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Our platform connects you with the best Japanese teachers from around the world. You can browse through their profiles, read reviews from other students, and choose the perfect Japanese teacher for you.

Learn Japanese with the teacher midori.

22 Lessons


id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Japanese

楽しく日本語を学ぶお手伝い🌿 海外の食や文化、価値観を知ることが好きで、私自身も英語を学んでいます。 日本の食や文化など、日本のことを知りたい方、日本に旅行をする予定がある方、 日本語を学びたい方、ぜひお待ちしています。 資格はありませんが、海外の友人などに日本語を教えた経験があります。

USD 5.00/trial
Learn Japanese with the teacher Haruto (遥人).

260 Lessons

Haruto (遥人)

id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Japanese

Fluent in Japanese, English and Korean 「二つの言語には構造上、特性上どういった違いがあるのか」を丁寧に解説し、できるかぎり「ネイティブの思考」を共有します。生徒様のレベルに応じて日本語と生徒様の母語の使用バランスを調節し、毎回適度に「ぎりぎりわからない」時間を与えることで疑似留学のような授業を展開します。「ぎりぎりわからない」と粘り強く向き合い自らの知識を整理する時間こそ語学力向上のチャンスだと考えているためです。 I will try my best to tell you the differences in structure and characteristics between the two languages and take you on a tour inside the "brain of a native speaker." I will chose the right balance in the usage of languages depending on the your proficiency and make sure to always give you phrases which you are "just a step behind of" from understanding. When you face these phrases, you have got the best opportunity to organize your knowledge yourself, which I believe is the key to success.

USD 10.00/trial
Learn Japanese with the teacher Ken.

173 Lessons


id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Japanese

I’m more than happy to help you improve your Japanese skills! 私は海外の文化にとても興味があるので、ぜひみなさんの国の文化について教えてください。皆さんも日本について知りたいことがあったら、何でも遠慮なく聞いてください。私は日本語文法の専門家ではありませんが、皆さんが自然な日本語で話せるようになるためのアドバイスをすることができます。 好きなもの:語学、旅行、音楽、食べ物、カフェ、Netflix、YouTube 等 I'm interested in foreign cultures, so feel free to tell me all about yourself. Also, feel free to ask me anything you may want to know about Japan or Japanese culture. I'm not an expert in Japanese grammar, but I can correct your Japanese anytime so that you will sound like a native speaker in no time! - My favorite things: language learning, traveling, music, food, cafes, Netflix, YouTube, etc

USD 7.00/trial
Learn Japanese with the teacher Yu ゆう 悠.

2,030 Lessons

Yu ゆう 悠

id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Japanese

I am friendly, energetic and talkative. The most important thing is your motivation! I will try my best to keep you motivated at all times. I would like to know why you want to study Japanese and what is your goal, then we can make a good study plan together. 私(わたし)はフレンドリーでエネルギッシュで話(はな)し好(ず)きです。あなたが日本語(にほんご)を勉強(べんきょう)している動機(どうき)と目標(もくひょう)を教(おし)えてください。一緒(いっしょ)に計画(けいかく)を立(た)てましょう!

USD 5.00/trial
Learn Japanese with the teacher Akiko K.

1,009 Lessons

Akiko K

id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Japanese

I have taught Japanese to Australian university students, kids and adults while I was living in Australia, but I'm not a licensed teacher. I know how difficult it is to master a language. Now I'm fluent in English. I can share how I master the language with you.

USD 6.00/trial
Available 00:00 Tomorrow
Learn Japanese with the teacher Yuka ゆかちん.

4 Lessons

Yuka ゆかちん

id verified
Professional Teacher
SPEAKS :Japanese

日本語教師になってからは、都内の日本語学校にて、まず非常勤で4年初級から上級までの授業経験をし、 専任講師になってからは授業に加えて進路指導の仕事を主にしています。 留学生が対象の仕事がほとんどですが、家族滞在者や米軍の軍人への教授も経験しています。 経験は豊富ですので、どんなリクエストにも応えることができます。 After I became a Japanese language teacher, I worked part-time at a Japanese language school in Tokyo for four years from elementary to advanced levels. Since I became a full-time instructor, I have mainly worked in career guidance in addition to teaching. Most of my work is for foreign students, but I have also experienced teaching to family members and U.S. military personnel. I have a lot of experience, so I can meet any request.

