020年起,我有教過日語給身邊的朋友及家人,以及中學到校課程,所以有一定的教學經驗。 我會根據你的程度來調整課程內容。 我主要會使用教科書來進行教學,也會有額外的參考資料。 我可以提供功課、測驗等。 除了詞彙、文法外,我會在課堂中讓你使用日語練習口語。 如果有任何問題,可以隨時提出,我會盡量在12小時內回覆。 在JLPT N2至N4級均取得滿分成績,可以帶領你在JLPT取得好成績。 Since 2020, I've been teaching Japanese to my friends and family, and classes in high school. So I've some experience in teaching. I can tailor-make your class according to your level. I use a textbook and my original notes to teach. I've extra worksheets and tests if you need them. I'll encourage you to speak in Japanese throughout the lessons and correct your mistakes. I got full marks in JLPT N4 to N2, can guide you through JLPT exams. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me anytime.

USD 10.00/trial
Learn Japanese with the teacher Candy.

2,495 Lessons


id verified
Professional Teacher
SPEAKS :Japanese
Chinese (Mandarin)

To have another language is to possess a second soul. How many souls do you have? I personally believe that the best way to master a foreign language is to expose yourself to it at every opportunity and simultaneously push yourself to use it as much as possible. Conversing with friendly people in your target language under relaxing circumstance could be an excellent approach to hone language skills. Also, given my extensive background in the global business world, my specialty is Business English and Business Japanese.

USD 17.00/trial
Available 01:00 Tomorrow
Learn Japanese with the teacher Kosuke(こうすけ).

3,292 Lessons


id verified
Professional Teacher
SPEAKS :Japanese

Beginner to Proficient welcome! Speaking, Business and Genki textbook. 16yrs biz, 4yrs teaching exp. 日本語の教師の資格を持っています。 日本とオーストラリアで15年以上ビジネスの経験(国際会議、海外出張含む)があります。敬語やビジネス日本語、面接も教えることがができます。 海外で生活している自分の経験から、教科書では習わない日本語学習をサポートします。 帰国子女の方、日本人のパートナーがいる方にも日本語の細かいニュアンスを教えることができます。 I am a qualified teacher of Japanese. I have more than 15 years corporate business experience in Japan and Australia. I can teach keigo (polite), business Japanese and help prepare for job interviews. Based on my own experience of living abroad, I can help you learn Japanese words and native-like phrases in conversation which are not taught in textbooks. I can also teach the nuances of Japanese language to native speakers returning home from oversees and those with Japanese partners. Teaching in English and Japanese.

USD 19.00/trial
Available 00:00 Tomorrow
Learn Japanese with the teacher Yuuki@Anime Sensei.

1,674 Lessons

Yuuki@Anime Sensei

id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Japanese

Japanese Top 1 % Teacher,Learning with Your Passion for Anime/Manga/Video game Let me tell you the story about why I wanted to be an italki teacher. After my graduation from university, I went study abroad in Canada. At that time,mainly I were hanging out with my Otaku friends in Canada, we had different languages but same passion for same hobbies. Then I realized that “Learning language makes my life much more fun.” Anime and my Otaku friends motivated me improving English skills a lot! So now, I’d like to do the same by teaching Japanese for those who have same passion like me!

USD 15.00/trial
Available 20:00 Today
Learn Japanese with the teacher Shu.

3,772 Lessons


id verified
Professional Teacher
SPEAKS :Japanese

Certified teacher who has 3 certifications on Japanese education: 2 exams and 420 hours of training My motto of teaching is "Don't make students hesitate to make mistake". I will try to create tender atomosphere in class so that you can be relaxed and talk spontaneously.

USD 5.00/trial
Learn Japanese with the teacher Karuna.

