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اعثر على أفضل معلم الألمانية لك.

اعثر على أفضل مدرّس الألمانية لك عبر الإنترنت: اختر من معلميك ذوي الخبرة عبر الإنترنت للغة الألمانية واحصل على أفضل تجربة تعلّم.

تعلم الألمانية مع المعلم Christoph.

1,929 دروس


id verified
مُعلم محترف
SPEAKS :الألمانية
ناطق أصلي

Native German teacher specialized in business German and test preparation. ✔ Feedback and homework assignment after every lesson. ✔ I'll correct your homework before the next lesson. ✔ You can listen to my Podcast to prepare for the next lesson. Listening to my Podcast will also help you to improve your listening comprehension. ✔ You'll get a list with mistakes you made during the lesson. ✔ You'll get vocabulary lists (with pronunciation examples) to make learning most efficient . ✔ You'll get corrected while you speak but you will also learn to get aware of your own mistakes. ✔ A very important part of the lessons is to get your pronunciation right so that native German speakers will understand you better.

USD 12.00/تجريبي
متاح 14:00 غدًا
تعلم الألمانية مع المعلم Thomas.

4,062 دروس


id verified
SPEAKS :الألمانية
ناطق أصلي

What I offer you as your German tutor: ✅ evaluation of your current level and goal setting with German ✅ conversation approach adjusted to your current knowledge - you will speak German from day 1 ✅ classes that focus on your needs and interests ✅ simple explanations on complex things to make it comprehensible 

✅ advice on general language learning and many resources to boost your learning curve ✅ learn German quickly, without pressure and frustration in a friendly atmosphere

USD 18.00/تجريبي
متاح 11:00 غدًا
تعلم الألمانية مع المعلم Christina Schultz.

1,289 دروس

Christina Schultz

id verified
SPEAKS :الألمانية
ناطق أصلي
ناطق أصلي
ناطق أصلي

Ein gutes Gespräch ist so viel mehr als nur Worte. Deutsch: Ich bin Autodidaktin und sehr diszipliniert und kreativ in meinen Lern- und Lehrmethoden. Ich lege Wert auf spielerisches Lernen und enge Zusammenarbeit zwischen mir als Tutorin und Dir als SchülerIn. Niveau: B2 ankommend - aufwärts. ENG: I am self-taught and very disciplined and creative in my learning and teaching methods. I value learning through play and close collaboration between me as a tutor and you as a student. Level: Arriving to B2 upwards. CAST Soy autodidacta y muy disciplinada y creativa en mis métodos de aprendizaje y enseñanza. Doy especial importancia al aprentizaje lúdico y la estrecha colaboración entre nosotras. De tutora a alumnx. Nivel: Llegando a B2 pa'rriba

USD 11.00/تجريبي
تعلم الألمانية مع المعلم Jonatan Krieg.

2,290 دروس

Jonatan Krieg

id verified
SPEAKS :الألمانية
ناطق أصلي
الصينية (المندرية)

I’m a firm believer in the principle of “learning by doing”. If you want to improve your German, you need to spend a lot of time using the German language, speaking it, hearing it, reading it, and writing it. That’s what I want to help you with. My lessons are all about you actively using the German language. I adjust my lessons to your level and your specific goals. I give you feedback about your pronunciation, your grammar, and your choice of words and tell you how to improve. I write down important things from the lesson in a document and send it to you. I offer conversation practice (free conversations or structured conversation praxis), textbook-based lessons, and test preparation.

USD 9.00/تجريبي
متاح 07:30 غدًا
تعلم الألمانية مع المعلم Linus Komnick.

2,476 دروس

Linus Komnick

id verified
مُعلم محترف
SPEAKS :الألمانية
ناطق أصلي

German teacher and influencer with over 6 years of teaching experience After trying out a great deal of methods and approaches as far as language learning, I started teaching on italki 5 years ago to pass on what I've learned through a lot of experimenting and language immersion. I have now lived in many different countries and each time immersed myself in the language and while this is a good approach, it is not enough on its own and its not a possibility for everyone. However, speaking to native people using video calls is possible for anyone. That's why I am happy to teach my native language on italki and pass on my knowledge.

USD 15.00/تجريبي
متاح 13:30 غدًا
تعلم الألمانية مع المعلم Lukas.

840 دروس


id verified
SPEAKS :الألمانية
ناطق أصلي

Here are some general lesson categories: - Conversational Lessons / Informal Tutoring - Musical German Education - Business German - Exam Preparation: Goethe Test / Telc / Test DaF / ... - Interview Prep. (specialized on IT) Hopefully our lessons will be something enjoyable you can integrate into each and every week of yours.

