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اعثر على أفضل معلم الفرنسية لك.

اعثر على أفضل مدرّس الفرنسية لك عبر الإنترنت: اختر من معلميك ذوي الخبرة عبر الإنترنت للغة الفرنسية واحصل على أفضل تجربة تعلّم.

تعلم الفرنسية مع المعلم Yannick.

122 دروس


id verified
SPEAKS :الفرنسية
ناطق أصلي

J'aime communiquer avec les gens et j'aime toujours expliquer et aider les autres à apprendre une langue. Pour tout enseignant, le plus important est la compréhension et la patience. Je peux enseigner aussi bien aux enfants qu'aux adultes. La méthode d'enseignement dépend toujours de la personne et les objectifs sont toujours différents. Я люблю общение с людьми и мне нравится всегда объяснить и помогать другим выучить язык . Для любого учителя самое главное это понимание и терпение . я могу преподавать и детям и взрослым. метод преподавания всегда зависит от человека иак как цели всегда бывают разными .

USD 6.00/تجريبي
متاح 19:30 اليوم
تعلم الفرنسية مع المعلم Philippe.

129 دروس


id verified
SPEAKS :الفرنسية
ناطق أصلي

Juriste francophone ayant remporté et participé a plusieurs concours d'éloquence. Je conçois la langue comme le véhicule de culture et de valeurs au delà des mots et des expressions. Apprendre le français, c'est aussi, en plus de maitriser les mots, embrasser l'histoire et la culture de différents peuples. Ce que je propose donc est un voyage avec plusieurs destinations dans différentes cultures.

USD 5.00/تجريبي
متاح 09:00 غدًا
تعلم الفرنسية مع المعلم Vincent.

1,118 دروس


id verified
SPEAKS :الفرنسية
ناطق أصلي

Je pense être quelqu'un de bienveillant en général et j'appliquerai cela comme professeur. Toutefois je sais me montrer exigeant tout en restant bienveillant dans le but de te faire progresser ;)

USD 6.50/تجريبي
تعلم الفرنسية مع المعلم Océane LUGUERN.

24 دروس


id verified
مُعلم محترف
SPEAKS :الفرنسية
ناطق أصلي

Professeur certifiée en FLE avec dix ans d'expérience J’ai obtenu un master 2 en FLE (Français langue étrangère) à l’université de la Sorbonne en 2019 et je n’ai cessé d’enseigner depuis. Mon mémoire portait sur l’aspect biographique d’une langue ; en cela, au-delà de l’aspect communicatif d’une langue, je suis convaincue de l’importance de celle-ci dans la construction de notre identité. J’ai enseigné dans des contextes variés : associations, collèges et lycées, académies de langue, alliance française, centres civiques, cours particuliers. Ceux-ci m’ont amenée à me renouveler dans mes méthodes d’enseignement, chaque fois en fonction des besoins des apprenants, enfants comme adultes.

USD 15.00/تجريبي
متاح 12:00 غدًا
تعلم الفرنسية مع المعلم David.

81 دروس


id verified
SPEAKS :الفرنسية
ناطق أصلي

Tuteur communautaire ingénieur dans l'industrie à l'international Je ne dispose d'aucun diplôme d'enseignement, aussi je mets mes services à disposition en tant que tuteur. Je ne suis pas apte à aider les personnes ne parlant pas du tout le français. Je privilégie les personnes disposant déjà d'un niveau de français déjà suffisamment avancé pour pouvoir dialoguer avec elles, et les aider dans l'évolution de la conversation et la prononciation.

USD 15.00/الساعة
متاح 08:00 غدًا
تعلم الفرنسية مع المعلم Jonathan Figaro.

1 دروس

Jonathan Figaro

id verified
SPEAKS :الفرنسية
ناطق أصلي
الصينية (المندرية)

I have decided to become a teacher to help people and make a difference in this modern society. I have found teaching to be one of the most rewarding profession, as I can endow my students with the knowledge, skills and competences they are longing to obtain.

USD 5.00/تجريبي
تعلم الفرنسية مع المعلم camille delbart.

