Chinese (Mandarin)
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Connect with experienced Chinese tutors online

Find the perfect Chinese tutor for your language learning needs. Browse through our selection of experienced tutors who offer online classes, lessons, and tutoring sessions.

Learn Chinese (Mandarin) with the teacher Stacey 张老师.

3,864 Lessons

Stacey 张老师

id verified
Test Preparation
Professional Teacher
SPEAKS :Chinese (Mandarin)

Certified teacher with 7 years of teaching experience Qualifications: I graduated with B.A.Literature from a teacher's university in China. In 2018, after one year of tutoring, I obtained my first teaching certificate from Confucius Institute. From 2018 till now, I've attended several workshops for training Mandarin teachers both online and offline. Experiences with language: As I've been taking lessons in English, French and Spanish continuously since secondary school, I've learned how challenging it is to study another language during adulthood, and I certainly gained experiences in overcoming several obstacles and cultural barriers. Language has always been my priority and passion in life. I can't wait to share my knowledge with you!

USD 7.00/trial
Learn Chinese (Mandarin) with the teacher Evie.

1,220 Lessons


id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Chinese (Mandarin)
Chinese (Taiwanese)

I have great patience in teaching. It's not only because I have always loved language learning, but also because I appreciate the opportunities to meet more different people and to exchange our different perspectives. Because of my educational (MBA) and career background, I can also contribute if the students are interested in the business environment of Chinese-speaking countries.

USD 8.00/trial
Learn Chinese (Mandarin) with the teacher feng jiayin.

56 Lessons

feng jiayin

id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Chinese (Mandarin)
Chinese (Shanghainese)

I am a full-time Chinese teacher at Korea International High School. I have been teaching Chinese Conversation for 10 years, not only I have a lot of one-to-one and group online teaching experiences, but also, I have taught students between the ages of 15 and 70. I am very familiar with online education, so I think I have enough strength to be a Chinese teacher. If you are willing to learn, I will do my best to help you overcome the language barrier. 상해 대하교에서 졸업.10 년동안 중국어 를 가르친 경험있다.강남 유명한어학원 를가르친 경험있다‍. 방송구 감독,프로듀서 를가르친 경험 있다.대기업 단체 수업 를가르친 경험 있다.영어 유치원 키즈중국어 를가르친 경험 있다. 중국어입문, 초,중,고 급 중국어 회화전문 1:1 과외 경험있다 .현 국재고등중국어 교사.

USD 5.00/trial
Learn Chinese (Mandarin) with the teacher Jin.

373 Lessons


id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Chinese (Mandarin)
Chinese (Shanghainese)

J'ai commencé à enseigner le chinois et la calligraphie pendant mes études à l'Université de Shanghai à des étudiants étrangers. En France, j'ai ensuite enseigné le chinois à des enfants, en cours particuliers. Actuellement, je donne des cours particuliers pour des étudiants français, ciblés sur la pratique de l'oral. 在我的大学时期,我曾经教授上海大学的留学生中文口语课和书法课。 我现在在法国的小学工作,教授小朋友们中文兴趣课,比如:中文对话,中文儿歌等。我也提供其他法国学生中文课,主要针对口语练习,语音语调的发音,汉字的书写等。。。

USD 12.00/trial
Available 01:00 Tomorrow
Learn Chinese (Mandarin) with the teacher Nicole.

259 Lessons


id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Chinese (Mandarin)
Chinese (Shanghainese)

Every sunday I'll update my calendar for the following week. Thank you :)) 在线汉语教学(2021至今) Online Chinese teacher(Since 2021) -语音纠正 pronunciation correct -对话练习 conversation practice -作业辅导 homework or essay modification -考试准备 test preparation, like HSK, RPT etc. -商务汉语 Business Chinese 自媒体博主 Tiktok channel and YouTuber -日常分享 daily life sharing -汉语教学 Chinese teaching 社区对接外籍人士志愿者 community volunteer connecting foreigners -翻译 translation -教学 Chinese teaching -提供帮助 help oversea students get used to Chinese life

USD 6.00/trial
Learn Chinese (Mandarin) with the teacher Anastasia.

