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Lerne Japanisch online mit zertifizierten Lehrern und Muttersprachlern

Unsere Japanischlehrer und Tutoren sind erfahren und leidenschaftlich daran interessiert, den Schülern zu helfen, ihre Sprachkenntnisse zu verbessern. Egal, ob du Anfänger bist oder bereits fortgeschrittene Kenntnisse hast, unsere Plattform bietet dir eine flexible und bequeme Möglichkeit, von zu Hause aus zu lernen.

Lerne Japanisch mit dem Lehrer Akiko K.

1,009 Stunden

Akiko K

id verified
SPEAKS :Japanisch

I have taught Japanese to Australian university students, kids and adults while I was living in Australia, but I'm not a licensed teacher. I know how difficult it is to master a language. Now I'm fluent in English. I can share how I master the language with you.

USD 6.00/Probestunde
Lerne Japanisch mit dem Lehrer 肝付 のの.

825 Stunden

肝付 のの

id verified
SPEAKS :Japanisch

フィンランドへ1年間の留学経験がありIELTS7.0を所持しています。さまざまな国の文化を話すのが大好きです、一緒に日本語で話しましょう! 私はアルバイトとして高校生と小学生の家庭教師をしています。なので、私は勉強をするのも教えるのも大好きです。また、私は東京育ちなので基本的に標準語をしゃべります。そして、日本語についてなら文法でも敬語でも漢字でもなんでもみなさんにご協力できます。日本語について楽しく学びたいという方はぜひ一生に授業をしましょう! I’m tutoring for elementary school student and junior high school student, meaning I like teaching very ,much. Since I am from Tokyo, I speak normal Japanese without any accent or direct. I’m happy to talk about anything and I can help you with grammar, pronunciation, punctuation and anything else!

USD 7.00/Probestunde
Verfügbar 09:45 Morgen
Lerne Japanisch mit dem Lehrer Daisuke.

484 Stunden


id verified
Professionelle Lehrkraft
SPEAKS :Japanisch

I have certification as a Japanese teacher. I have completed the studies for the 420 hour Advanced Skills of Teaching Japanese Language Course. I will keep your motivation and teach you Japanese according to your goal. I am from Osaka but I can standard Japanese, because I lived in Tokyo for my job. I am a teacher for you, but I am a student as well. Let's study and have fun together! - My favorite things: language learning, traveling, music, anime, cafes, YouTube, etc 日本語教師の資格を持っています。 プロの日本語教師になるための420時間のコースを受けました。日本語学習のモチベーションを保ち、目標に合わせて日本語を教えます。 大阪出身ですが、仕事で東京に住んでいたので標準語で話せます。 教師ですが、生徒でもあります。 一緒に楽しく勉強しましょう! 好きなもの:語学、旅行、音楽、食べ物、アニメ、YouTube 等

USD 6.00/Probestunde
Lerne Japanisch mit dem Lehrer Makiko S.

1,235 Stunden

Makiko S

id verified
Professionelle Lehrkraft
SPEAKS :Japanisch

Your cheerful guide to Japanese literature / Tu guía alegre a Literatura japonesa / 陽気な日本文学案内人 Terminé la carrera de la enseñanza de japonés para los extranjeros y he enseñado en dos grupos voluntarios en Japón y he dado clases en varios sitios como academias, empresas o centros públicos aparte de las clases privadas en España. Soy una profesora capacitada a todos los niveles con el conocimiento como traductora sobre cultura japonesa, y abierta con paciencia a aclarar dudas. I completed Japanese Language Education in a degree course and taught in two voluntary language groups in Japan. I worked in academies, companies and public centers in Spain apart from 1 on 1 lessons. I am capable for all different levels and open to any doubts with patience.

USD 8.00/Probestunde
Lerne Japanisch mit dem Lehrer Miyu.

832 Stunden


id verified
SPEAKS :Japanisch

こんにちは 私の名前はミユです。 日本に住んでいます。 Hello! Nice to meet you, my name is Miyu. Do you want to have a fun time while learning Japanese? I am a native Japanese speaker living in Japan. みなさんの日本語の勉強を、私がお手伝いします。 My tutoring is focused on conversation skills. I would like to make you feel comfortable to listen and to have more confidence speaking Japanese. I will also help you with learning grammar, making sentences and understanding background Japanese culture through simple conversation, depending on your propose for learning Japanese. I will talk with you in Japanese appr

USD 5.00/Probestunde
Lerne Japanisch mit dem Lehrer Yuki.

1,656 Stunden


id verified
SPEAKS :Japanisch

Hello, my name is Yuki. I live in Kyoto, Japan. I like talking with people. Let's learn and practice Japanese together enjoyably!  一緒に楽しく日本語を勉強しましょう!

