Toshiyuki Katsube
Today is a relaxed and chill day. After breakfast, I did my morning routine; I cleaned up the bedroom and vacuumed the entire room. Usually, I start to work from home, but I’ve been on a long holiday, and I have no schedule to go out today. I will read books that I couldn’t read these hard days, studying sometimes.
May 6, 2022 12:03 AM
Corrections · 1
Today is a relaxed and chill day. After breakfast, I did my morning routine; I cleaned up my bedroom and vacuumed the entire room. Usually, I work from home, but I’ve been on a long holiday, and I have no plans to go out today. I will read books that I couldn’t read on hard days. I will study sometimes.
🙂 Nice composition as usual. Hard days = busy or difficult days?
May 7, 2022
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