2,470 دروس

camille delbart

id verified
SPEAKS :الفرنسية
ناطق أصلي

Whether in English or Japanese, I learned a lot and I’m still learning through my exchanges with the local population. That's why I want to help you learn French! I can teach adults at intermediate or advanced levels, in a personalized and fun way!

USD 6.00/تجريبي
تعلم الفرنسية مع المعلم Maud.


id verified
SPEAKS :الفرنسية
ناطق أصلي

🗣️ Let's practice French together! - Pratiquons le français ensemble ! J'aide et accompagne mes élèves dans leur apprentissage de la langue en les y plongeant. A l'écoute, je sais m'adapter et suis ouverte aux changements de méthode selon le caractère et les envies de mes élèves. Je privilégie l'oral et la pratique de la langue pendant le cours, et recommande des exercices à faire pour ceux qui le peuvent afin d'emmagasiner la grammaire et le vocabulaire appris ensemble.

USD 6.00/تجريبي
تعلم الفرنسية مع المعلم Grace.

4,025 دروس


id verified
SPEAKS :الفرنسية
ناطق أصلي
الصينية (المندرية)

I'll get you from 0 to CONVERSATIONAL in a short period of time. I have a lot of experience learning languages. My goal, when I start learning any language is to get to a conversational level as soon as possible so that learning can become automatic (through talking with native speakers, watching authentic videos, and learning from authentic materials). I use the SAME METHOD that I use to LEARN to TEACH my students.

USD 70.00/تجريبي
تعلم الفرنسية مع المعلم Lucas Coffy DELF.

6,015 دروس

Lucas Coffy DELF

id verified
مُعلم محترف
SPEAKS :الفرنسية
ناطق أصلي

Bonjour! I'm a native certified professional teacher of French. I have almost 10 years of experience teaching adults, online and in different countries (France, Argentina, Brazil and Ecuador). I help students learn and improve reading, listening, conversation, writing, grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation and help prepare for exams My students and I enjoy discussing topics in art, culture, literature, technology, economics, science, history, work, education, lifestyle, politics... I’m a student of languages myself, and currently studying German.

USD 5.00/تجريبي
متاح 13:00 غدًا
تعلم الفرنسية مع المعلم Mindy Poulin.

2,532 دروس

Mindy Poulin

id verified
مُعلم محترف
SPEAKS :الفرنسية
ناطق أصلي
الكريولية الهايتية

Professional English, French and Nepali teacher for over 10 years! I am a motivational certified ESL teacher. I have been a Professional Teacher since September 2011. I have taught children and adults.

USD 14.50/تجريبي
تعلم الفرنسية مع المعلم Auriane.

533 دروس


id verified
SPEAKS :الفرنسية
ناطق أصلي

Hi everyone ! Have fun learning French with me :) I consider myself quite fun and light-hearted. I love to talk, but I also love to listen ! I'm a very patient person. I want my students to express themselves as much as possible. The most important for me is to TRY ! I do not care if you make mistakes, and I do not care if you don't understand the first time. I've had multiple experiences with terrible teachers, and I know how frustrating it can be when they don't meet your expectations. I really want to adapt to every student. Do not be afraid to tell me exactly what you need and how you want me to function.

USD 7.89/تجريبي
تعلم الفرنسية مع المعلم Alexandre Gor.

2,126 دروس

Alexandre Gor

id verified
مُعلم محترف
SPEAKS :الفرنسية
ناطق أصلي

Я работаю как преподаватель французского языка более 25 лет. Я постоянно интересуюсь новыми методиками и учебниками. С учениками я стараюсь подобрать те методики, которые больше подойдут для того времени, которое вы можете уделить обучению и которые вам интересны с точки зрения материала, действующих лиц и необходимого для вас объёма материала.

USD 7.00/تجريبي
متاح 08:00 غدًا
تعلم الفرنسية مع المعلم David Alexander.

1,011 دروس

David Alexander

id verified
مُعلم محترف
SPEAKS :الفرنسية
ناطق أصلي

I discovered teaching when I was 23 years old and I've been doing it for more than ten years. I've taught in Asia, the Middle East, America, and Europe. I'm in love with the process of giving myself fully to the student and to the world. I've won many teaching awards including Teacher of the Year in an American high school and I've been featured in many training videos around the world. Students love how lively I am in the classroom. My passion is contagious and it creates an electric and dynamic atmosphere. I believe that we should train the mind to go further and learning a new language is a great way to do this. I know how to get results while making the learning experience memorable.