USD 14.00/Hour
Available 00:00 Tomorrow
Learn Japanese with the teacher 肝付 のの.

825 Lessons

肝付 のの

id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Japanese

フィンランドへ1年間の留学経験がありIELTS7.0を所持しています。さまざまな国の文化を話すのが大好きです、一緒に日本語で話しましょう! 私はアルバイトとして高校生と小学生の家庭教師をしています。なので、私は勉強をするのも教えるのも大好きです。また、私は東京育ちなので基本的に標準語をしゃべります。そして、日本語についてなら文法でも敬語でも漢字でもなんでもみなさんにご協力できます。日本語について楽しく学びたいという方はぜひ一生に授業をしましょう! I’m tutoring for elementary school student and junior high school student, meaning I like teaching very ,much. Since I am from Tokyo, I speak normal Japanese without any accent or direct. I’m happy to talk about anything and I can help you with grammar, pronunciation, punctuation and anything else!

USD 7.00/trial
Learn Japanese with the teacher MIKI.

566 Lessons


id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Japanese

I am enthusiastic and love motivating my students! My lessons will be mostly conversational based. If you have specific topic to talk about, please let me know. You are in a judgement free zone where you can give it your best shot and I am here to help you out. I believe the best way to learn a new language is through speaking it. 私の授業スタイルは、会話中心です。ご自分で勉強された単語やフレーズをどんどん使ってください! どんどん話せば話すほど、語学力は必ず、あがります!

USD 15.00/trial
Learn Japanese with the teacher Rina.

187 Lessons


id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Japanese
Khmer (Cambodian)

I've studied about Japanese grammar at training school and I have an experience as a teaching assistant at Japanese school in Cambodia. Also I was a tutor of university students who has just started studying Japanese. I feel very happy to teach Japanese and support studying Japanese. Please feel free to talk with me in Japanese because I am a foreigner in Cambodia and I understand how difficult it is to speak in foreign languages with native people. Let's have fun talking about many topics!

USD 5.00/trial
Learn Japanese with the teacher Ikuko.

1,223 Lessons


id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Japanese

I have taught my students before I became a Italki tutor. I have a clear, neutral Japanese accent which can be understood all over Japan. According to your needs, goal and your level, I will customize our lessons.

USD 8.60/trial
Available 12:30 Today
Learn Japanese with the teacher Jack Takahashi Mao.

2,595 Lessons

Jack Takahashi Mao

id verified
Professional Teacher
SPEAKS :Japanese
Chinese (Mandarin)

Linguist, Medical Interpreter, TESOL Certified Chinese/Japanese/English Professional Teacher I hold two Masters degrees from the University of Colorado - Japanese Language and Civilization and Linguistics. The former provided me with extensive training in translation, interpretation, and literary analysis from both historical and modern perspectives. Linguistics offered me the theoretical and practical basis for teaching a foreign language. I am especially interested in applying phonetic and phonological strategies to classroom teaching in order to prepare students for a native-like pronunciation and intuition. I am a native Chinese Mandarin speaker with Japanese heritage. With the educational training mentioned above, I am capable of teaching both languages.

USD 10.00/trial
Available 16:00 Today
Learn Japanese with the teacher Sayuri.

1,594 Lessons


id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Japanese

★I have been teaching Japanese/Portuguese both in person and online. For me, having fun while learning is priority, so I create lessons accordingly to each student preferences and goals. ☆私は日本語・ポルトガル語をオンラインだけでなく、オフラインでも教えています。私にとっては、学びながら楽しむことが優先なので、生徒それぞれの好みや目標に応じてレッスンを作成してます。 ★Tenho ensinado japonês / português tanto pessoalmente quanto online. Para mim, se divertir enquanto aprende é prioridade, então crio aulas de acordo com as preferências e objetivos de cada aluno.