31 Lessons


id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Japanese

Your bilingual cross-cultural specialist 🌊 Express yourself with nuanced cultural cognizance while staying true to your authentic self 🎋🏮 My methodology focuses on facilitating your voice, i.e. student-generated output. This will include journaling/writing assignments and structured speaking challenges. Above all, our lessons together will be compassionate to both the cultural and linguistic standpoints of a non-native learner. Japanese is a complex but also incredibly flexible language: I can equip you with the most efficient conversational “tricks” that natives use in everyday communication — but won’t skimp on important foundational grammar, either.

USD 7.00/trial
Learn Japanese with the teacher Tomoko(ともこ) kids..

1,584 Lessons

Tomoko(ともこ) kids.

id verified
Professional Teacher
SPEAKS :Japanese

I am a Japanese teacher specializing in kids. / 专门教孩子的日语老师 ■2020年 日本語教育能力検定試験(にほんごきょういくのうりょくけんていしけん) 合格(ごうかく) In 2020, I passed the Japanese Language Teaching Competency Test. 2020年 我通过日语教育能力考试。 ■2021年7月 国際こども日本語教育協会認定 “こども日本語指導者資格コース” 合格 July 2021, I am passed in AJLC certified the Children's Japanese Language Teacher Qualification Course. 2021年7月,通过了国际儿童日语教育协会认证儿童日语教师资格课程。 ■2021年9月 国際こども日本語教育協会認定“こども日本語上級指導者資格コース”合格 September 2021, I am passed in AJLC certified the Children's Japanese Advanced Instructor Qualification Course. 2021年9月,通过了国际儿童日语教育协会认证儿童日语上级指导者资格课程。

USD 8.00/trial
Learn Japanese with the teacher Sam.

3,782 Lessons


id verified
Professional Teacher
SPEAKS :Japanese
Chinese (Mandarin)

Polyglot and TEFL-certified teacher with 6 years of teaching experience I teach English conversation to intermediate and advanced students, during which I make careful suggestions as to how students can improve the grammatical accuracy and idiomatic appropriateness of their spoken English. My strong understanding of Russian has enabled me to help many Russian-speakers in particular. I have heard every mistake Russians can make in English! I also have a special interest in phonetics and phonology. I have a postgraduate education in this subject, and particularly enjoy working on pronunciation. Students looking for detailed feedback on their pronunciation should feel free to contact me.

USD 10.00/trial
Available 17:30 Today
Learn Japanese with the teacher シーさん.

491 Lessons


id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Japanese

留学生に初級の日本語の指導をしたり、技能実習生に日本語を教えていました。 過去に技能実習生を半年あまり教えてきました。熱心な人たちに日本語や習慣を教えることがとても楽しいです。 また、日本語学校の非常勤講師として初級の授業をしていました。

USD 6.00/trial
Learn Japanese with the teacher Mai Yoshida.

2 Lessons

Mai Yoshida

id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Japanese
Chinese (Mandarin)

I’m a 5+ years experienced tutor, teach Japanese using the ‘indirect method’(explain in English)! In 2019, I taught Japanese and Japanese culture at a senior high school in Taiwan which inspired me to start teaching Japanese online. 🇹🇼 🇯🇵 Before I went to Taiwan, I taught English to junior high and senior high school students at a cram school in Japan. I am currently teaching Japanese online to students from all over the world! I’ve already taught so many lessons on a different online platform, and I joined italki in 2024😊

USD 6.00/trial
Learn Japanese with the teacher KEN|Check my video👀.

1,939 Lessons

KEN|Check my video👀

id verified
Professional Teacher
SPEAKS :Japanese
Filipino (Tagalog)

🔥 If you seek genuine communication in Japanese, let's hone that skill together 🔥 I am a professional & certified Japanese language teacher with all the certificates of a Japanese language teacher🧑🏻‍🏫I have taught 400+ students from 10+ countries 🇵🇭🇩🇪🇰🇪🇫🇷🇺🇸🇮🇳🇮🇩🇻🇳🇬🇧🇰🇷🇷🇺🇨🇳🇭🇺🇸🇬🇰🇭🇦🇺🇮🇹🇨🇦🇹🇼 🔹Certifications: 01 - Japanese Language Education (Minor) 02 - Japanese Language Teacher Training Course (420 Hours) 03 - Japanese Language Teaching Competency Test 🔹Experiences: - Have taught from starter to advanced🛫 - Also Handled corporate/business Japanese training🏢 - Established a company offering innovative Japanese language education services🎗️ I can also conduct lessons in English! Welcoming all levels with open arms🙆