USD 19.00/تجريبي
متاح 01:00 غدًا
تعلم الألمانية مع المعلم Dominic.


id verified
SPEAKS :الألمانية
ناطق أصلي
ناطق أصلي

Learn German with Natural Conversations & Comprehensible Input I like to teach German through interesting conversations & dialogues. So, instead of going through grammar topics & speaking a lot of English, I will try to stick to mostly speaking German with you and I encourage you to speak and use as much German as possible as well. I might speak more slowly or explain words to you, but I will stick to German and only speak English if it's absolutely necessary. :) I am also by the way very happy to practice specific situations with you (buying a ticket at the train station, having a political discussion). Just let me know what you're looking to practice.

USD 6.99/تجريبي
تعلم الألمانية مع المعلم Nico Jacob.

2,808 دروس

Nico Jacob

id verified
مُعلم محترف
SPEAKS :الألمانية
ناطق أصلي
الصينية (المندرية)

I have taught German and English in several different circumstances. During my early internships in China I organized basic German and business level English trainings. In the German Chamber of Commerce, I was also involved in editing a yearly bi-language training brochure for special trainings in Shanghai. But I also taught English and German for a year in kindergarten, where I focused on fun in acquiring a new language. In Germany I mainly taught German privately, mainly focusing on the Testdaf-exam but also the German high school-diploma Abitur. Occasionally, I also prepared students for the TOEFL-Exam.

USD 17.00/تجريبي
متاح 12:45 غدًا
تعلم الألمانية مع المعلم Armin Zürcher.

2,474 دروس

Armin Zürcher

id verified
SPEAKS :الألمانية
ناطق أصلي
الألمانية السويسرية
ناطق أصلي

Ich begann mit dem Unterrichten von Hochdeutsch 2017 während eines Auslandssemesters. Als ich Italki entdeckte, spezialisierte ich mich auf Zürcherdeutsch und helfe seither Einwanderern bei ihrer Integration in der Schweiz. Das Level variiert dabei von Beginnern bis hinzu Fortgeschrittenen. Aus Mangel an guten Unterrichtsmaterialien habe ich im Verlauf der Jahre meinen eigenen Kurs mit einer Vielzahl verschiedener Übungstypen zusammengestellt. Ich biete auch weiterhin Unterricht in Hochdeutsch an und kann eventuell auch bei weiteren Schweizer Dialekten weiterhelfen.

USD 12.00/تجريبي
متاح 11:00 غدًا
تعلم الألمانية مع المعلم Susie Dachs.

348 دروس

Susie Dachs

id verified
مُعلم محترف
SPEAKS :الألمانية
ناطق أصلي

Certified Montessori Lead Teacher with over 18 years of educational experience I will engage my young students with child appropriate fun game/songs/stories & short videos ( w/subtitles). Most activities are set in English/German with some basic reading skills required. I may also speak entirely in German. My goals are for the children to become excited about their lesson and enjoy their time without even noticing that they are studying and learning a foreign language! I am customizing the lesson to my student's needs/desires/goals & available timetable. The curriculum will be totally tailored to ensure the most successful outcome and will be adjusted according to the student's accomplishments and abilities. I will gently guide/assist & patiently correct.

USD 30.00/تجريبي
تعلم الألمانية مع المعلم Theresa Späth.

905 دروس

Theresa Späth

id verified
SPEAKS :الألمانية
ناطق أصلي

Zertifizierte DAF Lehrkraft mit über vier Jahren Unterrichtserfahrung I am convinced that learning a new language in a natural way like children do, is the best and most efficient way to speak on a native level. You don't have to struggle with endless amounts of grammar exercises, studying grammar books or long lists of vocabulary in order to gain fluidity. Before children learn about grammar rules in school they are about 10 years and speak fluently. I have been tutoring children and teenagers for 10 years now and concentrating on conversations mostly as well as keeping them motivated is one of the most essential tools. Seeing my students making progress and achieving their goal within only a short time is an incredibly rewarding experience!

USD 24.00/تجريبي
متاح 11:00 غدًا
تعلم الألمانية مع المعلم Julia.

56 دروس


id verified
SPEAKS :الألمانية
ناطق أصلي

Certified German teacher with over 10 years of experience I'm a certified German teacher with lots of experiences: I can teach teenagers and adults, give conversation classes or prepare you for a language exam and interview. The most important for me is to personalize every course - I will adapt my lessons to your objectives and interests. We will have fun learning together but also advance fast. In addition to improving your language skills, you will also learn much about German politics and history. I welcome learners from any background but have gained most of my professional experiences in teaching to French- or English speaking people.

USD 40.00/الساعة
متاح 16:00 غدًا
تعلم الألمانية مع المعلم Ajar ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️.

5,209 دروس

Ajar ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

id verified
SPEAKS :الألمانية
ناطق أصلي
ناطق أصلي

Hyperpolyglot tutor speaking 9 Languages, passionate teacher and learner As a Teacher I have ✅ 5 years of teaching experience ✅ I use tons of materials such as books, audios, presentations, texts, image description ✅ I correct and write all your mistakes and new words ✅ I help with Grammar and daily conversations. ✅ I am a great listener ✅ I give optional homework and do great empfasis on practice ✅ I am very easy going and comunicative

USD 12.00/تجريبي
متاح 03:00 غدًا
تعلم الألمانية مع المعلم Deutsch mit Davi.