USD 45.00/تجريبي
تعلم الفرنسية مع المعلم Léa.

702 دروس


id verified
مُعلم محترف
SPEAKS :الفرنسية
ناطق أصلي

Je suis professeur de français professionnelle depuis plus de 10 ans. Titulaire d'une licence d'anglais, d'un master 2 en linguistique et didactique du Français Langue Etrangère ( FLE) et examinatrice officielle DELF DALF. J'ai enseigné en France, en Argentine, en Chine et finalement en Espagne (Catalogne/ Barcelone) . J'ai enseigné le français général, le FOS, la préparation aux examens officiels, ai monté des ateliers de théâtre en français...etc. J'enseigne tout public (enfants, adolescents, étudiants, adultes) et dans différentes institutions ou formats ( école, Alliance Française, Université, cours en entreprise, cours particuliers...).

USD 15.00/تجريبي
تعلم الفرنسية مع المعلم Jerome.

1,560 دروس


id verified
مُعلم محترف
SPEAKS :الفرنسية
ناطق أصلي

Certified native French teacher with 10+ years of experience I am a qualified language teacher (DAEFLE: diploma in teaching French as a foreign language + Master in Linguistics with honors, TEFL: Teaching English as a Foreign Language) and an experienced linguist. I have been teaching both French and English for the last 10 years: primary/high schools, language institutes, and universities. I have taught all ages, levels, and nationalities giving chat sessions, test preparations, business classes and a lot more. I always try to make my classes as fun and interesting as useful!

USD 15.00/تجريبي
تعلم الفرنسية مع المعلم Hugo | Accent Coach.

334 دروس

Hugo | Accent Coach

id verified
SPEAKS :الفرنسية
ناطق أصلي

French & Portuguese | TEFL-certified Teacher 🔥To touch the mind we must first touch the heart🔥 I focus on the way Brazilian Portuguese is spoken since it is what most students lack. They may learn to read and write but often speak with difficulty or struggle to understand the Cariocas, when they come to Rio. For this reason, I will make you work hard on speaking Brazilian Portuguese with the right pronunciation and intonation ! I teach proper language as well as slang, and I use music, videos and articles to help you reach your goals.

USD 9.00/تجريبي
تعلم الفرنسية مع المعلم Sabrina.

938 دروس


id verified
مُعلم محترف
SPEAKS :الفرنسية
ناطق أصلي

I have been teaching languages since the age of 19 and have a lot of experience dealing with different types of people. I do have a lot of material prepared and I make it available to my students via email, Skype and WhatsApp. I am very organized, but the three decades of teaching experience allows me to 'go with the flow' if needs be.

USD 10.00/تجريبي
تعلم الفرنسية مع المعلم Shervin Le Du.

395 دروس

Shervin Le Du

id verified
SPEAKS :الفرنسية
ناطق أصلي

Learning languages is a passionating way to connect with new persons and discover new cultures. From my experience, the best way to acquire languages is through conversations with native speakers. I am very attentive, and will guide you patiently through your journey into French language.

USD 18.00/تجريبي
تعلم الفرنسية مع المعلم Benji Baqué.

14.3k دروس

Benji Baqué

id verified
مُعلم محترف
SPEAKS :الفرنسية
ناطق أصلي

Plus de 14 000 leçons données : rejoignez les 1 400 élèves qui parlent français avec confiance ! Experienced online French teacher with 14,000+ lessons taught. Teaching A2 to C2 levels to teenagers and adults. He is also a professional roleplay game master for students who want to practice their French in a more fun and imaginative environment. Students find Benji's teaching enjoyable and professional. Favorite French comedian? Haroun! Best movie? Les Tribulations d'un Chinois en Chine. Favorite artist? Julien Doré. Recommendation for a French-language channel? Arte! It offers a rich variety of cultural content, documentaries, films, and more.

USD 15.00/تجريبي
متاح 05:30 غدًا
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