2,863 Lessons


id verified
Professional Teacher
SPEAKS :Chinese (Mandarin)

I believe that the best way to learn any language is to talk about what we love: traveling, cinema, books, science and so on - I’d love to discuss it with you. If you are a beginner, don’t be worried - I understand the problems and fears you may face. And, I am sure, we will find a way to boost your level. 我相信,学习如何语言,最好的办法是讨论你最喜欢的东西:旅游、电影、科学、运动等等 - 让我知道您喜欢谈什么。如果您是个初级学习者的话,别担心了,我们一定会找办法帮你快速进步。

USD 12.00/trial
Learn Chinese (Mandarin) with the teacher Yuchi.

2,172 Lessons


id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Chinese (Mandarin)

Although I haven't had any formal teaching experience for now, I have helped a lot of foreign friends with Chinese learning, I wish I could have the chance to help you as well. If you are a beginner, we could start from Pinyin. If you'd like to do some conversation practice, we could be free to talk about any topic you like. Anyway, if you want to know about any more details, just feel free to leave a message to me!

USD 13.50/Hour
Available 09:00 Tomorrow
Learn Chinese (Mandarin) with the teacher 马老师.

450 Lessons


id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Chinese (Mandarin)

读万卷书,行万里路。 I have taught students of all ages, from primary school students to adults, from beginners to adults in need of learning business Chinese; tutored all levels of the HSK exam, which has allowed me to broaden my teaching experience. 我教过各种年龄、不同水平的学生。辅导过成人口语、HSK考试、商务汉语。也辅导过学生参加汉语桥比赛。

USD 10.00/trial
Available 01:00 Tomorrow
Learn Chinese (Mandarin) with the teacher 黎黎lili.

2,409 Lessons


id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Chinese (Mandarin)

在西班牙5年的一对一语言教学经验; Experiencia de 5 años en la enseñanza de idiomas en España; 中文或西班牙语授课; Las clases se imparten en chino o en español; 拒绝“哑巴式”传统应试学习,重视可应用的口语沟通训练; Aprendizaje no solo centrado en la preparación de los distintos exámenes, dando mucha importancia a la comunicación oral de forma práctica; 通过文化渗透,教授“地道”的、生活化的汉语和西班牙语。 Se enseña el idioma "auténtico" y del día a día involucrando conocimientos de ambas culturas.

USD 6.00/trial
Learn Chinese (Mandarin) with the teacher Jiaoye (Adults&Kids).

1,796 Lessons

Jiaoye (Adults&Kids)

id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Chinese (Mandarin)

Just like you, I like to learn foreign language too. I can speak English fluently. I can handle daily communication in Indonesia language. And recently I began to learn Hindi. So I know what’s important to learn a new language. And I can understand you and help you to improve your Chinese. I worked in Cambodia in 2018. My local colleagues learned Chinese from me . With my help they improved their Chinese a lot. And they gave me very positive feedbacks and said that my way of teaching and explanation was very effective.

USD 5.00/trial
Available 00:00 Tomorrow
Learn Chinese (Mandarin) with the teacher Kitty韵斐  (Guten Tag).

537 Lessons

Kitty韵斐 (Guten Tag)

id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Chinese (Mandarin)
Chinese (Shanghainese)

Professional Chinese teacher with more than 880 hours teaching expierence !!! I'm a professional Chinese teacher with certification of Confucius Institute. I have six years of teaching experience in Chinese language both online&offline. I've also participated in 2008 Beijing Olympic Games as a volunteer,and during the time I've teach some Foreigner to learn Mandarin. 我是一名职业汉语老师,我有六年的中文教学经验。曾经在大学里教过留学生中文汉语基础知识,2008年参加了北京奥运会担任颁奖礼仪志愿者,期间也教授外国人中文。

USD 11.00/trial
Learn Chinese (Mandarin) with the teacher GaoJing.

