Spanischlehrkraft Nando Real

Nando Real

Professionelle Lehrkraft
I have an advanced teaching degree, Teaching online since 2016
Aus SpanienLebt in Valencia, Spanien (15:31 UTC+02:00)
Über mich
italki-Lehrkraft seit 3. May 2018
Thema von InteresseMusikEssenFilme
My name is Nando Real. I am from Spain and I have an advanced teaching degree. I am a good comunicator and very committed to my projects. I am a binge-documentaries-watcher which reflects my open-minded view of the world, and my eagerness to learn (and gives me lots of materials for my classes). I’m a self-taught guitarrist, composer and music producer, and my hobbies include photography and travelling.

Spanisch Unterrichtsstunden

51 Unterrichtsstunden abgeschlossen
USD 13.00+
Español General / General Spanish (A1-C2)" "Español Conversacional / Conversational Spanish (A1-C2)
A1 -  C1


1,222 Unterrichtsstunden abgeschlossen
USD 25.00
Paket mit 4% Rabatt
Lecciones gramática para principiantes A1/A2
A1 -  A2


25 Unterrichtsstunden abgeschlossen
USD 25.00
Paket mit 4% Rabatt
Preparación exámenes DELE A2-C1
A1 -  C1


102 Unterrichtsstunden abgeschlossen
USD 25.00
Paket mit 4% Rabatt
ALUMMNOS ANTERIORES AL 1 ENERO 2021 (regular students)
A1 -  C1


179 Unterrichtsstunden abgeschlossen
USD 24.00
Paket mit 4% Rabatt


Auf Grundlage Ihrer Zeitzone (UTC+00:00)

197 Bewertungen

Schüler/Schülerin Léonce
209 Spanisch Unterrichtsstunden
Auswahl der Lehrkraft
A Heartfelt Ode to My Esteemed Spanish Mentor 🌟 Over four years with Nando on iTalki, my Spanish journey has flourished under his expert guidance. 📚 Nando is more than a teacher; he’s a master of language, transforming my ability to speak Spanish with elegant precision. 🌱 His techniques are not merely effective—they are transformative, nurturing my ability to grasp and speak Spanish with a confidence I once thought beyond my reach. Engaging with Spanish culture now feels natural; from enjoying memes on Spanish subreddits to appreciating salsa music and video game narratives in Spanish like God of War and Halo. 🎮🕺 The path to fluency is long, unfolding poco a poco, akin to the growth of a mighty oak from a humble acorn, but every lesson with Nando adds a layer of knowledge and confidence, and mastery. Opting for Nando is, unequivocally, opting to succeed. To those yearning to enrich their lives, I extend this recommendation with the greatest enthusiasm. 🏆 Just do it! 💪
20. Juni 2024
Schüler/Schülerin Sarah
107 Spanisch Unterrichtsstunden
Auswahl der Lehrkraft
Llevo dos años tomando classes con Nando, y sigo disfrutando de las classes y aprendiendo cosas nuevas! Su manera de enseñar (en cada classe hablamos de un texto y un video sobre un tema differente) hace que aprenda mucho vocabulario y que exté expuesto a differentes formas de hablar y escribir. Te recommiendo que puebes una classe :)
1. Dez. 2023
Schüler/Schülerin evelyne
82 Spanisch Unterrichtsstunden
Auswahl der Lehrkraft
Je me rends compte que depuis plus d un an je peux converser sur tous les sujets grâce à la variété des thèmes abordés et du vocabulaire accumulé. Et toujours de façon amusante et en partageant nos expériences communes souvent hilarantes ! Viva Nando !
6. Nov. 2023
Schüler/Schülerin Bernhard
17 Spanisch Unterrichtsstunden
Nando is an outstanding teacher and I really enjoy our lessons. My conversational Spanish has improved dramatically since starting lessons with him and the topics are always interesting and thought provoking. Highly recommended!
18. Sep. 2024
Schüler/Schülerin Bob
18 Spanisch Unterrichtsstunden
Great lesson. The best teacher.
16. Sep. 2024
Schüler/Schülerin Joe Campbell
Joe Campbell
4 Spanisch Unterrichtsstunden
I have just started having classes with Nando and they are a lot of fun - we discuss contemporary topics with plenty of humour throughout which I really enjoy - I feel like I am learning a lot of vocabulary and colloquialisms which is great!
30. Aug. 2024
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