USD 7.00/Probestunde
Lerne Japanisch mit dem Lehrer Sachiko.

1,839 Stunden


id verified
Professionelle Lehrkraft
SPEAKS :Japanisch

I'm a qualified teacher who loves anime! Ally Since I was a university student, I have studied various languages such as Chinese, Korean. Therefore, I understand your difficulties in learning Japanese. I ’m a language learner too. English is a language that I have been studying for a long time. I respect people who can speak English or any other language that I have studied. I think it is hard to control your motivation, especially when you are learning a language that isn't much of an opportunity to use in a daily life. But the most important thing is enjoy learning. I will listen to your interests and do my best to include as much as possible in the teaching materials. So, please tell me a lot about yourself in the first lesson!

USD 9.00/Probestunde
Lerne Japanisch mit dem Lehrer Jack Takahashi Mao.

2,595 Stunden

Jack Takahashi Mao

id verified
Professionelle Lehrkraft
SPEAKS :Japanisch
Chinesisch (Mandarin)

Linguist, Medical Interpreter, TESOL Certified Chinese/Japanese/English Professional Teacher I hold two Masters degrees from the University of Colorado - Japanese Language and Civilization and Linguistics. The former provided me with extensive training in translation, interpretation, and literary analysis from both historical and modern perspectives. Linguistics offered me the theoretical and practical basis for teaching a foreign language. I am especially interested in applying phonetic and phonological strategies to classroom teaching in order to prepare students for a native-like pronunciation and intuition. I am a native Chinese Mandarin speaker with Japanese heritage. With the educational training mentioned above, I am capable of teaching both languages.

USD 10.00/Probestunde
Verfügbar 16:00 Morgen
Lerne Japanisch mit dem Lehrer Haru_JP.

2,284 Stunden


id verified
Professionelle Lehrkraft
SPEAKS :Japanisch

I'm a certified Japanese language teacher for foreigners. I may not accept your booking for 12 hours in advance. Because I can't so often check my italki's board. I'll do my best to teach you Japanese and I'm glad to help you improve your Japanese. Let's learn Japanese with me!! I'm looking forward to meeting with you!!

USD 6.00/Probestunde
Lerne Japanisch mit dem Lehrer Marco Antônio.

1,887 Stunden

Marco Antônio

id verified
SPEAKS :Japanisch

English: C1 - Japanese: N1 - Portuguese: Nativo de Minas Gerais, uai! I taught myself both English and Japanese, so I believe anyone can learn a language. The secret? Do it just a little bit every day. Do things that are fun for you. As a teacher I will share with you my knowledge, but as a fellow language learner, I will share my experience about learning. 英語も日本語も独学で覚えてきたから、誰でも外国語が話せるようになれると信じます。 秘訣はただ1つ:毎日少しでも頑張って、お楽しみに勉強することです。 先生として、知識を提供します。言語学習者同士として、自分の経験やコツを提供します。

USD 7.00/Probestunde
Verfügbar 11:30 Morgen
Lerne Japanisch mit dem Lehrer Chieko.

286 Stunden


id verified
Professionelle Lehrkraft
SPEAKS :Japanisch

I am a certified Japanese teacher. I passed the Teaching Competency after completing all the required training course of 420 hours. I have a master degree in Intercultural studies. I'm a friendly and patient teacher. 日本語教育能力試験に合格し, 420時間の日本語教師養成講座も終了しています。 「国際文化学」を大学院の修士課程で勉強しました。高校の教員免許も持っています。

USD 10.00/Probestunde
Lerne Japanisch mit dem Lehrer RIO in USA.

1,526 Stunden


id verified
Professionelle Lehrkraft
SPEAKS :Japanisch

A licensed teacher from Japan living in the US for 20 years 😊 Take action! Learn Japanese! I’m a very patient, encouraging, and dedicated licensed teacher from Japan living in the US for 20 years. I also completed the 420 Hour Advanced Japanese Teacher Training Course. I dearly hope to help students at all levels become masters of the Japanese language for both personal and professional reasons. Speaking a new language can be challenging and sometimes frustrating since many of us are shy about trying and are worried about making mistakes. I will help you get comfortable with speaking Japanese in a relaxed environment and make learning fun and enjoyable!

USD 8.00/Probestunde
Lerne Japanisch mit dem Lehrer Saori ..Wasabi Lover.