921 Lessons


id verified
Professional Teacher
SPEAKS :Chinese (Mandarin)

拥有非常标准的普通话发音,让你的普通话说得像主持人一样动听! 拥有多年中文教学经验,教材丰富,教过幼儿、青少年、成人。With many years of Chinese teaching experience, rich teaching materials, teaching children, teenagers, adults.

USD 5.00/trial
Learn Chinese (Mandarin) with the teacher Alice 雅雅 yǎ yǎ.

1,653 Lessons

Alice 雅雅 yǎ yǎ

id verified
Test Preparation
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Chinese (Mandarin)
Chinese (Other)

Chinese teacher with more than 5000hrs teaching experience 7 years experience,more than 5000hrs of teaching Chinese My class will be relaxed and no pressure. speciality in grammar teaching and vocabulary teaching variety of practice methods When we finish class, we will practice at the end to help you remember what we have learned. After the class, I will update the materials so you can review them before our next lesson. For the next class, we will use the first 15 minutes to review all the vocabulary and sentences we learned last time. Then, we will continue learning the new chapter. Looking forward to see you all :D

USD 6.00/trial
Available 03:00 Tomorrow
Learn Chinese (Mandarin) with the teacher Haley.

264 Lessons


id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Chinese (Mandarin)

I have been taught English in primary school for years and mandrain online , so I understand the difficulties for beginners in language learning.

USD 5.00/trial
Learn Chinese (Mandarin) with the teacher Xin (Stefanie).

675 Lessons

Xin (Stefanie)

id verified
Professional Teacher
SPEAKS :Chinese (Mandarin)

I'm a CELTA certified teacher (Pass A). I used to work as an English teacher in China (New Oriental English training school). My students usually describe me as kind, patient and easy to talk with.

USD 10.00/trial
Available 23:00 Today
Learn Chinese (Mandarin) with the teacher Jannie Huang.

299 Lessons

Jannie Huang

id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Chinese (Mandarin)

I have more than 7 years teaching experience which taught me lots skills of teaching and how to make knowledge understandable. I have taught more than 2000 hours of teaching Mandarin. I have taught HSK and Basic Mandarin in daily life and also Taiwanese accent Mandarin conversation lessons! I always help my students with this learning report every class to make sure that you can not only learn new things on the class but also have something to re-learning again after class.

USD 9.00/trial
Learn Chinese (Mandarin) with the teacher Qianwen Liu.

406 Lessons

Qianwen Liu

id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Chinese (Mandarin)
Chinese (Cantonese)

I've been teaching by one on one through webcam from 2019 and belonged a part of the staff of teachers at one of the biggest online mandarin schools in Brazil for more than 1 year. I've learned my second language: Portuguese, so I know well about the difficulties of foreign language study. In my view, helping others learn the language is a meaningful thing. 从2019年起,我开始在网上进行一对一中文教学并在巴西最大的对外汉语学校之一工作了一年多。 结合自身学习葡萄牙语的外语学习经历,我更理解学习一门外语的难点在哪。在我看来,帮助他人学习语言是件很有趣而且很有意义的事情。 Leciono como professora particular desde 2019 e fazia parte da equipe dos professores em uma das maiores escola online de mandarim do Brasil por mais de 1 ano.

USD 5.99/trial
Available 19:30 Today
Learn Chinese (Mandarin) with the teacher Crystal Teh.

775 Lessons

Crystal Teh

id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Chinese (Mandarin)

Passionate and Friendly Teacher. Lets Learn Language Together :) I have experienced teaching online since year 2019. I have taught students from all ages, varies from kids to adults. I have experienced teaching in kindergarten and daycare center.

USD 7.00/trial
Learn Chinese (Mandarin) with the teacher Russell_WU.

688 Lessons


id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Chinese (Mandarin)

I am a patient guy and full of passion to be a language tutor for you. i also have an experience to learn a second language, so l know your feelings when you have questions about grammar and vocabularies. I just want to tell you that everyone do have this process and what we can do is to keep study and practice again and again. My function for you may make your learning interesting and improve your overall mandarin capacity. Hope we can start chatting as soon as possible.

USD 5.00/trial
Available 00:00 Tomorrow
Learn Chinese (Mandarin) with the teacher Ruby.