USD 13.00/trial
Learn Japanese with the teacher KONOMI.

109 Lessons


id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Japanese

日本語に不安があっても大丈夫です!ゆっくり楽しくレッスンしましょう♪ 海外の友達とよくお話をします。 その中で、正しい日本語を時々教えています。 また、日本では先生として中学生に勉強を教えていた経験があります。 最近まで旅行の仕事をしていました。日本の様々な景色をお客さんと一緒に見てきました! お互いのことを話しながら、楽しくレッスンをしたいと思っています!

USD 5.00/trial
Available 10:00 Today
Learn Japanese with the teacher Mizuka.

2,586 Lessons


id verified
Professional Teacher
SPEAKS :Japanese

Certified Japanese Teacher:I have taught over the 4000 lessons I was Prima Ballerina at Opera National Romania. So I managed to work Ballerina and Japanese Teacher. I have certification as Psychology Counselor. I will keep your motivation and teach you Japanese according to your goal. Also you will get correct Japanese pronunciation. I am from Tokyo and I speak standard Japanese. Let’s Talk with standard Japanese! I am a teacher for you, but I am a student as well. Let's study and have fun together! I'm looking forward to helping you and tell Japanese and Japanese Culture on a full scale for many people from around the world who want to learn. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me.

USD 20.00/trial
Learn Japanese with the teacher AKI.

97 Lessons


id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Japanese
Chinese (Mandarin)

When I learn languages on italki, I use the method that I developed for myself. I believe this is fun and effective for students, so I would like to use this in my Japanese lessons. In my method, we use movies/animes with Japanese subtitles.

USD 5.00/trial
Learn Japanese with the teacher Riho.

694 Lessons


id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Japanese

たくさんの日本語に触れてほしいので、基本的には日本語でしか話しません。 日常会話から職場で使う敬語表現まで、あなたが勉強したい内容に合わせて、教えます。 それぞれのペースに合わせて、目標を達成するためのお手伝いをしたいと思います。 レッスンの中でわからないところ、知らない言葉があったときには、なんでも聞いてください。 より簡単な、わかりやすい言葉で、理解できるまで丁寧に教えます。 I want you to listen to a lot of Japanese, so basically I speak only Japanese. From everyday conversation to honorifics used at work, I will teach you what you want to study. I would like to help you achieve your goals at your own pace. In the lesson, when you don't understand, or when you have a word you don't know, ask me anything. I will teach you politely in simpler and easier-to-understand words until you understand.

USD 5.00/trial
Learn Japanese with the teacher Akiyo.

27 Lessons


id verified
Professional Teacher
SPEAKS :Japanese

Qualified Japanese Language Tutor / Bussiness Japanese / Japanese Job Interview I have a qualification as a Japanese language teacher. I have taught more than 400 classes at other online platform. I also have 10 years experience teaching Japanese honorific(KEIGO) at japanese big company. And I have an experience working in HR, I am a specialist in Japanese interviews. I can provide advice not only on the Japanese language but also on preferred responses and appropriate attitudes. Let's learn how to write resumes, job interviews, and study Japanese that can be used in business situations, leveraging my business experience! *For the 60-minute course, there is a 5-minute break, so the session is 55 minutes long. *I do not offer lessons for children.

USD 12.00/trial
Learn Japanese with the teacher Hiroshi.

650 Lessons


id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Japanese

2015年から、オンラインで日本語を教えています。 I've been teaching Japanese since 2016 . I'm patient and kind tutor. 私(わたし)はitalkiで2016年(ねん)から日本語(にほんご)を教(おし)えています。私(わたし)は辛抱(しんぼう)強(つよ)くて優(やさ)しい先生(せんせい)です。

USD 17.00/trial
Learn Japanese with the teacher Moeko.

