Rayssa França
I started to study English when I was very young, when I was 7 years old. But before that, I was already curious about the language, when I put the DVD of Barney and Friends in English subtitles and audio, for example. Even when my formal study of grammar was on pause, I believe that this early contact was instrumental in making my use of English sounds and structure much more natural! Now, I try to turn that interest into concrete language proficiency
5. Aug. 2022 19:51
Kommentare · 6
I loved your intro video! Parabéns
11. August 2022
Great experience 😁
16. August 2022
I started to study English when I was very young; I was seven years old. Before that, I was already curious about the language. For example, I put on the DVD of Barney and Friends with English subtitles and audio. *Even when my formal study of grammar was on pause, I believe that this early contact was instrumental in making my use of English sounds and structures much more natural.* Now, I try to turn that interest into concrete language proficiency. **note: this is a very formal sentence. I am unsure who your audience is. If speaking to friends of family, this vocabulary would be too advanced and formal. If written in an essay for a job or a university, it could be appropriate.** Please let me know if you have any questions! Message me anytime. Thank you! — Emily
6. August 2022
25. August 2022