USD 10.00/trial
Your final payment will be made in USD

Frequently asked questions about online Japanese classes

At italki, you can easily find the right Japanese teacher for you by using our search filters. You can filter teachers by their experience level, teaching style, availability, and even their location. We recommend taking a trial lesson with a few different teachers to see which one you feel most comfortable with and whose teaching style best matches your learning goals. During the trial lesson, you can ask the teacher about their teaching methods, experience, and availability. You can also check their profile for reviews from previous students to get an idea of their teaching effectiveness. Ultimately, finding the right Japanese tutor online is a personal decision, and it’s important to find someone you feel comfortable with and who can help you achieve your language learning goals.

Yes, the Japanese lessons offered by italki are suitable for beginners. In fact, many of the teachers specialize in teaching Japanese to beginners. They use a variety of teaching methods and materials to ensure that students with no prior knowledge of Japanese can learn effectively. For example, teachers may use textbooks, audio and video materials, and other resources to help students develop their reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills. Additionally, some teachers may offer specialized courses that are designed specifically for beginners, such as introductory courses that focus on basic grammar and vocabulary. Regardless of your level of Japanese proficiency, italki offers a wide range of classes and teachers to help you achieve your language learning goals.

Yes, you can learn Japanese at your own pace with italki. Our online Japanese courses are designed to accommodate all levels of learners, including beginners, intermediate learners, and advanced learners. You can choose a Japanese teacher who is specialized in teaching Japanese to beginners if you are just starting out.

One of the biggest advantages of learning Japanese with italki is that you can set your own pace for learning. Unlike traditional language classes where you have to follow a fixed syllabus and pace, with italki, you can choose how many classes you want to take each week and how long you want to study. You can also choose to take a break from classes whenever you need to and come back to them when you are ready.

Additionally, with italki, you have the flexibility to choose the type of classes that suit your learning style and pace. You can choose one-on-one lessons or group classes, and you can choose to focus on specific areas of the language, such as speaking, listening, reading, or writing. This allows you to learn Japanese at your own pace and focus on the areas that are most important to you.

At italki, we understand that sometimes schedules can change, and we make it easy to reschedule or cancel your Japanese lessons. You can contact your teacher directly to reschedule a lesson if you need to. Please note that if you need to reschedule or cancel a lesson, you should do so at least 24 hours in advance to avoid being charged for the lesson. If you cancel a lesson within 24 hours of the scheduled time, you will be charged for the lesson.

If you need to cancel a lesson for an emergency or unexpected event, please contact italki support as soon as possible to explain the situation. Our support team will work with you and your teacher to find a suitable solution.

It’s important to remember that building a good relationship with your Japanese teacher is key to success in your language learning journey, so open communication is encouraged.

At italki, there are multiple payment methods available for online Japanese lessons. You can pay using credit cards, PayPal, Alipay, or other methods depending on your location. To pay for a lesson, you need to purchase italki credits, which can then be used to pay for the lessons you take. The cost of each lesson depends on the teacher’s rate and the length of the lesson. Once you have enough credits, you can book a lesson with your chosen Japanese teacher and pay for it using your credits. After the lesson, your credits will be deducted based on the length of the lesson. You can also set up automatic payments so that you don’t need to manually purchase credits each time you book a lesson. It’s a simple and secure way to pay for online Japanese lessons on italki.

Don't miss out on the opportunity to learn Japanese from the comfort of your own home. Browse our selection of experienced Japanese tutors and enroll in your first lesson now!