565 Lessons


id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Japanese

I have been teaching Japanese for 3years at italki. 日本の千葉県(ちばけん)に住んでいます。東京の近くです。 犬が1匹います。彼女の名前は、サニーです。20kgだから、大きい犬ですよ。 今まで16カ国、旅行しました。 色々な国の人と話すのが、とても好きです。

USD 5.00/trial
Learn Japanese with the teacher Riki  (reiko).

550 Lessons

Riki (reiko)

id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Japanese

I am flexible and patient teacher! I’ve taken many private lessons of English or Chinese so far, so I can understand what is important for the learners from my experiences. I am now studying to become a Japanese teacher, so hope I can become a teacher in near future. I am patient, flexible and open minded for teaching Japanese.

USD 5.00/trial
Your final payment will be made in USD

Frequently asked questions about online Japanese classes

At italki, you can easily find the right Japanese teacher for you by using our search filters. You can filter teachers by their experience level, teaching style, availability, and even their location. We recommend taking a trial lesson with a few different teachers to see which one you feel most comfortable with and whose teaching style best matches your learning goals. During the trial lesson, you can ask the teacher about their teaching methods, experience, and availability. You can also check their profile for reviews from previous students to get an idea of their teaching effectiveness. Ultimately, finding the right Japanese tutor online is a personal decision, and it’s important to find someone you feel comfortable with and who can help you achieve your language learning goals.

Yes, the Japanese lessons offered by italki are suitable for beginners. In fact, many of the teachers specialize in teaching Japanese to beginners. They use a variety of teaching methods and materials to ensure that students with no prior knowledge of Japanese can learn effectively. For example, teachers may use textbooks, audio and video materials, and other resources to help students develop their reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills. Additionally, some teachers may offer specialized courses that are designed specifically for beginners, such as introductory courses that focus on basic grammar and vocabulary. Regardless of your level of Japanese proficiency, italki offers a wide range of classes and teachers to help you achieve your language learning goals.

Yes, you can learn Japanese at your own pace with italki. Our online Japanese courses are designed to accommodate all levels of learners, including beginners, intermediate learners, and advanced learners. You can choose a Japanese teacher who is specialized in teaching Japanese to beginners if you are just starting out.

One of the biggest advantages of learning Japanese with italki is that you can set your own pace for learning. Unlike traditional language classes where you have to follow a fixed syllabus and pace, with italki, you can choose how many classes you want to take each week and how long you want to study. You can also choose to take a break from classes whenever you need to and come back to them when you are ready.

Additionally, with italki, you have the flexibility to choose the type of classes that suit your learning style and pace. You can choose one-on-one lessons or group classes, and you can choose to focus on specific areas of the language, such as speaking, listening, reading, or writing. This allows you to learn Japanese at your own pace and focus on the areas that are most important to you.

At italki, we understand that sometimes schedules can change, and we make it easy to reschedule or cancel your Japanese lessons. You can contact your teacher directly to reschedule a lesson if you need to. Please note that if you need to reschedule or cancel a lesson, you should do so at least 24 hours in advance to avoid being charged for the lesson. If you cancel a lesson within 24 hours of the scheduled time, you will be charged for the lesson.

If you need to cancel a lesson for an emergency or unexpected event, please contact italki support as soon as possible to explain the situation. Our support team will work with you and your teacher to find a suitable solution.

It’s important to remember that building a good relationship with your Japanese teacher is key to success in your language learning journey, so open communication is encouraged.

At italki, there are multiple payment methods available for online Japanese lessons. You can pay using credit cards, PayPal, Alipay, or other methods depending on your location. To pay for a lesson, you need to purchase italki credits, which can then be used to pay for the lessons you take. The cost of each lesson depends on the teacher’s rate and the length of the lesson. Once you have enough credits, you can book a lesson with your chosen Japanese teacher and pay for it using your credits. After the lesson, your credits will be deducted based on the length of the lesson. You can also set up automatic payments so that you don’t need to manually purchase credits each time you book a lesson. It’s a simple and secure way to pay for online Japanese lessons on italki.

Don't miss out on the opportunity to learn Japanese from the comfort of your own home. Browse our selection of experienced Japanese tutors and enroll in your first lesson now!