1,107 Stunden

Saori ..Wasabi Lover

id verified
Professionelle Lehrkraft
SPEAKS :Japanisch

I have an experience in tutoring Japanese when I was in Vietnam. The best way to learn a new language is to practice speaking and respect each other and treat my student as my children, we all learned our mother language from our parents with love. 【Lesson price notice】 every 250 lessons, price will increase.(1$) .Thank you for your understanding. I will put more effort for teaching!!

USD 30.00/Probestunde
Lerne Japanisch mit dem Lehrer AKI.

97 Stunden


id verified
SPEAKS :Japanisch
Chinesisch (Mandarin)

When I learn languages on italki, I use the method that I developed for myself. I believe this is fun and effective for students, so I would like to use this in my Japanese lessons. In my method, we use movies/animes with Japanese subtitles.

USD 5.00/Probestunde
Lerne Japanisch mit dem Lehrer Machiko.

899 Stunden


id verified
Professionelle Lehrkraft
SPEAKS :Japanisch

Qualified teacher with a master’s degree and solid teaching experience both in Japan and the UK I'm a qualified Japanese teacher completing the Postgraduate Certificate in Teaching Japanese as a Foreign Language course, passing the Japanese Language Teaching Competency Test, and earning a master's degree in Translation Studies at SOAS, University of London. So far, I’ve been involved in several linguistic projects like translation, localisation and annotation for NLP. I specialise in the area of connotation, implication, and nuance of words and sentences. I’ve been teaching Japanese to learners of various levels, first languages, and professional backgrounds. It's given me the chance to meet amazing people from all around the world. I’ve also learnt a lot from them. I love it! : )

USD 10.00/Probestunde
Lerne Japanisch mit dem Lehrer Hsiao yang(ショウヨウ).

690 Stunden

Hsiao yang(ショウヨウ)

id verified
SPEAKS :Japanisch
Chinesisch (Mandarin)

Over 2500 teaching sessions(超2500节授课).Japanese law doctoral degree(日本法学博士),JLPT expert(日语考试专家) 日语教学相关履历: 1,N1读解和文法满分。 2,我从2020年开始教学日语,期间在全平台上授课超过2500堂,学生人数超过120人,年龄层覆盖5-65岁。 3,我能很快的找到学生在学习上的不足,并提出可行的建议。上课风格以鼓励为主。 4,我个人最大的优势在于:用学术上习得的总结归纳方式和丰富的个人经历应用于课堂的教学。简化日语教学和丰富课堂内容。 5,我在日本有着丰富的经历,体验深度的日本生活。不论你有什么需求,我都可以提供客制化的课程。 日语教学成果 1,JLPT考试 N1,N2,N3等80%以上通过率。 2,留学面试之中,有同学拿到了,立教大学,名古屋大学,武蔵野美术大学等内诺。 3,工作面试之中,有同学拿到了,日本本田等内诺。 ★I have conducted over 2,500 lessons,utilizing Chinese, English, and Japanese to instruct both Chinese and Japanes courses. ★My areas of expertise encompass Japanese tea ceremonies, contemporary Chinese and Japanese history. ★私の最大の強みは、学術的に習得したまとめ方と豊富な個人的経験で授業の教育に応用することです。日本語教育を簡素化し、授業内容を豊かにします。 ★私は2020年から日本語を教え始めました。その間、全プラットフォームで2500コマ以上の授業を行い、学生数は120人を超えました。

USD 10.00/Probestunde
Lerne Japanisch mit dem Lehrer Yuko Ondrejka.

722 Stunden

Yuko Ondrejka

id verified
SPEAKS :Japanisch
Chinesisch (Mandarin)

Anime and Kendo, Japanese swordsmanship oriented experienced teacher from background of interpreter I believe that mastering both martial arts and language is a journey marked by trial and error. Teaching Japanese, especially to Europeans, presents unique challenges, but I thrive on making the process enjoyable. I focus on transforming complex grammar into engaging and understandable activities, ensuring that learning is fun at its core. My lessons blend language with elements of Japanese culture, including Anime and Kendo, creating a vibrant atmosphere that encourages fluency and cultural appreciation. Join me in exploring the beauty of the Japanese language and its rich culture through a dynamic and entertaining approach!

USD 5.00/Probestunde
Verfügbar 13:00 Morgen
Lerne Japanisch mit dem Lehrer Shoko.

