Ukrainischlehrkraft Katya


Professionelle Lehrkraft
Let's popularize the Ukrainian language together - one of the most beautiful languages in the world!
Aus UkraineLebt in Other, Türkei (16:39 UTC+03:00)
Über mich
italki-Lehrkraft seit 28. Jan 2020
Thema von InteresseKunstMusikEssen
Hi, my new friend! I'm Katya, and I'm happy to show the beauty of the Ukrainian language :) I'm open and like finding new friends and learning about cultures. If you like dancing or reading poetry, I'm here to talk about it forever :) I appreciate the rarity and unusualness of languages, countries, thoughts, and people. I hope you'll tell me much cool stuff about your culture! See you soon :)

Ukrainisch Unterrichtsstunden

69 Unterrichtsstunden abgeschlossen
USD 12.00+
Let's start! (basic steps in Ukrainian language)
A1 -  A2


427 Unterrichtsstunden abgeschlossen
USD 15.00+
Paket mit 10% Rabatt
Let's work hard! (for students who want to know more)
B1 -  B2


78 Unterrichtsstunden abgeschlossen
USD 15.00+
Paket mit 10% Rabatt
Let's talk more! (it's a course for advanced students, who are ready to discuss different topics)
C1 -  C2


72 Unterrichtsstunden abgeschlossen
USD 15.00+
Paket mit 10% Rabatt
Small Talk
B1 -  C2


3 Unterrichtsstunden abgeschlossen
USD 13.00+
Paket mit 10% Rabatt


Auf Grundlage Ihrer Zeitzone (UTC+00:00)

211 Bewertungen

Schüler/Schülerin Asya Davydova Lewis
Asya Davydova Lewis
30 Ukrainisch Unterrichtsstunden
Auswahl der Lehrkraft
Катя – абсолютно чудова вчителька! I have now been studying Ukrainian with Katya for three months, and I can say that I not only look forward to every lesson, but I’ve made significant progress. She has spoken Ukrainian her whole life and has a lot of insights into the intricacies of pronunciation and vocabulary, which is very helpful as a lot of people around me tend to mix Ukrainian and Russian. She often plans the lessons herself rather than relying on a textbook, which means that every lesson is custom tailored to my learning needs. She prioritizes my interests as a student so that we can practice talking about them, and she always uses Ukrainian to explain new words or concepts, which is so helpful for re-mapping my own inner voice to speak Ukrainian, which is amazing. My confidence in speaking has increased dramatically. I recommend Katya to all my friends and family, I feel very lucky to have found such a great teacher so early in my journey :)
29. Jan. 2024
Schüler/Schülerin Emilia Sotolongo
Emilia Sotolongo
5 Ukrainisch Unterrichtsstunden
Auswahl der Lehrkraft
Katya is an excellent teacher. She is very encouraging but also makes sure you are doing things correctly. It’s clear she has professional experience with teaching- her lessons are thoughtful, thorough and well structured. As a native English speaker, I am unaccustomed to making many sounds in the Ukrainian alphabet, but Katya is incredibly helpful in helping me hear the differences and guiding me on how to replicate them. I have seen people charge 3x as much for language tutoring locally for 1/2 the quality that Katya provides. I cannot recommend her enough!
26. Apr. 2022
Schüler/Schülerin Will
69 Ukrainisch Unterrichtsstunden
Auswahl der Lehrkraft
I can count on the fact that lessons with Katya will be pleasant and even relaxing - her calm and patient demeanor always puts me at ease. And besides that, she has a true talent for concisely explaining grammatical concepts that have long stumped me. I'm happy I am one of her students, and I'm very excited for the lessons ahead!
1. Juni 2020
Schüler/Schülerin Landon Silbert
Landon Silbert
14 Ukrainisch Unterrichtsstunden
After 13 lessons of learning Ukrainian with Катя, I can confidently say that the way Катя teaches the Ukrainian language and her encouragement is unmatched. The materials she provides are very helpful, and I wouldn’t be able to be where I am today without her help. I look forward to more lessons and working towards the ultimate goal of feeling comfortable while speaking the UA language😄.
13. Sep. 2024
Schüler/Schülerin Landon Silbert
Landon Silbert
14 Ukrainisch Unterrichtsstunden
Катя has a lot of patience and keeps the lessons interactive. Her lessons strike a balance between assisting the student and letting the student reflect on what has been taught to find a solution. Often, Катя will either write out the word in Ukrainian or will give hints and wait for it to be read aloud, which is helpful to boost speaking confidence. I always look forward to her lessons. Дякую Катя!
12. Juli 2024
Schüler/Schülerin Tina F
Tina F
8 Ukrainisch Unterrichtsstunden
Катя така добра, терпляча вчителька, завжди має цікаві теми для розмови :)
27. Okt. 2023
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