510 Lessons


id verified
Community Tutor
SPEAKS :Chinese (Mandarin)
Chinese (Other)
Chinese (Cantonese)

Certified Mandarin teacher with Education & Business background 我对语言学习交流的热情萌芽于大学时代在北京教授同校留学生汉语的经历,随后的十多年海内外多行业职场打拼为我创造了各种与不同文化背景个体、团队交流的机会,极大地锻炼了我的沟通交流能力,而在加拿大学习和获取幼儿早期教育文凭的经历,更让我进一步积累了教授儿童英文和中文的经验和方法。 I have:  offline Mandarin tutoring experience with foreign students starting from the university period  offline Mandarin and English teaching experience with both kids and adults in Canada  3+ years of online Mandarin tutoring experience with both kids and adults who are from beginners, middle and advanced level learners, HSK test takers to business people  tailored courses in Fun Mandarin, Fun Characters, and Easy Conversation, and win the praises of all students

USD 7.00/trial
Your final payment will be made in USD

Frequently asked questions about online Chinese classes and tutors

Finding the right Chinese tutor for your needs is essential for achieving your language learning goals. On italki, you can easily search for tutors based on their availability, pricing, and expertise. You can also read reviews from other students who have worked with the tutor to see their experience and satisfaction level. When choosing a tutor, you should also consider their teaching style, level of experience, and their ability to cater to your specific learning needs. Some tutors specialize in teaching beginner learners, while others may focus on business Chinese or other specific areas. It’s essential to communicate with potential tutors before booking a class to discuss your goals and determine if their teaching style aligns with your learning preferences. With a bit of research and communication, you can find the right Chinese tutor to help you achieve your language learning goals.

The required materials or textbooks for online Chinese classes vary depending on the tutor and the specific course. Some tutors may provide their own materials and resources, while others may recommend certain textbooks or online resources for their students. Popular textbooks for learning Chinese include \”Integrated Chinese\” and \”New Practical Chinese Reader.\” Other resources such as online dictionaries, language learning apps, and audio resources can also be helpful for studying Chinese. It’s important to communicate with your tutor and ask about the required materials or recommended resources before beginning your online Chinese classes to ensure that you have everything you need to succeed in your studies.

To schedule online Chinese classes according to your availability, you can use italki’s scheduling system. Once you have selected a Chinese tutor, you can view their availability calendar and select a time slot that works for you. If the tutor has multiple time slots available, you can compare them and choose the one that best fits your schedule. It’s important to keep in mind the time zone differences, as your tutor may be located in a different part of the world. Once you have selected a time slot, you can confirm the booking and pay for the lesson. If you need to reschedule a class, you can do so through italki’s messaging system with your tutor. Overall, italki’s scheduling system is designed to be flexible and convenient, allowing you to easily schedule Chinese classes around your busy schedule.

The cost of online Chinese classes with a tutor on italki can vary depending on the tutor’s experience, qualifications, and availability. On average, the cost can range from $10 to $40 per hour. However, there are some tutors who charge more or less than this range. It’s important to keep in mind that the price of a tutor’s class doesn’t necessarily reflect their quality as a teacher. Some newer or less experienced tutors may offer lower prices to attract students, while some highly experienced tutors may charge higher prices due to their qualifications and reputation. Additionally, italki offers various payment options and packages that may help students save money on their classes.

In your first online Chinese class with a tutor on italki, you can expect to introduce yourself and discuss your language learning goals. Your tutor will likely evaluate your Chinese proficiency and ask you questions to assess your level. You may also practice some basic Chinese greetings and conversation. The tutor may use various teaching methods such as visual aids, audio recordings, and textbooks to guide your learning. Your tutor will likely provide feedback on your pronunciation and grammar to help you improve your Chinese skills. Depending on your interests and goals, your tutor may also suggest various learning resources and strategies to enhance your learning experience. It’s important to communicate with your tutor to establish clear goals and expectations to maximize the effectiveness of your online Chinese classes.

Ready to start learning Chinese today? Sign up now to find the perfect Chinese teacher for you and take your language skills to the next level!