1,924 دروس

Deutsch mit Davi

id verified
مُعلم محترف
SPEAKS :الألمانية
ناطق أصلي
ناطق أصلي

Professionelle Deutsch-Lehrkraft mit über 1500 Stunden Erfahrung im Online-Unterricht! I went to university in Frankfurt Germany, where I was trained to be a professional teacher in German, Spanish, Italian and Physical Education. In a team I also coach teachers and organize nationwide events involving several schools in Latin America. - In Frankfurt wurde ich zum Lehrer in den Fächern Deutsch, Spanisch, Italienisch und Sport ausgebildet. Ich habe bereits auf verschiedenen Kontinenten und in unterschiedlichen Sprachen unterrichtet. Zudem coache ich Lehrer und organisiere in einem Team landesweite Veranstaltungen in Chile. - En Frankfurt me formé como profesor en alemán, español, italiano y deportes. Usar herramientas digitales para perfeccionar mi enseñanza es mi pasión.

USD 22.00/تجريبي
تعلم الألمانية مع المعلم Qin.

146 دروس


id verified
SPEAKS :الألمانية
الصينية (المندرية)
ناطق أصلي

亦师亦友,天天向上:) 在德国海德堡大学上学期间,我曾在当地的语言学校进行实习,教外国人学习德语。毕业后的业余时间里曾给想学习德语的中国学生上课,大多是一对一的私教。自2021年开始在线上教授德语,积攒了很多教学经验,也认识了很多可爱的学生们。

USD 15.00/تجريبي
متاح 11:00 غدًا
تعلم الألمانية مع المعلم Rod Zook.

1,452 دروس

Rod Zook

id verified
مُعلم محترف
SPEAKS :الألمانية
ناطق أصلي

Certified CELTA instructor with more than 20 years experience teaching in-person and online. If I have one regret in life, it is that I didn't start teaching earlier. It is a second career for me and I enjoy it very much. One of the best things is hearing and seeing people of all ages begin to gain confidence using one of the languages I love and enjoy teaching.

USD 15.00/تجريبي
تعلم الألمانية مع المعلم Angelina Wandelt.

5,551 دروس

Angelina Wandelt

id verified
SPEAKS :الألمانية
ناطق أصلي

Learn German with me in a fun and relaxed way I believe that learning a language should above all be fun. That's why I will always encourage my students to watch YouTube videos and movies, listen to music, and read books rather than buying textbooks. I'm a patient and friendly person and since I've spent many years learning languages myself I know how frustrating it can get at times I will always be encouraging. And watching somebody lose their fear of speaking German and making progress is honestly pretty amazing to witness!

USD 26.00/الساعة
تعلم الألمانية مع المعلم Maria.

8 دروس


id verified
SPEAKS :الألمانية
ناطق أصلي

As a teacher, I am very patient and understanding. I enjoy challenging my students and offering them valuable advice on various language learning methods. My lessons are fun and engaging, as I offer many topics that we can discuss. We can talk about traveling, life in Germany, culture shocks, recent events, studying, your interests, and much more. You will never get bored in my lessons! I am also a very friendly teacher :)

USD 8.00/تجريبي
تعلم الألمانية مع المعلم David.

779 دروس


id verified
مُعلم محترف
SPEAKS :الألمانية
ناطق أصلي
ناطق أصلي
ناطق أصلي

I am a certified Telc German Teacher. I can help you learn German and prepare for Goethe exams. My experience of teaching German has given me insight into the personality of many people. I am a successful German and English teacher and translator who enjoys the multicultural atmosphere of foreign language classes. As an experienced Instructor I am capable of simplifying the language learning process and explaining difficult language concepts.

USD 5.00/تجريبي
متاح 11:00 غدًا
تعلم الألمانية مع المعلم Ben Adam MRU/DE.

3,262 دروس

Ben Adam MRU/DE

id verified
مُعلم محترف
SPEAKS :الألمانية
ناطق أصلي
الكريولية الموريشية
ناطق أصلي
ناطق أصلي

Speak Fluently! Join German, English, & Mauritian Creole Lessons Focused on Real Conversation Skills As a language tutor, my role is to equip you with the right tools, methods, and techniques to master a new language. I'm here to support you anytime you have questions or need help with language challenges. However, I expect my students to be disciplined, work hard, and actively use the tools provided. I'll guide you every step of the way toward your language goals. I also bring a sense of humor to our lessons because I believe learning should be fun and you should feel comfortable speaking with me. Let's make your language journey successful together!

USD 15.00/تجريبي
متاح 14:00 غدًا
سوف يتم إجراء دفعتك المالية الأخيرة بالدولار الأمريكي