1,811 Stunden


id verified
Professionelle Lehrkraft
SPEAKS :Japanisch

友達のように話せる講師❁An approachable teacher/話すための自然な日本語を教えられます! ◆2022年日本語教師の資格を取得しました。 ◆カナダ・アイルランド・ドイツで子供たちに日本語を教えたことがあります。 ・自然な日本語で会話する力を伸ばすレッスン ・教科書で勉強した文法を会話の中で練習するレッスン など、自然なコミュニケーションスキルを身に付けられます! 会話中心のレッスン・教科書を使ったレッスン・身の回りにあるものを使ったレッスンなど、学びたい日本語に合わせてレッスンをします。 ◆I have passed the Japanese Language Teaching Competency Test (JLTCT) in 2022 . ◆I have experience teaching Japanese to children in Canada, Ireland and Germany. I offer both lessons that will help you develop natural sounding Japanese that real Japanese people actually speak, as well as lessons to practice the grammar found in textbooks. This way you will not only learn to speak natural Japanese, but also understand it through practice of the grammar rules found in textbooks.

USD 7.00/Probestunde
Lerne Japanisch mit dem Lehrer Yukiko I..

620 Stunden

Yukiko I.

id verified
Professionelle Lehrkraft
SPEAKS :Japanisch

I have 2 official Japanese licenses. A native teacher from Tokyo. I also work on JLPT analysis. I have taught Japanese language learners online lessons. I would like to always think of a teaching method to suit your Japanese level. Additionally, I have made materials for passing the JLPT, I know about the JLPT very well. And I am also familiar with Japanese about Japanese travel and tourism businesses. I think vocabulary, grammar, and output are very important for learning Japanese. It's important to continue with fun, the same is true of learning Japanese. I would like to teach Japanese language aggressively.

USD 5.00/Probestunde
Lerne Japanisch mit dem Lehrer Aya.

740 Stunden


id verified
Professionelle Lehrkraft
SPEAKS :Japanisch

Travelling to Japan? Beginners welcome! CELTA certified trilingual teacher Teaching is my passion. I've taught in various institutions, online and offline. I have a lot of experience teaching beginner to intermediate students in Japanese and in English. I can help you improve your daily conversation skills and/or academic study.

USD 10.00/Probestunde
Ihre letzte Zahlung wird in US-Dollar getätigt

Hast du Fragen? Kein Problem!

Bei Italki legen wir großen Wert auf die Auswahl und Qualifikation unserer Japanischlehrer. Alle unsere Japanischlehrer sind Muttersprachler oder zertifizierte zweisprachige Sprecher von Japanisch. Sie haben einen strengen Bewerbungsprozess durchlaufen, der eine Bewertung ihrer Lehrerfahrung, Qualifikationen und Sprachkenntnisse beinhaltet.

Selbstverständlich! Bei Italki bieten wir dir die Möglichkeit, zwischen Einzelunterricht und Gruppenkursen zu wählen. Du kannst die Option wählen, die am besten zu deinen Lernpräferenzen und Zielen passt. Der Einzelunterricht ermöglicht dir individuelle Aufmerksamkeit und maßgeschneiderte Lerninhalte, während die Gruppenkurse dir die Möglichkeit bieten, mit anderen Lernenden zu interagieren und gemeinsam zu lernen.

Ja, unsere Japanischkurse sind für Anfänger geeignet. Egal, ob du noch keine Vorkenntnisse hast oder bereits erste Schritte im Japanischen gemacht hast, unsere Lehrkräfte passen den Unterricht an dein Sprachniveau an. In den Anfängerkursen legen wir besonderen Wert auf die Grundlagen der japanischen Sprache, einschließlich Grammatik, Vokabular und Aussprache.

Um deine Japanischkenntnisse zu verbessern, empfehlen wir dir regelmäßiges Üben und aktive Auseinandersetzung mit der Sprache. Neben dem Unterricht bei unseren qualifizierten Lehrkräften kannst du auch außerhalb des Unterrichts Japanisch üben, zum Beispiel durch Lesen von Büchern, Hören von Hörbüchern oder Musik auf Japanisch und aktive Konversation mit Muttersprachlern. Je mehr du dich mit der Sprache beschäftigst und sie im Alltag anwendest, desto schneller wirst du Fortschritte machen.

Ja, bei Italki kannst du Japanisch in deinem eigenen Tempo lernen. Unsere flexiblen Unterrichtszeiten ermöglichen es dir, deinen eigenen Stundenplan festzulegen und Unterrichtseinheiten zu buchen, die zu deinem Lernfortschritt und deiner Verfügbarkeit passen. Unsere Lehrkräfte passen den Unterricht an dein individuelles Tempo und deine Lernziele an, damit du in deinem eigenen Rhythmus lernen kannst. Wir glauben daran, dass jeder Lernende einzigartig ist und einen individuellen Ansatz für den Spracherwerb benötigt.

Bereit, wirklich Japanisch zu lernen? Mach den ersten Schritt und buche noch heute eine Probestunde mit einem unserer erfahrenen Japanischlehrer.

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